Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T


Man...that was fun. When you do a 25th film, there's gonna be some reusing of materials but this honestly didn't feel like that. It was fresh, probably because we knew coming in, for the first time, there is no tomorrow. :frown:
Bond ALWAYS lives. There's ALWAYS more.....and then there wasn't. And I won't lie, it hit me pretty good.
It's a beautiful film, as usual, it has insanely hot women, incredible action shots, great nods to the books like "we have all the time in the world" but this time it added power. Hurt. Loss. I think the reason Casino Royale hit so well was the loss of Vespar. The "turn" of Bond. The thing that changed who he was and would be. This brought that back. I think Royale was better because it was first, because it was bold and new and Craig was so different from the Brosnan corny jokes franchise after Goldeneye. But this was a tremendous "5th" film. Everyone nailed their roles. Malek was creepy as hell. Smart and menacing and crazy, yet real enough to spare a child, twice. (Tho kinda of a trap the 2nd)
Moneypenny, M and Q we're real(er) this time, they all knew the stakes. It showed. They truly respected Bond even tho he was thought of as the rogue rule breaker.
Felix..... :frown: Such a hard scene to watch man. I loved how M was even affected by it.
Bond's girl is fine as hell. My goodness she's fun to look at and she was terrific.

Ana de Armas........my God. She is unbelievable and God I hate Ben Affleck. JLo, Jen Garner and Ana. Not even counting the dozens of randoms he's gone thru, those are some elite talents he's pulled. :smh:
She was spectacular and I prayed she'd get another scene later, but oh well.

The whole end scenes I was picturing a Nintendo 64 video game of this, every shot, every faceless villain they even used proximity mines!!!!! :lol:

I'm very curious where they go next. Female Bond? A different nationality? Someone in the theater said he wished they'd change eras and do a 50's style instead of current day. (That would be interesting honestly) I heard Robert Pattinson mentioned. Edris of course, Tom Hardy etc etc. But Craig came out of nowhere, I'm sure they'll pick a solid choice.
But what now? Rehash Spectre? Go back to the beginning, again?
I know Connery is the OG, but the Craig 5 nailed both M's, Moneypenny, Felix, Vespar, Madeline with villains being Javier Bardem, Malek, Waltz, and Mads..... :pimp: :pimp:
That is a SERIOUS resume. People need to put respect on the work they did.
Casino Royale
No Time to Die

darthska darthska mentioned the other day he never watched a single one, well, you have, just with other names. EVERY spy-action-cool dude comes from James Bond. Jason Bourne, John Wick, Indiana Jones, Fast and the Furious, Taken, all of em, they all originate from this character. 60+ years, 25 films.

Watched signs; 4.5/5. Man, it was great. Usually kids in disaster movies can be annoying but those kids were amazing. The little miss sunshine girl and i never knew makully culkin had a brother.

i should have watched signs before scary movie 3 back in the day. I’m fond of m. Night. I’ve liked unbreakable, split, glass, sixth sense, stuart little, and now signs. Maybe it’ll be downhill from here after i watch his other films, but i can’t wait to see old.
Was looking at Rory Culkin (the one in Signs) IMDB page and saw he was in a movie that also starred Val Kilmer’s son, as well as Bill and Alexander Skarsgaard’s younger brother.
Was looking at Rory Culkin (the one in Signs) IMDB page and saw he was in a movie that also starred Val Kilmer’s son, as well as Bill and Alexander Skarsgaard’s younger brother.

In Scream 4 I was staring at his face like where do I recognize this dude from, but nope it’s just the Culkin face I recognized. :lol:

Go in expecting a horror comedy instead of a straight horror and you should enjoy it.
I was PLEASANTLY surprised when the 3rd act got underway. I knew things were going off the rails as soon as the chase happened. Then the weird *** hospital/orphanage scene. God, I still wasnt expecting the 3rd act but it was sooo ******* great.
Don’t understand how anybody thinks Signs is good, these aliens really gonna try to take over a planet that’s 71% water, their only weakness?

For me, the rest of it was good enough that the “twist” at the end - as dumb as it is - doesn’t ruin the movie.
For me, the rest of it was good enough that the “twist” at the end - as dumb as it is - doesn’t ruin the movie.
Signs is mostly a movie about a family’s crisis of faith and recovery from their grief after a tragic loss. The whole alien invasion angle is basically window dressing for me so the twist at the end didn’t ruin anything.

Signs is mostly a movie about a family’s crisis of faith and recovery from their grief after a tragic loss. The whole alien invasion angle is basically window dressing for me so the twist at the end didn’t ruin anything.


Just watched Apocalypse Now, 4/5. It was wild. Felt like a documentary. It lived up to the hype. I felt dread following along their mission. Duvall/Sheen were A1 in that. I realized how influential this film was since there's several quotes I've heard from the film, Nam war originator, and songs I like that sample the film.

Now I gotta check out the Apocalypse Now Doc.
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