Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I had no clue Gyllenhall and Curtis "50 coin" Jackson were working together. 50 Cent seemed so anxious in the ESPN interview they both did with Hannah Storm. :lol: "I want to be a business enterprise"
Look up the Portland metro area. Y'all see any ****** farms out there?

More farms in Cali than there is in Oregon you buncha clowns.
CP defending Oregon? 
Always knew I could count on you to give a real review

That Hawkeye story was so weak. Straight up gave him the Brian treatment from Furious 7. It also went on for so long that it kinda sucked the air out of the movie.

Also didn't like how any conflict between Tony and the other Avengers was pretty much dropped by the final battle. They should have kept some semblance of tension, especially in that last scene with Steve and Tony, to lead into Civil War.

I was excited to see the flick especially Vision but when there were scenes where he had extensive dialog in sunlight, he looked no better than a really good cosplay costume at a ComicCon. I honestly can't see how anyone thought the special effects were good in this movie.

The scene where Vision was introduced though was really good. All in all though, the only good Marvel movies so far for me in no particular order have been Winter Soldier, the first Iron Man (even though it doesn't have much replay value for me), & Guardians of the Galaxy.

Only God Forgives had sooo much potential. Refn fell flat on his face though. Visually great movie. The broad strokes were ok but the meat of the story & details really missed. Refn really should've have let someone else write the story with him providing the broad strokes.

I honestly think Refn could possibly do something very interesting with a Blade Runner movie especially if his boy Gosling is involved with the pic & as long as someone with a good imagination could write the script.

Could you imagine Refn's cinematography & creating a futuristic world along with the soundtrack? The original Blade Runner soundtrack/score might be my favorite in film of all time.
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Watched best man down.. Not too bad.. Had heart.. Not the greatest movie, but better than I thought it would be
If you see my review, I praise the movie, loved it. But singled a few things out that keep it from perfect.

So I gave it a 7.7-7.8/8. 7.75 I guess.

Dude goes in, and is all pissed, thinkin I typed 7.7/10. I pointed out, hey, outta 8 fam, inside joke. He was furious we use an 8 rating scale, I'm stupid, wasting time with this bs grade system, yada yada, then gives it a 9.7-9.8/10, basically the same damn grade. :lol:

Others pointed out we use 8's and he snapped at them too. :rofl:

Ima just start playin around now. No h8 man. Be gr8. We can sk8. Stupid **** like that. He seems racist against all things 8.
If you see my review, I praise the movie, loved it. But singled a few things out that keep it from perfect.

So I gave it a 7.7-7.8/8. 7.75 I guess.

Dude goes in, and is all pissed, thinkin I typed 7.7/10. I pointed out, hey, outta 8 fam, inside joke. He was furious we use an 8 rating scale, I'm stupid, wasting time with this bs grade system, yada yada, then gives it a 9.7-9.8/10, basically the same damn grade. :lol:

Others pointed out we use 8's and he snapped at them too. :rofl:

Ima just start playin around now. No h8 man. Be gr8. We can sk8. Stupid **** like that. He seems racist against all things 8.
That **** was hilarious. Other guy (not going to find the post to remember who it was) hitting him with the /8 scale for his post :lol:

Cliff notes?

Oh, Elizabeth Olson have it ALL. AoU 7/8. Elizabeth 12322/8.

She was looking so right in that final scene in AoU. :pimp:
An Avengers 3 that's just 3 hours of her doing stuff is a automatic 8/8 Best Picture winner.
i love the out of 8 system. it's flawless in my opinion. out of 10 is too much, out of 5 is too little, out of 8 is perfection word to

i was on a date friday night and friends came up, we both agreed how much we disliked ross as a character. such a pansy. everyone else was cool but ross was such a wuss. although, that was what made him ross.
Age of Ultron:

Disney/Marvel kicked off the summer movie season with Avengers: Age of Ultron, which scored the second-biggest North American opening ever with $187.7 million, according to studio estimates from ticket-sales firm Rentrak.

The superhero sequel is only bested by its predecessor The Avengers, which still holds the record with its $207.4 million weekend in May 2012. Marvel now has the three best opening weekends to date, rounded out by Iron Man 3's $174.1 million debut in May 2013.

Ultron got off to a heroic start with Thursday night screenings, where it earned $27.6 million (topping Avengers' $18.7 million in 2012). On Friday, it landed the second-biggest day in box office history with $84.5 million — trailing the $91.1 million one-day take of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 in July 2011.

I am surprised by how many people I've come across whose favorite character is Ross. I'm like... eh..? He's essential, but is a better facial/physical actor than he is a natural/believability actor and that's where his best moments in that show came from (the physical/facial performances). The fajitas/margaritas when Joey/Charley came over, the leather pants, exploding on his boss about the sandwich, etc. are really great.
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i'll only watch friends on tbs/tv land when there's nothing else on. seinfeld is the better show.

agreed on ross being better physical actor. he did that stuff well. joey and chandler consistently brought lulz though, especially early on.
Friends is overrated.

I don't know about that.

The show ran from 1994-2003, and for the most part still appears 'new'/doesn't suffer how far we're removed from the time in which it aired. I mean, hundreds of damn reruns come onto all of our local network stations during the late afternoon hours. It's most debilitating aspect will always be the laugh track because of how retro that feels today (even when for some reason, CBS comedies like How I Met Your Mother/Big Bang Theory, now just BBT, are the only ones sweeping the ratings with a laugh track?)

Seasons 1-2 look noticeably from the past, but something happened at the beginning of Season 3, I don't know what :lol:. But Seasons 3-10 all still look terrific from a fashion standpoint to comedic relevance.

Even though I appreciate Seinfeld more, I differentiate the two and feel they're beyond comparison, Seinfeld is held back now, in 2015, by all of the Rudy Giuliani, John-John, etc. references. I'm sure Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David don't give a damn, as the show is still syndicated and is everywhere and it was a hit at the time as well. But, that sort of stuff takes you out of the episode, and I don't really find myself being taken out of Friends in that way.
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I think it was a really refreshing Rated R movie like John Wick. And it didn't take it self too serious like some spy movies.
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