Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

finally saw pain and gain. it was eh. glad i did not pay to see it in theaters.
I was credentialed to cover the 51st NYFF this year. It started this week. Unfortunately with my new real job, that took precedence over movies...but I'm hearing beautiful things about Inside Llewyn Davis and Captain Phillips
Real upset to hear Wolf of Wall Street got pushed back till sometime next year :smh: . Scorsese and the editor aren't finished apparently.
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I was credentialed to cover the 51st NYFF this year. It started this week. Unfortunately with my new real job, that took precedence over movies...but I'm hearing beautiful things about Inside Llewyn Davis and Captain Phillips

I can't get down with Captian Phillips unless they show how the Somali pirates came to be.
Really enjoyed Don Jon, I wish they hammered home some of the thematic points a bit more, but as it stands, a very impressive directorial debut and highly recommended.

Well cast and while the supporting characters weren't revolutionary, they all did their job very well. I wish we had more from Brie Larson, but she made it count :lol: Tony Danza was awesome :lol: Scarlett literally looked incredible in every scene.

While I didn't expect it to be on the level of Shame as they explored the addiction, I thought if they hit that a bit more, it would have been better. Don't get me wrong, the movie makes a point and you don't have to look that deeply to get it, but maybe one less montage of him watching porn and one more scene showing the addiction aspect... how sex is forced on us through in so many ways (the Carls Jr commercial :lol:), and I loved the focus on regular movies giving us unrealistic expectations of love and relationships.

If they had a bit more of that, I would have really loved it, but it might have gotten a bit too preachy like venom mentioned in his great review. Despite that, I really enjoyed it and it's definitely worth a watch.
Must be so cool to be the director and just cast Scarlet as your girlfriend.

"oh hey, when we do this scene, you'll need to have your shirt off, and kiss me right here...."

"that's not in the script"

"Is now........and ACTION" :lol:

Don Jon indeed. :smokin
Just watched He Got Game again. Last saw it ten years ago. More dramatic than I remembered. What happened at the end with the ball?
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Saw Don Jon last night. That meme posted is dead on accurate, even past the fact of Scar-Jo and all the other females from the club :pimp:

Movie was good, I enjoyed it. The raunchiness though early on made a couple in my theater get up and leave :lol:

WATCH: First Trailer for Foxcatcher starring Channing Tatum, Mark Ruffalo and an unrecognizable Steve Carell - http://wp.me/p2CCWq-3ha

Carell alone has me intrigued. Love seeing actors go out of their comfort zone.
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