Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Just found out this is coming to HBO in 2022


Taika also directed.

100 percent in. :pimp:
Can't complain due to the convenience but if studios want to do similar box office numbers like Spiderman did, they have to release it only in theaters.

I don't see the new Matrix putting up numbers at the box office

I think the new James Bond did it right. Theater release only then two months later make it available to stream on demand
So speaking of movies that we watched but havent discussed, anyone watch Bo Burnham's Inside special? I watched last week and was blown away. I think he nailed everything he was aiming for, and the songs were ******* incredible. I had been wondering where the Jeffery Bezos songs came from, now I know and I love it :lol: Really fantastic special and something i think will be revisited a lot in the future.

On a scale rating: 7/8.

Highlights are Bezos 1 and 2, Welcome to the Internet, White Woman's Instagram. The entire special was phenomenal though.
Just got out of theater for Matrix......less than 10 people in there. :lol:

It was decent. Not great, but prolly better than Revolutions.

I felt some typea way about Fishburne not bein back.....but I'm hopeful they saving him for 5. (Which is inevitable)

It was good to see Neo/Trinity back. Certainly not the same as 20 years ago, but they still did work.

Liked blue hair/Iron Fist girl. And Black Manta gave a decent try at Morpheus.

My rankings:
I now get why someone would think comparing the new matrix to the last Jedi was a complement
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First off the pacing of this was insane. Its not just picking up right off Far From Home but the murder charge and the introduction of Matt Murdoch was done in under 15 min. Just to get rejected from every college :lol: Just go to Empire State.

:rofl: @ Flash's Flashpoint book.

This boy Pete is at Strange's door in under 20 min. Add in the fact that there's no time wasted on building up a villain's origin I can see why ppl say its filled with fan service. Which is a great thing.

Osborn's "See you again" to May :smh:

🔥 :rofl: @ Strange with the "If they die they die."

Gotta say, this story is quintessential Peter Parker. Only he could take one big problem and turn the solution in to a bigger problem and then have a moral dilemma about the solution, fall out with the guy providing the solution, and then bring a bunch of crazed villains to his house to fix them to maybe avoid them dying. Just to save most of them to have May die in exchange. Then to solve the biggest problem Peter has to Its A Wonderful Life himself :smh:

I felt like Strange should've said during their fight something like "If you actually change their fate, you'll only doom yours. " Cuz you know that's basically a karma thing with fate and preventing death. Somebody else usually ends up dying.

:rofl: @ the COMPLETELY different Electro. Jamie Foxx low-key just playing playing Jamie Foxx from the Jamie Foxx show. Dude is like an advantageous criminal instead of the nerdy shut-in science guy. Felt like he could've been a part of the Vulture's crew. Its sad cuz if he was like this in ASM the movie would've been waaaaaaaay better.

No redemption for Lizard though. Still lame. Also I don't get Sandman's motives at all. He starts off helping Spidey then GG and Electro talking somehow convinced him to go bad again after the clearly stated plan of curing them and seeing it work with Otto? I fear rewatching SM3 just to check if he was that wishy washy of a villain cuz he of course kept bringing up his daughter.

GG taking all those Spidey punches like a boss :wow:

At least May didn't get impaled by the glider. I'm not even sure what killed her, the glider hit her from behind or the explosion Peter diverted :nerd:

The Jameson usage in this was so on point and so ****** up :lol:

Strange being gone for that long let alone 12 hours makes no sense. No reason geometry could stop Strange like that. Also since when are webs lasting 12 hours? **** seems like if Ned didn't open that portal he would've never returned :lol:

My crowd got loud for Andrew but they got louder and somehow more surprised for Tobey :lol: I'm like these idiots thought only one would show up? Or did they think Tom Spidey would've shown up the second time?

Statue of liberty holding up the shield instead of the torch is lame. I thought it'd be torch in one hand and ditch the tablet for the shield.

Real tears for the sadboy story time session 😥

Final fight was great. The look of the location reminded me of the end of Spider-Man 2 and the end of X-Men.

William Dafoe has made it so nobody else should every play Norman Osborn. Like I can't see how the MCU or even Sony tries to bring Norman Osborn back in to any movie as an actual character (not no deathbed lame like in ASM2).

This ending is super sad. Next trilogy should have a new supporting cast; Randy Robertson, Felicia Hardy, Norah Winters, Glory Grant, etc. Set it at Empire State University.

The mid credit was mid but if you accept Venom/Brock as pure comic relief he is funny. Found him more humorous than Deadpool.

The Multiverse of Madness trailer was great. Expect mind boggling excellence. Also it needs mentioning that this Sam Raimi in his bag.

Anyway great movie. Great way to end this trilogy. Best of all the three. Gonna rewatch a few more times for sure.
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