* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

NBA..........IT'S STUPID 
Dirk - NT
Mike - Yahoo
Pro -Either or
H3at -NT
Osh -Yahoo (auction draft)
Chester -Yahoo
DoubleJ's -Yahoo
KLJ  - ?
rck2sac  -?

The order list should be done by an uninterested party

KLJ and rck have a preference for the draft? 

I have no prob givin the order to someone else.  Perhaps Blazers would be ok to run the randomizer one time real quick?  Provided we go that route, right now it's neck and neck 

Made a post about David Stern last season. Dude is nothing but a control freak and I think deep down he doesn't really like that the league is mostly black. Those techs in the videos posted were complete BS. I'm becoming less and less interested in the NBA the older I get. The NBA interferes with my love of basketball.
I favor Yahoo, myself. Drafts on here really test my patience, and I feel like people tend to lose interest or purpose when these things take days/weeks.

An hour and a half some night, and it's finished.
I'm not entirely opposed to an auction... Never done one before, so I'd probably bomb it, but it'd be different.
Can everyone do this Sunday night at 5P/8E on Yahoo? 

More people chose Yahoo then I expected, especially since it was like 5 to 1 NT at first. 

Everyone ok with that? 
this tech thing wont last, i commented on it before. it will end up like a few years ago with the tech thing, they will enforce it for a few weeks then after that it will be gone.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Can everyone do this Sunday night at 5P/8E on Yahoo? 

More people chose Yahoo then I expected, especially since it was like 5 to 1 NT at first. 

Everyone ok with that? 
Any way we could make it like a later draft say 7P/10E or even later
I kind of doubt that the East coasters are gonna be excited about stayin up til near midnight for a fantasy draft, I could be wrong, but that sounds a bit of a stretch. 
Originally Posted by JPZx

Sunday nights work for me.

Just not Sat or Fri night
Agreed. I'm fine with Sunday. Friday or Saturday and I can assure you now I won't be there.
Posted: Thursday October 14, 2010 10:00PM ; Updated: Friday October 15, 2010 12:26AM

[table][tr][td][h1]NBA players association wants to sue league for new technical policy[/h1][/td][td]
Story Highlights
[h2]NBA players association is planning legal action vs. league's technical policy[/h2][h2]Officials have been encouraged to call more technicals for complaining[/h2][h2]League says its research said fans felt players complained too much[/h2][/td][/tr][/table]

NEW YORK (AP) -- The NBA players association is planning legal action over the league's decision to issue more technical fouls for complaining.

Billy Hunter, the executive director of the union, said in a statement Thursday that the players weren't consulted about the rules changes, which he called "an unnecessary and unwarranted overreaction" by the league.

"We intend to file an appropriate legal challenge," Hunter said.

The NBA has told players they will be whistled for technicals for overt gestures, even if they aren't directed at a referee, running up to an official to contest a call, or other actions that don't show proper respect for the game.

"I went to a private school growing up. We had a lot of crazy rules, rules that we didn't agree with, rules that we necessarily didn't think was good. But we just had to do them," Orlando center Dwight Howard said. "So they want us to cut down on talking to the refs, as hard as that may be, because basketball is very emotional, we just have to try our best."

There figures to be a rise in technical fouls, which come with heavier fines this season. There were four called in a 16-second span of Boston's exhibition victory over New York on Wednesday, with Celtics All-Star Kevin Garnettbeing ejected after picking up two of them for arguing.

"I think it affects everybody, because it's such an emotional game. But that's the rule," Clippers coach Vinny Del Negro said. "So you have to control your emotions and you have to be smart about it. And it's difficult - especially for the players at times. And the rule is probably going to change the outcomes of games at times."

The league put the policy in place this season after saying its research showed fans felt that the players complained too much, which Hunter disputes.

"We have not seen any increase in the level of 'complaining' to the officials and we believe that players as a whole have demonstrated appropriate behavior toward the officials," Hunter said. "Worse yet, to the extent the harsher treatment from the referees leads to a stifling of the players' passion and exuberance for their work, we fear these changes may actually harm our product."

Besides warning of more techs, the NBA doubled the cost of them. Players and coaches are now docked $2,000 for each of their first five, all the way up to $5,000 starting at No. 16, along with a one-game suspension for every other technical.

"Players have definitely spent some time missing games because of technical fouls, which is unfortunate. But that's the penalty if you get too many technical fouls. And there's a fine for it, too. They already raised the technical fouls by $1,000 this year," Clippers center Chris Kaman said.

"I think I had one year where I had like 11, and it's just stupid. I mean, I look back and I think: 'Hey, that's $11,000 I could have had in my pocket. So shut your mouth."'

It's the second time the players have responded to the league's plans to call more techs by threatening legal action. They filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board early in the 2006-07 season, when the league's crackdown on griping was referred to as a "zero tolerance policy."

Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Originally Posted by DubA169

the one on mozgov was weird too. he was walking away and muttering in russian.

exactly.. dude could of been saying "that was my fault on that one" in russian for all they knew
I actually say let the league try this out so after it fails this season they immediately repeal it.

I'd love for all the major stars to be missing games come the playoffs and then see how Stern responds.
has anybody been watching all of the team previews on nbatv??

they have a secret scout segment,where a guy whos face is obscured in a shadow and voice is altered gives scouting reports on teams.

anybody wanna take a guess as to who it is?

my guess is either shawn elliot or dwight howard

Draft, this Sunday at 5 Pacific, 8 Eastern on Yahoo.  If you can't make it, set your auto rankings and let Yahoo set ya up. 

JPZ, can you throw an update on the thread title just to make sure these dudes see?  I'll update Yahoo as well. 

Nesto, I won't have my email on Sunday, but I can try to get in and PM you right before the draft, bout 4:45 or so. 
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