Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Is it that good?

Is it some wikileaks/anonymous type show?

I really enjoy it, it's not like anything on TV right now and is a breathe of fresh air. It's like an Anonymous type show definitely, but it's more based on anxiety and the characters views on the world around him.

I did.
The lead is likeable AF.
Show is too dope.
Thanks G

Thoughts: USA did this? Landed this? How?

I asked the same thing, USA hasn't pulled anything like this ever.. it's really different from their vanilla programming.
Something I'm not clear on though.

E Corp being called Evil Corp is just a figment in his imagination right.

I mean, he said early on in the episode that he "imagines them being called 'evil corp' every time he sees the commercials or hears the ads", yet it was on the poster, it said evil corp, and the guy who flew him out to Dallas on the jet called it Evil Corp as well. This is just what he hears in his mind, right? Or it's really called Evil Corp.
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I believe we're supposed to be viewing the show through Elliot's eyes, so whenever someone says E-Corp, he hears Evil Corp so in turn that's what we hear.

From reddit:

Elliot specifically states that he reprogrammed himself to see 'E Corp' as 'Evil Corp.'
When he mentions it, you actually see the logo morph.
Sequence/explanation starts at 17:40.
"... the E might as well stand for Evil. In fact after a thorough, intensive self-reprogramming, that's all my mind sees, hears, or reads, when they pop up in my world."
So, like Fight Club, we are seeing the world through the main character. His delusions, hallucinations, etc, are what we experience.
At 18:00 we see the end of the commercial for E Corp. The female voice narrating the commercial on the TV says "... E Corp..." as the logo "E Corp" comes on a black screen. Elliot's own narration falls over the female's, saying "Evil Corp" - and the screen bugs out: "E Corp" becomes "Evil Corp."
The director is letting us know that how we see the world, is how Elliot perceives the world, which is not how it actually is.
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This season of True Detective was so damn awful. Can't believe I even watched the whole season. T E R R I B L E
I thought S2 was great, I think people were just getting confused with what was happening.

I think the week to week wait hurt momentum, I suspect people that marathon it will enjoy it much better. Similar to The Americans. I couldn't do that show week after week, but watch a season in 3-4 days, greatness.

If you got all 8 eps Noskey, give them a weekend.
This season of True Detective was so damn awful. Can't believe I even watched the whole season. T E R R I B L E

No it wasn't awful. You just weren't paying attention or didn't understand **** going on. It was terrible but you watched the entire season all the way through :lol:

Okay man
This season of True Detective was so damn awful. Can't believe I even watched the whole season. T E R R I B L E
I might still binge watch the rest.

I watched the premiere, it didn't hook me but came back and binged the next 3 eps. It was slightly more interesting but honestly did not hook me. I said I was gonna binge the next 3 eps after I missed on watching regularly but slipped on that and the next thing I know there's a 90 min finale I'm not watching :lol:

I can't comment on the plot/full story of this season but I think they messed up on the actors they chose. Should've went back to at least getting some top of their game actors you wouldn't expect to do tv. No slight against Colin and Rachel but I feel more ppl would've tuned in if somebody big was attached again like Robert Downey Jr. or Leonardo DiCaprio.
This season of True Detective was so damn awful. Can't believe I even watched the whole season. T E R R I B L E
I might still binge watch the rest.

I watched the premiere, it didn't hook me but came back and binged the next 3 eps. It was slightly more interesting but honestly did not hook me. I said I was gonna binge the next 3 eps after I missed on watching regularly but slipped on that and the next thing I know there's a 90 min finale I'm not watching :lol:

I can't comment on the plot/full story of this season but I think they messed up on the actors they chose. Should've went back to at least getting some top of their game actors you wouldn't expect to do tv. No slight against Colin and Rachel but I feel more ppl would've tuned in if somebody big was attached again like Robert Downey Jr. or Leonardo DiCaprio.

I disagree with that all the way. If people only wanted “name” actors/actresses, they are lames. Colin and Rachel both NAILED these roles. In fact, Colin was PERFECT for this role, and was better than any actor/actress they’ve had not named Mathew. Colin absolutely crushed this entire season and went to a level even higher than I thought he would get to. The whole vibe of True Detective has been the melancholy tone and depressed as all hell sad sack type detectives, just struggling to get thru everything they go thru day to day. They live their cases, it absorbs them, and on top of that, they have their regular miserable lives to deal with as well. MM was flat out wrecked, a full blown drunk, but he wanted to do right, as best he knew how. Woody was a family man, that nailed anything with a heartbeat, content in being a nothing cop, with a soft spot for children cuz he had two of his own. Colin was a family man, that sold his soul for his wife and what happened to her. It destroyed him, and them. Ani was clearly screwed up, as a young girl. Riggins was clearly hiding his entire life. Yet here they all are, presented with these unwinnable cases, that only tear them apart more than they already were. But those cases also give them a focus, something to try and at least attempt to do something morally proper.

Colin was all of that. Every. Drop. He completely became that guy. Hell, Colin Farrell has had one of thee best lives a man of Hollywood can ask for. His looks alone have helped him CLEAN up in the Hollywood princess department. Dude is a slayer. He doesn’t even have to speak and chicks throw themselves at him. Yet in this show, he’s a sad sack paunchy good for nothin drunk, in league with a two bit criminal in a piece of **** town with a screwed up family life and a dead end cop job. He jumped in that with both damn feet. I don’t need no Leo, or George Clooney, or some other “top of their game” actor to try and emulate what he just did. He killed that roll, hands down. If people can’t buy in him, or his performance, that’s their own stupidity. The story/writing was a touch confusing, they certainly didn’t have as clean a story as S1, and I get people bein frustrated by that. But season two is not going to be labeled poorly based on “only” having Colin or Rachel as leads, and not bigger names. **** Rachel has been in The Notebook. Wedding Crashers. That chick flick with Channing Tatum that had all the girls cryin. Her entire career is based on playin Cinderella and living the female fairy tale. Well off, white, prissy, innocent girl turning to a woman and catching the eye of Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling, etc. Here she is with her hair chopped to hell, with her roots all tore up, completely screwed up as a woman over what happened to her as a child. She played it, splendidly. By the end of this season, you felt she really was ****** up. Chain smoking. Carrying a knife in her sock. No makeup. Frumpy clothes. All she cared about was doin her job as best she could, nothin else. She wasn’t “worth” caring for, or loving. She thought of her own self as trash. She didn’t give anyone a chance. Her own partner called her on it. Rachel McAdams did this role. If Kristen Stewart gets this role, I don’t even blink. Hell, I don’t even think she’d be acting. I’d think it was a reality series featuring her. But Rachel? :lol: That girl acted her *** off. She and Colin both.

In the series thread, I made the comparison that I think will hold up, over time. S1 is legendary. Beloved, well received, praised endlessly. Reminds me of Wire S1. Then Wire S2 dropped, and everyone went “what the ****?” But when all 5 seasons of The Wire were finished, as a whole, S2 fit. It struggled early, but overall, it worked. This will be the same. Right now, early, people struggled with it. It was “different” to them. No ahem, “name” actors carrying it. But as people rewatch the show, as people start to understand and comprehend the story better, as people marathon it more, pieces will fit into place better, in time, after S3 is done and over with, after S4 comes and goes. People will go back, thru all the seasons, and S2 will somehow fit into place. Just like the Wire.
Not really a believable or or worthwhile attempt at trying to be realistic, but in premise matters, and humor, it actually worked for myself and my wife. We laughed the whole time, even tho it was really thin in terms of substance. That said, for some crazy reason, the group all worked. Statham was probably our favorite part, he was hysterical, Byrnes was fantastic, and pretty funny, even Jude Law was semi likable (not an easy thing to do) Kind of the least funny of the cast was Melissa herself, but even she had a few decent moments. It’s a terrible movie, that makes you laugh the whole time for the most part. I don’t know if I’ll ever watch it again, but I had zero expectation of finding anything humorous about it, and laughed the majority of the movie.

No real hopes for this one either, and it was equally decent. Kind of pointless, and long winded, but it kept me fairly interested and some of the cameos were cool. Kept expecting Hader to go off the deep end but he actually played it straight the whole time.
5/8, maybe 5.5/8 if I think about it a little more.

Expected to be disappointed, but honestly wasn’t. It was familiar. It was good to see everyone again. They brought everyone back and made it fun again. Stories crazy as always, hi-jinx as always, Ari dominates, as always, but it worked for me. Made me wish they could do another movie, or even another season, just to have those old familiar friends back, know what I mean? Lil crazy with the Drama winning an award thing, or even Vinnie directing a big budget movie, and making it actually be good, but that’s the Hollywood way, in a sense. Crazy, never see it coming type of scenarios. 9 day marriage and divorce? Yeah, very predictable. But him creating some great film, starring he and his brother, meh. :lol: I like some of the work they did with E, making him some “scumbag” for a bit, and havin him and Sloan (still? Really?) go thru yet more nonsense, but that might be the most interested I’ve ever been in E. Turtle now a big shot money maker? :lol: :lol: :lol: But I loved the jokes they used off that, even him offering to front the money and Ari goin crazy about it. Billy Bob was a good cameo for what they needed, and I was stunned at who his son was. Holy crap. Bottom line I grabbed from this, I need an Ari spinoff, show, movie, franchise, whatever. Ari Gold needs more time on a screen. I love that character so damn much. He makes that job look like so much fun. Drivin nice cars, knowing/talking to every celeb there is, getting flipped off by Liam Neeson, walking into meetings and shutting it down, yelling at everyone, nonstop, punching that picture ( :lol: ) and making all those moves, every day, millions just flying around. I’m fine if they let the franchise go for good, but I need Ari to live on.
This season of True Detective was so damn awful. Can't believe I even watched the whole season. T E R R I B L E
I might still binge watch the rest.

I watched the premiere, it didn't hook me but came back and binged the next 3 eps. It was slightly more interesting but honestly did not hook me. I said I was gonna binge the next 3 eps after I missed on watching regularly but slipped on that and the next thing I know there's a 90 min finale I'm not watching :lol:

I can't comment on the plot/full story of this season but I think they messed up on the actors they chose. Should've went back to at least getting some top of their game actors you wouldn't expect to do tv. No slight against Colin and Rachel but I feel more ppl would've tuned in if somebody big was attached again like Robert Downey Jr. or Leonardo DiCaprio.

I disagree with that all the way. If people only wanted “name” actors/actresses, they are lames.
I'm sorry but that reason is why ppl tuned in to S1. They saw Woody and most importantly MM and in unison with the story they got hooked. The draw was the names. The hook was the writing.

That's what made this series so talked about to begin with. After the name actors drew everybody in the story took everybody on a journey. It's simple to understand. If ppl are lame for that oh well. Facts are facts and not everybody gives tv series a shot for the same reasons.

Colin and Rachel both NAILED these roles.
I'm not saying they didn't though.

The first knock on this show was the reveal before S1 ended that this would be a one done anthology type series. So now everybody who came for Woody and MM and then fell in love with Hart and Cohle are already deciding not to come back. Nic Piz made a name for himself with this series writing every ep but he's still not a big name creator that has a guaranteed audience like a QT or Sorkin or other guys like that.

I personally was coming back regardless but I already saw the complaints when the cast was announced. Maybe S1 of True Detective was just a perfect storm coming together cuz even I won't lie about solely being intrigued of the notion of Woody and MM doing an HBO series. So with the cast announcement they simply didn't grip the fans the same way they did the first time. I like Colin a good deal, love me some Rachel, and I'm a big fan of Vince especially in his more serious roles (imo he's kinda fell off comedy wise but if his approach is serious first with some humor it's perfect. Quite frankly, I wish he'd be cast in a QT movie) so I wasn't disappointed but the tide turned a bit. I don't put much stock in comments from before the season started since a lot of them were on that nothing will be better than S1 steez regardless and that became annoying by the end of S1 but it's still notable that there's a difference between getting in to the unknown and having expectations already set for S2. One would think Nic Piz would be aiming to surpass or at least match the entertainment and interest of S1 in S2.

Colin specifically, I know it was mentioned earlier by I think JPZx or JA or somebody else a few pgs back when he was brought up about how he's been a bit underrated the past few years and career wise he hasn't really rose to fulfill his potential with the roles he's been taking. So maybe that discussion could be tee'd off. I won't argue or disagree with Colin being amazing this season given only watching 3-4 eps so far (he was good from what I saw and was focused on the most out of the 4 anyway so that makes sense).

Finally, it just may be the story overall wasn't as gripping as S1 and that falls on Nic Piz and the directors to an extent. I'm not gonna argue it yet but it may be a point that he did not luck out in getting that perfect mix of his writing and making it a real experience with the acting of MM and Woody along with the singular vision of one director executing on a high level every ep.

I'll get around to watching the rest of TD and then I'll have a more informed opinion on how good it was and what went wrong if anything actually did. I can say now none of that being confused of what happened will apply to me.
but I already saw the complaints when the cast was announced


******* idiots with their minds made up BEFORE they watched 10 seconds. That's entirely the point.

Same with the dip ***** that run around NT *****ing about movies 8 months before it releases. :lol:

Really like your idea of VV working with QT. That would be tremendous.
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Does it mean anything that I watched the first episode of season 2, and on my own without anyone else's opinion or judgment, decided to stop because I thought it was that bad?

I just lost interest right away, on my own. And I was really looking forward to it.

Maybe I'll finish it someday..
Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese, Billy Ray Team For ‘Devil In The White City’ As Paramount Wins Auction

A killer role that Leonardo DiCaprio has wanted to play for a long time is finally coming to the forefront after Paramount just closed a splashy deal to acquire the Erik Larson book The Devil In The White City: Murder, Magic And Madness At The Fair That Changed America. There was a big auction that had five studios chasing and three bidding aggressively–Universal and Fox were the others–before Paramount captured a package that has DiCaprio starring and re-teaming with his The Wolf Of Wall Street director Martin Scorsese. Billy Ray will write the script. Appian Way’s DiCaprio and Jennifer Davisson are producing with Stacey Sher, and Scorsese. This is a big one for recently minted Paramount Film Group president Marc Evans; it’s expected to be the next collaboration for DiCaprio and Scorsese, who’ve made five films together.

DiCaprio will play Dr. HH Holmes, a cunning serial killer believed to have murdered anywhere from 27 to 200 people at a time when the city of Chicago was enthralled with hosting the World’s Fair of 1893. Holmes constructed The World’s Fair Hotel, an inn more lethal than the Bates Motel, especially for young single women. The sociopath used charm and guile to lure guests into what became known as a “murder castle,” a haunt that had a gas chamber, crematorium and a dissecting table where Holmes would murder his victims and strip their skeletons to sell for medical and scientific study.


The Giver :smh:

Gave me failure.

You see what they're trying to do and they manage to suck at it in EVERY scene. I know what The Dude was thinking or Meryl :rolleyes They must've just read a short description of their roles and got sold the concept by the director.

This movie didn't accomplish what it set out to do the same way F4 didn't.

Anyone checked out the 100 :nerd:
The CW show?
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