* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

im a homer with the dallas cowboys? check my history and see i keep it real with all my teams

you sit there and defend every bum !!@ move the twolves make.

you go down the same road as the memphis homer. because we bash your team moves you feel the need to defend them even tho deep down inside you dont even buy it
Originally Posted by franchise3

Wait, Simmons was in play for the Minny GM job?

Ownership fail
Yeah he openly campaigned for the job and there were like 12k people that emailed the T'Wolves to give him the job.

His first move was going to get Tony Parker for Randy Foye + 6 pick.
But wasn't one of the reason that Kahn got the job in the first place because of his experience in Indiana under Walsh?
JPZx wrote:

I defend my team against those that didn't watch one, single Timberwolves game all of last year (unless it was against their team of course). What's wrong with that?

What does that have to do with anything?  Was Beasley on the Wolves last year?  None of us have seen Darko "play"  All these college ball guys that frequent in here don't know about Wes?  If you got Iggy, none of us have seen him play?  Come on man.  

We all watch enough ball to know what's going on, yes, you have the Wolves down better then us as a whole, sure, but you can't act like we're all blind or dumb or something. 

Minny needs to step back and put a plan in order, I have no prob with that, they were in bad shape, we all know that, but Kahn is absolutely lost at sea.  I can't fathom how he can be defended.  His moves are not working out at all as of right now, can he turn it around, maybe, but right now, this moment, he is driving that ship like it was the Titanic.  He needs to be removed asap.  Then let someone else try to get that place in order. 

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

you sit there and defend every bum !!@ move the twolves make.
I do?

-I openly campaigned for Kahn to pick Cousins, and called him an idiot shortly after for taking the easy route out and taking Wes Johnson. Some may remember I even rocked a Cousins avy around draft time.
-I criticized the Lazar Hayward selection on Gameday, not understanding where he fit in on the team and that he could have been selected mid-second round.

When I started the Timberwolves thread, this is how I led off:
While I'm still prepared to give Kahn some more time seeing as how there's still a lot left to sort out in FA, on July 2 at 1:11 PM we look like a watered down Memphis Grizzlies team. We'll see what happens with a Jefferson trade, but even if Rubio comes over and hits his ceiling, this team still needs the superstar they've needed since the day they dealt away KG.

All we've done is made safe moves that add a few wins here and there but have done absolutely nothing to take this team to the next level. Trading for a career backup who averages 8 ppg. Resigning a center who averages a career 6 ppg and 5 rpg. Drafting a guy #4 overall who many feel has a low ceiling. These are our franchises core pieces in maybe its most important off-season ever?

Sounds like a plan that may have achieved exactly what nobody wanted. We'll be stuck in the abyss, not making the playoffs but being average enough to kill lotto odds.

I guess we gotta hope Rubio is transcendent, because otherwise I'm not seeing it. And even if he is transcendent, unless you get a gamechanger in next year's offseason, I don't understand the direction.


So I defend every move my team makes huh Bigmike?? All those examples I just gave you are just in the past month too
... know what you're talking about before you talk about it.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Minny needs to step back and put a plan in order, I have no prob with that, they were in bad shape, we all know that, but Kahn is absolutely lost at sea.  I can't fathom how he can be defended.  His moves are not working out at all as of right now, can he turn it around, maybe, but right now, this moment, he is driving that ship like it was the Titanic.  He needs to be removed asap.  Then let someone else try to get that place in order. 

Okay, this is what I'm looking for.

If people actually explain (like CP just did) why they think David Kahn sucks or what he could have done better, then I would have no problem with that opinion or what it entails. But the people that just go "Kahn
" or "Kahn is worse than Isaiah" get no such respect from me. Because those are the people that I assume do not know what they are talking about, and just go with the headlines. Then as I see those people post more, I usually figure out that I'm right on that. Just sayin.

*In the end, David Kahn just needs to be give more time. Have I agreed with every move he's made? No, as exemplified with the response to Bigmike, but when the previous GM basically brings your team's stock down to zero, the proceeding GM is going to need more than 1-2 years to elevate it back to respectable. Who knows, in 1-2 years I could be right there with all of you calling David Kahn a $%#+$@% moron. As for now, I'm going to stay even-keeled and watch what he does with the team the next 1-2 years closely.
Originally Posted by JPZx

For example, Bill Simmons. Dude was said to be in the mix for the Timberwolves GM job (or at least he wanted it), but lost out to Kahn.

This is my first time hearing about this...wow.

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Originally Posted by franchise3

Wait, Simmons was in play for the Minny GM job?

Ownership fail
Yeah he openly campaigned for the job and there were like 12k people that emailed the T'Wolves to give him the job.

Imagine if dude would have gotten hired though...oh boy.
Good stuff JPZ. 

Speaking of explain.......I have some peeps laughin at me pretty good today with my prediction that OKC wins before the Heat.  (gettin my inner Gilbert on

I see another big jump from Durant coming.  And Westbrook should be workin too, and that will help.  Harden and Green as well.  Ibaka.  Lot of improvement to be had there with that core.  And yet, they still have room to add more pieces.  Maybe they make a deadline deal, maybe they wait til the offseason, I don't know yet.  But they are a threat, we all see that. 
To me, Miller, Haslem, Z, Howard, Arroyo, Jones, Anthony, Chalmers are basically the Cavs but worse.  All it takes is Wade bein hurt again and the Heat imo will fail.  Bosh is better then anyone else on the Cavs was, but we don't even know what he'll bring in the second round, we've never seen it. 

I know everyone just bought in immediately, but until I see them gel nicely, I don't buy them just yet.  OKC, I buy, in fact, I been buyin.  They're gonna be a pain in the @#$.  I really wish they would have made the push to get Al Jefferson instead of Utah, Al Jeff on that squad coulda been REAL nice. 
  But, they'll have to go elsewhere to build up that inside game. 

I don't think OKC wins it this year, still a tad early, but I see them comin up real fast, that is my basis for my prediction.  Call me crazy, but I do fairly well with my predictions, I feel good about this one even if it is against the grain. 

(Yes I know Mike, I'm better then that CP 
 I can already see you typing that. ) 
its simple why he sucks

-He went last year and drafted flynn and Rubio then tired to tell the whole world he did that NOT because rubio wasnt going to come(Kahn said many times after last years draft that rubio was coming over) it was because Flynn and rubio could play with each other(enter stoneface) 2 small PG playing in the same backcourt? YA OK

-Kurt rambis as a Head coach

-paying darko 20 million when you could just draft Cousins for the center spot

-drafting wes johnson when you already have Brewer(its the same god damn player)

-you have kurt rambis as your HC who runs the triangle offense. yet you only have one player on your team(klove) who can play in that offense.

-ya fine you got Beasley for 2nd round picks but he has ZERO use on that team. he wont play over Klove and if you saw him with the heat he couldnt play SF when they tired him there.

has he done good moves? ya sure why not.. got jefferson out there who wasn't a fit anymore and was a player not many thought could be traded, got rubio at a spot many thought he wouldn't be at(thats if he comes over) got webster who can shoot and be a starter.

but his few good moves nobody talks about because his dumb ones out weight them.

Kahn says he has a plan. nothing he does shows he has a plan
That's why Simmons goes extra hard at Kahn. He was pissed that the Wolves ownership wouldn't give him an interview.

Simmons also was campaigning for the Bucks' GM job before that position was filled. There was a huge Facebook group and everything.
I see another big jump from Durant coming.  And Westbrook should be workin too, and that will help.  Harden and Green as well.  Ibaka.  Lot of improvement to be had there with that core.  And yet, they still have room to add more pieces.  Maybe they make a deadline deal, maybe they wait til the offseason, I don't know yet.  But they are a threat, we all see that. 
To me, Miller, Haslem, Z, Howard, Arroyo, Jones, Anthony, Chalmers are basically the Cavs but worse.  All it takes is Wade bein hurt again and the Heat imo will fail.  Bosh is better then anyone else on the Cavs was, but we don't even know what he'll bring in the second round, we've never seen it. 
Yeah I certainly think the Thunder will break through in the next 3-4 years and win one or at least be in a Finals, but I don't think it will be before the Heat (who I see winning a chip either this year or next year).

at people in the other thread saying that Oklahoma City reminds them of the Darius Miles/Quentin Richardson era Clippers.

As for a big jump from any of the Thunder's players, I think James Harden is the most likely to be that. Good defensive player, can shoot the three, does the little things that can produce big results. He seemed a little in over his head last year going straight to a 50-win squad, but I expect the comfortably factor to raise immensely as next season wears on.

Another big jump from Kevin Durant would be scary

Golden State has signed free agent guard Jannero Pargo to a two-year, $2.4 million contract, his agent Mark Bartelstien told Y! Sports.
I defend my team mainly when people like mike diss every move or win we get because he got so much hate in his heart towards the team. I diss some guys and the management at times, but sometimes u have to take a look at whats actually going on from certain moves. I see it with jpz. Some moves u cant defend and some ppl just fall into what everybody else say.

Then when he gets proven wrong he wants to *!%#% about people calling him out.
I defend my team mainly when people like mike diss every move or win we get because he got so much hate in his heart towards the team. I diss some guys and the management at times, but sometimes u have to take a look at whats actually going on from certain moves. I see it with jpz. Some moves u cant defend and some ppl just fall into what everybody else say.

Then when he gets proven wrong he wants to *#$+% about people calling him out.
Ya I agree with Bigmike there. Ah well its the Twolves what do you expect other than head scratching?

I've said from the get-go as a Wolves fan I will give Kahn a little more time to see his grand plan because he claims to have one. He bought some time with me simply because he came into an atrocious situation and had to dig himself out, he has not been handed a top 2 pick, and he is not finished with whatever he has up his sleeve.

And beyond that none of this is going to matter (even if his current moves end up being good moves in the long run) until he finds a star player. That's the NBA way, and that's how GM's become "geniuses."
I defend my team mainly when people like mike diss every move or win we get because he got so much hate in his heart towards the team. I diss some guys and the management at times, but sometimes u have to take a look at whats actually going on from certain moves. I see it with jpz. Some moves u cant defend and some ppl just fall into what everybody else say.

Then when he gets proven wrong he wants to %+!@# about people calling him out.
"He's kind of a schmuck, isn't he? Methinks that he spent a lot of time on NBA TV with a former Timberwolves person and he seemed to come into the interview with an agenda. Tough questions are fine, but I felt like was a little defensive about some of the things."

Late pass.

Webber a schmuck? "Methinks" tho?

Kahn is a funny guy. 
Besides keeping flexibility, I think Minnesota is clearing all this cap space so they can lure Rubio. If he chills in Europe for two more seasons, the rookie salary scale doesn't apply to him. He can demand a max contract by that time if he chose.
hey memphis homer

all last year and up to this offseason you said know way rudy gay shouldn't get max contract and it would be fail if he got one

rudy gay gets a max contract and you sit there and defend the move.

sit down
All of a sudden Stern gives a flying !+$% about tampering? what a joke. somehow, someway, Stern will make sure no other super teams get created.

The NBA issued an unexpected, leaguewide memorandum to its teams Tuesday to remind them about tampering regulations and specifically warn them about illegal contact with Chris Paul.

ESPN.com learned that the memo spells out that "no team should be having communications with Chris Paul or his agent or representative about a potential trade for Paul that have not been authorized in advance by the New Orleans Hornets."

This measure comes in the wake of various media reports in recent days that Paul's new agent, Leon Rose, has been talking to a handful of teams about pursuing trades for his client.

The memo, sources said, also threatens penalties for any such communications that could potentially include "suspension of the offending person, prohibition of the offending team from hiring the person being tampered with, forfeiture of draft picks and individual and/or team fines of up to $5 million."

The Hornets have been telling teams for weeks that they are not interested in trading their star point guard. That message was also delivered to Paul on Monday during a face-to-face meeting in New Orleans that was convened to address numerous reports that the All-Star wants to be dealt.

The memo serves as further evidence that the subject of Paul's future in New Orleans has replaced LeBron James' free agency as the new obsession.

It's believed that the league office has taken this step as a proactive measure in hopes of avoiding some of the charges of tampering and/or collusion that have been levied from within league circles and in the press in response to James' decision to join Team USA colleagues Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami.

Marc Stein is a senior NBA writer for ESPN.com.
I love the signing of Jannero Pargo, I always liked him, was sad when he went overseas.

Even though he contributed to the downfall of the Mavs against the Hornets, I'll be rooting for him.
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