* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

To me LeBron has to see it like this. Right now his best option to go play is either with the Knicks or the Nets because of the pieces already in place. All these other teams have nothing to help LeBron even if they sign a Bosh to go with him.

The Knicks already have Gallinari, Chandler, Rautins, Douglas, but you need to see how this really helps LeBron. Gallinari and Rautins are great shooters and Chandler plays the wing well...thats huge. Add a LeBron and Bosh and you have a hell of a team.

Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

This isn't even close to Rashard's deal considering Rashard was already 28 at the time and Rudy is 23.

Rudy Doesn't deserve max money but he is young, the team's best player and they can't afford to lose him.

Thats basically what it is right there.. & considering that he played way better last year all around.. Hopefully he can keep improving and prove everyone wrong.
I wouldn't want to build my team around someone who is not a legit franchise player tho. Still young tho. Nehow, I think Joe Johnson should be getting Gay's contract, not Rashard's... 
How many true franchise players are there in the league? Maybe a dozen?

Just the nature of the beast.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

To me LeBron has to see it like this. Right now his best option to go play is either with the Knicks or the Nets because of the pieces already in place. All these other teams have nothing to help LeBron even if they sign a Bosh to go with him.

The Knicks already have Gallinari, Chandler, Rautins, Douglas, but you need to see how this really helps LeBron. Gallinari and Rautins are great shooters and Chandler plays the wing well...thats huge. Add a LeBron and Bosh and you have a hell of a team.

Wait what?!?! Andy Rautins??! LMFAO

And Bosh+LBJ+Rose+Noah < than what the Knicks have? 

Hell even Bosh+LBJ+Lopez & Harris is miles ahead of what the Knicks have.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

How many true franchise players are there in the league? Maybe a dozen?

Just the nature of the beast.
And the most important part is that you need at least two franchise players to even win a championship. Tough out there.  


Rudy Gay was the first top-tier free agent to be yanked off the market. The Memphis Grizzlies gave Gay a five-year deal worth at least $81 million Thursday, as confirmed by FanHouse's Chris Tomasson.

Gay was a restricted free agent, which means Memphis could have matched any offer sheet Gay signed with another team. Restricted free agency essentially allows the market to set values on players before incumbent teams are forced to make a decision. It is seen as a pretty powerful tool in the franchise toolbox. The Grizzlies had the option of waiting for another team to present a max offer; if no such deal materialized, Memphis could have continued to wait for the market to settle while negotiating with Gay. The only way Gay could have gotten away from Memphis without the Grizzlies getting an opportunity to keep him was if he signed with a club in Europe, something not even close to the radar.

Time, essentially, was on the Grizzlies' side.

Instead, Memphis caved on the first day, inking Gay to a contract close to the maximum allowable under league rules. The Grizzlies forfeited their negotiating power in exchange for quick defeat, more or less.

Ignoring the advantage of Gay's restricted status is like a jockey forfeiting a two-second head start. Or a NASCAR driver winning pole position, then telling the race director, "Naaah, I'll start in the back." Or a home team down 3-2 in the middle of the ninth deciding to skip the bottom of the inning. Or a team electing to start its drives from the 10-yard-line after every touchback. Or a bowler intentionally guttering two balls in the 10th frame while hanging on 240.

Not that Gay isn't a worthwhile player -- he's a 20-point scorer, a young kid who seems to mesh well with co-stars O.J. Mayo and Marc Gasol. But he's not an All-Star and may never be. When you hand over a full quarter of your payroll to one player, you need him to be great. Gay simply isn't there, hasn't improved terribly much over the last three seasons, and as such may never get to greatness.

This week, until the Grizzlies pulled this trigger, everything had gone right for Memphis. New York and New Jersey, teams with designs on Gay and buckets of space, made their pitches to the superior small forward, LeBron James. Two other top contenders, Chicago and Cleveland, would have had neither the need or means of chasing Gay should LeBron have gone to an NYC team or Miami. Paul Pierce, a great small forward himself, entered the market and didn't meet quick resolution. Minnesota, a projected bidder for Gay, used up most of its cap space building the greatest Serbian-Montenegrin frontline in the history of post-independence Serbian-Montenegrin basketball.


Contenders for Gay were tied up, and the small forward market had expanded. Things were heading the right way for Memphis.

Until the team blew its advantage by giving Gay the keys to the vault.

Some reports argue that the team feared Gay would sign a front-loaded offer sheet that would give Gay a $20 million salary in his first year. Those fears are completely overstated. The teams with space, as mentioned, are chasing a bigger fish. LeBron reportedly won't make a decision until Monday, July 5. And if a franchise had tried to turn Gay's contract toxic, as Portland did with Paul Millsap last summer, Memphis would have been in prime position to take it without much pain. The Grizzlies are in no danger of drifting deep into luxury tax territory; furthermore, the signing bonus clause used to facilitate these front-loaded deals spreads the cap/tax pain over the length of the contract, which means a front-loaded deal would have count as $14 million on the cap/tax ledger, just as the deal Gay will sign does.

The only impact would have been on Memphis' 2010-11 cash flow. In this business, with these stakes, if you are basing these grand, impactful decisions on the difference between paying $6 million now instead of $6 million over the following three years? You might as well just set the rest of your money on fire, because you can't win like that.

With his pre-emptive strike, Heisley basically looked at his hand, saw the pair of kings, and folded. You want to know why only one team (Minnesota) has more losses than the Grizzlies over the past four years? It's because Heisley refuses to be rational when the biggest decisions are made.
dude just posed a bad argument..knicks aren't selling based on their current roster

it is what it is because they had to blow the team up to set this thing up

what are the bulls going to do when drose and noah are up for new deals?

same with brook lopez

idk when all this bulls talk started..but I just don't see it happening..drose and lebron can't play together, same way bron and dwade cant

here's the article I wrote on it: http://www.slamonline.com...10/06/in-walsh-we-trust/
[h2]Richard Jefferson Prefers Knicks, Nets[/h2]
Jul 01, 2010 5:20 PM EST

Richard Jefferson would prefer to return to the New York area to play for the Knicks or Nets, league sources told Yahoo! Sports.

Jefferson does not have a deal in place to remain with the Spurs.

Jefferson is hoping to secure a multi-year contract with an annual average of $8M to $10M.

[h2]Magic Trying To Include Carter In Sign-And-Trade[/h2]
Jul 01, 2010 5:26 PM EST

The Magic are quietly exploring sign-and-trade scenarios that would send out Vince Carter and his $17.3 million contract for next season, according to sources.

Orlando has been very active in their attempts to improve this offseason.

[h2]Turkoglu Changes Course On Future With Raptors[/h2]
Jul 01, 2010 5:46 PM EST

Hedo Turkoglu is trying to make amends with the Raptors after publicly requesting a trade.

"Everybody makes mistakes, that’s a fact. Both parties [Hedo and Raptors management] think that it’s time to correct them. Toronto wants me back and to take the leading role. I’m happy that (P.J.) Carlesimo is here, and we will all see what summer brings. I don’t have any problems with the city of Toronto or the Raptors. I want to be able to perform at the highest level."
Originally Posted by TheGift23

I admire the NBA because every year people overpay and people NEVER learn.

You're a ******** fan. You know firsthand teams overpay in the NFL too.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

To me LeBron has to see it like this. Right now his best option to go play is either with the Knicks or the Nets because of the pieces already in place. All these other teams have nothing to help LeBron even if they sign a Bosh to go with him.

The Knicks already have Gallinari, Chandler, Rautins, Douglas, but you need to see how this really helps LeBron. Gallinari and Rautins are great shooters and Chandler plays the wing well...thats huge. Add a LeBron and Bosh and you have a hell of a team.

Dude is not even correct with his own logic. Go to NY or NJ because the pieces are already?

What about D. Rose in Chicago?
What about D. Wade in Miami?

Come on.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

@TheReal_TMAC wow! cant believe how many LA fans want me to join the Lakers!!!! yall blowin my lil twitter spot up! thanks for the love!


Dude actin like it's the first time he's Bern wanted in years
so happy and ecstatic lol. T-Mac we'd love to have you but I hope your excitement doesn't vanish when you realize we ain't payin you more than the vet minimum

B Shaw told us that in 2 days of interviewing CLE execs never intimated that Lebron will leave. Cavs think he's staying
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

@TheReal_TMAC wow! cant believe how many LA fans want me to join the Lakers!!!! yall blowin my lil twitter spot up! thanks for the love!


Dude actin like it's the first time he's Bern wanted in years
so happy and ecstatic lol. T-Mac we'd love to have you but I hope your excitement doesn't vanish when you realize we ain't payin you more than the vet minimum

True dat
. Mac is coming...I dreamed it in my head.
FrenchBlue23 wrote:
[h2]Richard Jefferson Prefers Knicks, Nets[/h2]
Jul 01, 2010 5:20 PM EST

Richard Jefferson would prefer to return to the New York area to play for the Knicks or Nets, league sources told Yahoo! Sports.

Jefferson does not have a deal in place to remain with the Spurs.

Jefferson is hoping to secure a multi-year contract with an annual average of $8M to $10M.

Sounds like a sign and trade...that's the best I can hope for




Jefferson's return could be imminent

It might not be long before small forward Richard Jefferson is back on the Spurs' payroll.
Jefferson, who opted out of the final year of his contract Wednesday, has told close associates his top priority in free agency is to secure a new multi-year deal to return to the Spurs.

In a decision that stunned many NBA observers, Jefferson turned down $15.2 million to enter the free agent fray. His agent, Todd Eley, said Jefferson did so in the name of long-term security.

In short, Jefferson wanted a new, longer contract before the NBA's collective bargaining agreement is revamped next summer.

One unconfirmed report Thursday had Jefferson poised to sign a three-year, $30 million with the Spurs. Another had the terms at five years for $45 million, with the final season likely only partially guaranteed.

Eley insisted Thursday his client does not yet have a deal in place with any team.

With so much money floating around the free-agent market, among teams gearing up for the LeBron James/Dwyane Wade/Chris Bosh sweepstakes, Jefferson is likely to wait until some of that smoke clears before making a final decision.

Despite a rocky first season with the Spurs, in which he averaged 12.3 points after coming over in a preseason trade with Milwaukee, there are signs Jefferson would welcome a return to San Antonio.

He has spent much of his summer in the Spurs' practice gym, working out personally with head coach Gregg Popovich. Before the season ended, Jefferson spoke often about looking forward to a second season in San Antonio, when he might feel more comfortable with the system.

The Spurs, too, would be open to bringing Jefferson back under a more cap-friendly contract. With their payroll still projected to be over the salary cap, they would be hard-pressed to find his replacement on the open market.

In short, Jefferson wanted a new, longer contract before the NBA's collective bargaining agreement is revamped next summer.

No no no NOOOO

This has to be false
Originally Posted by h3at23

Off to a great start. First one went well. Pat Riley is very passionate about winning

sounds good.... RJ asking for 8-10mill multi year deal.. resign qrich and wright for vet mins....
 if bosh says yes to the heat (verbal). can we ink him up last and still go over the cap because of the 16mill TPE???
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

To me LeBron has to see it like this. Right now his best option to go play is either with the Knicks or the Nets because of the pieces already in place. All these other teams have nothing to help LeBron even if they sign a Bosh to go with him.

The Knicks already have Gallinari, Chandler, Rautins, Douglas, but you need to see how this really helps LeBron. Gallinari and Rautins are great shooters and Chandler plays the wing well...thats huge. Add a LeBron and Bosh and you have a hell of a team.

I hope this is a joke

Originally Posted by h3at23


B Shaw told us that in 2 days of interviewing CLE execs never intimated that Lebron will leave. Cavs think he's staying

well know !!@@ they would say that. they saw how it went with izzo

plus all shaw has to do is call his agent(world wide wes) and have him answer that question
Originally Posted by h3at23

Source close to the situation tells FanHouse that Boston has begun negotiations with Ray Allen, with Miami and New York other possibilities

They'll both be back now that Doc is. Just hope we don't commit too much.

[h2]Knicks Showed LeBron Math Of How He'd Earn More Money In New York[/h2]
Jul 01, 2010 6:21 PM EST

During their meeting with LeBron James, the Knicks showed the free agent how much more money he could possibly earn while playing in New York.

Interbrand says it ran through 50,000 computer models of a potential LeBron career, using more than 200 variables like individual performance, fan demographics and championships. The report is light on the details of its methodology, but comes to this conclusion: LeBron has a 50% chance of earning at least $1 billion in New York. In Cleveland and Chicago the odds fall to 1%. The study put a 0% chance of LeBron making $1 billion playing for Miami.

An NBA title in New York could be worth $240 million to LeBron, according to Interbrand, about $60 million more than if he brought a ring home to Cleveland, and more than double the value of a Chicago championship.

LeBron could potentially earn as much as $2 billion while playing in New York.

The estimate dwarfed the $700 million he’d likely earn in Cleveland, the $690 million in Chicago, and $600 million in Miami.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23


[h2]Knicks Showed LeBron Math Of How He'd Earn More Money In New York[/h2]
Jul 01, 2010 6:21 PM EST

During their meeting with LeBron James, the Knicks showed the free agent how much more money he could possibly earn while playing in New York.

Interbrand says it ran through 50,000 computer models of a potential LeBron career, using more than 200 variables like individual performance, fan demographics and championships. The report is light on the details of its methodology, but comes to this conclusion: LeBron has a 50% chance of earning at least $1 billion in New York. In Cleveland and Chicago the odds fall to 1%. The study put a 0% chance of LeBron making $1 billion playing for Miami.

An NBA title in New York could be worth $240 million to LeBron, according to Interbrand, about $60 million more than if he brought a ring home to Cleveland, and more than double the value of a Chicago championship.

LeBron could potentially earn as much as $2 billion while playing in New York.

The estimate dwarfed the $700 million he’d likely earn in Cleveland, the $690 million in Chicago, and $600 million in Miami.

 Somehow I believe if the Knicks just dissolved into nothingness, the world would be a much better place.
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