Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

It makes no sense to me to buy ever Marvel film already on Blu in terms of the new breed Avengers films. Have to "complete the collection" so to speak.

You're talkin to a guy who's been buying all 23 Bond films one by one the last couple years, and not all of them are great, but they are stories in the legacy.

20 years from now, when the 4th reboot of Iron Man drops, and we're technically on Iron Man 11, makes no sense to not have 3 in hand.

If I didn't have all the other Marvel movies, then maybe I would skip it, but since I do, has to be in there otherwise the collection is not "complete".

*shrugs* That's how I look at it at least.

I feel your pain. :lol:


Only thing I refuse to get are the Ghost Rider films. Unless I can get them for absurdly cheap, refuse to put them in my collection.
^^^Someone was talking on here the other day about how one of the Dalton Bond movies had some ridiculous stuff happen in it. Not denying it, but ALL the Roger Moore Bond flicks had those moments. I still enjoyed most of them, but I'd have to say they were the corniest as a group, if you separate the Bond movies by lead actor.
The only Rodger Moore Bond flick I liked was The Man With the Golden Gun. The nemesis' name Scaramanga was cool (played by Count Dooku aka Christopher Lee).

I don't watch Boardwalk Empire, but I caught the recent episode where Narcisse meets Chalky because I'm a big Jeffrey Wright fan. The way he dressed down everyone in the most intelligent & gentlemanly way was hilarious. I'm going to have to start watching the show now...
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Overly? I dunno, does Dex still talk to us? Yes.

Did one serial killer maybe hook up with another serial killer? Maybe.

Brother/sister not a love issue (yet) Mentioned, yes, followed? No. I'd say......5 minutes, one scene. That's it. Will it expand? I dunno, possibly.

Incompetent? Not so much. Lot going on, it's not a well oiled machine of course, but there are reasons for things.

You are delusional tho about the repeat plots, and wheel spinning. That ain't this season. Not even remotely close. Everyone still following is LOVING this season, and they probably all had similar concerns you did last year and beyond. This year, and of course next, is wrapping it all up nice and tidy. Still no way to know how it's going to end, but this year has been fantastic. (with 4 ep left, so it could change I suppose)

I had to go digging to see the last time we talked about Dexter.

I wish I could feel better about being right :lol:

Unless shows bring back the former showrunner (and even then it's not a guarantee), they aren't turning around that final season magically.
Hey, I was wrong. I put faith that they had a plan in place and clearly they did not.

I was hopeful they would straighten out, and tie up all loose ends, but about midway thru this season, I could see they were still wasting time.

I haz the sadz about that. :smh:

I explained in the Dex thread, they had this setup to be an all timer. This show SHOULD go down in a much different light, but they gave up, got lost, something.

Stand alone, I loved seasons 5 and 7, but overall, they didn't tie all the plots together and set up a true epic showdown for season 8. It should have ended with Dex bein chased by Deb, Angel, Quinn, Mathews, everyone. They never pulled the trigger. Episode after episode, they just treated like the 3rd episode of the third season or some ****. :smh:

My dumb *** could have outlined a better way to finish it all up than what they gave us. Dex v Deb could have easily been Walt v Gusesque. The writers didn't have the balls to go for it.
I really liked the Blacklist for what it was. So much so that it kept me from watching Hostages which was airing at the same time.
streamed hangover 3 earlier. was pretty good. funny.

watched this is it right after. twas just ok. glad i didnt pay to see in theatres. def didnt get anywhere close to its potential
For those interested, I think The Dark Knight Trilogy: Ultimate Collector's Edition dropped today.

Here's some footage of Christian Bale reading for Batman Begins wearing Val Kilmer's suit. Amy Adams is helping with the reading.

Also a fellow fan put together a great 10 minute feature about the trilogy. It's really well done.
Heard good things about the Blacklist, but didn't get to it myself.

Shield was pretty good, the chicks in that show are amazing and make me want to become a super spy. :smh: But it still needs some work/money to get off the ground properly.
I finished the last season of Mad Men a few days ago and I loved it. Big J you wasn't lying. I'm thinking about tryna get into Dexter again.
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