Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Just make your pick and ask questions later. If Master Zik Master Zik can take wolf of wall street for comedy then you should be good unless you're way out of pocket :lol:
I’m also not sure CP is the one who should be answering questions like that. Seems like kind of a conflict of interest. Just saying....

Of course, that said, I’m sure he’ll answer the question 100 percent genuinely with no consideration of self-interest at all...
With my second-round pick, I select:

The Town (2010) for ‘Action’


I think there are plenty of scenes where you can classify this as ‘Action’, and I’m even going to be leaning on an IMDB classification for my argument:


Thank you! I’ll see you again, this side or the other.
Damn! I was stashing The Town and was actually wondering if it would fit in action. Welp. Good pick.

You think you're the only guy in Chahhlestown with a gun?
I’m also not sure CP is the one who should be answering questions like that. Seems like kind of a conflict of interest. Just saying....

Of course, that said, I’m sure he’ll answer the question 100 percent genuinely with no consideration of self-interest at all...

I just gave away John Wick, and let The Town go, both high on my list. I wouldn't stiff anybody. I'm not that person, never have been. I'm just good at organizing, so I help run these mocks (and others) when we all agree to do them. We're not playin for house payments or anything, I'm not tryin to get over on anybody.
With Round 2, I select what is in my opinion the best film of this respective category, which I know will be gone shortly. As other genres have greater depth, I'm making a reach for a less renowned genre, with a film that nevertheless made shockwaves when it landed.

R.2 P.2:

Black Panther

Interesting jpzx jpzx when I was thinking of The Town it was crime or drama I was considering.

I usually just google the movie and read how its described. That more times than not tells you all of the genre's it fan fit in.
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Master Zik Master Zik I think of those two first, but because The Town is sort of wide ranging, I’m saving one of those two categories you mentioned for another time.
I know I’m in the minority but I didn’t enjoy The Master. Still has some incredible performances from Hoffman, Phoenix, and Adams though.
With my 2nd pick, I select -



My choice for the best American movie of the decade. Also my favorite performance of the decade :pimp:

I HATE waiting just to see you guys take my picks :smh:

Such an amazing movie. Breathtaking. Tied for my favorite PTA movie. My favorite Joaquin movie.

Great pick
With Round 2, I select what is in my opinion the best film of this respective category, which I know will be gone shortly. As other genres have greater depth, I'm making a reach for a less renowned genre, with a film that nevertheless made shockwaves when it landed.

R.2 P.2:

Black Panther


I was going back and forth between this and Logan. Didn't want to say that when I made the pick.

You guys are killing me taking all my sleepers, heavy hitters, and genre crossers. We playing prison rules I see.


To answer your Joker question C CP1708 i was thinking about that for most of the movie. 1 I was actually first wondering if we were watching a linear timeline, because his first meeting with we see with the psych, she brings up the time he was in the hospital before. Then we see a clip of him banging his head against a wall and he tells her he has no idea why they made him go to the hospital before. Then we don’t really see any institutionalizing behavior from him until he commits those first murders.

2. my first reaction to the whole Murray show appearance was that it was 100% a delusion. Everything about that shot was just so perfect and brightly lit. His entrance made him seem like all the delusions he’d fantasized about earlier. From when he as playing with the gun in his moms house “Hey you’re a good dancer. I know. But he’s not.....BAM!” And he accidentally shoots the wall. That’s a lot like his murray show act. he enters the stage all calm and cool and has this majestic dance. Whole scene seemed like he made it all up in his head and I was waiting for the real version to set in. Never happened.

So to answer your question, I could possibly see that as an angle, but I think they would have revealed it straight up like they revealed his other delusions about the girl not being there. That would be a GREAT spin on things though, and I wish they would have made it more clear if that’s what they were going for. Don’t know if the director is that clever or not, but he’s get mad props from me if that was his thing.
With my second round pick in the All Decade movie draft.

kingkoopa kingkoopa selects Prisoners at the Drama position.


Such an underrated movie.

The performances in here were great by all but Jake Gyllenhaal stole the show for me.

This was my next pick :lol:

Great flick. Gloomy as hell, but one of my favorites of the decade.
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