Kinda want Think Pinks for wifey....I know for damn sure I wouldn't rock em. Cool to support the cause tho...

Any of you dudes that plan on buying to rock, check your local Ross...I was there the other day and the had an all pinkl Think Pink Nike T with a big white screen printed ribbon with some graphics in the ribbon in the mens section. Forgot the price...
Originally Posted by s dubl

Kinda want Think Pinks for wifey....I know for damn sure I wouldn't rock em. Cool to support the cause tho...

Any of you dudes that plan on buying to rock, check your local Ross...I was there the other day and the had an all pinkl Think Pink Nike T with a big white screen printed ribbon with some graphics in the ribbon in the mens section. Forgot the price...
$9.99...picked one up, now looking for the shoes.

Originally Posted by haza12d

Got these just a few minutes ago.  There was a little damage to the front of the Midsole Forefoot of the right shoe.  20% off and no tax



I love Boobies!
i hope you copped that for your wife/sister or your Momma!!!
its a good thing to support think pink, but who can help me? how about a free pair from Nike?
Originally Posted by Blue0230

Originally Posted by KB24strikesagain

The Inks look sweet.  They should have come out sooner unless Kobe is going to wear them to start the season after the 5 Rings.
Nike is just reaching into my pockets at will.

Sick colorway..I hope they release at footlocker..
Ppl will know What the cause is for if you wear them.
Your not gonna get laughed at, if you do, just give them the niketalk "smh/stoneface" look.
The majority of ppl already know what a yellow or pink wristband represents.Unless if you do look gay then ppl will give you the stoneface
Originally Posted by never wear them

Ppl will know What the cause is for if you wear them.
Your not gonna get laughed at, if you do, just give them the niketalk "smh/stoneface" look.
The majority of ppl already know what a yellow or pink wristband represents.Unless if you do look gay then ppl will give you the stoneface

Originally Posted by never wear them

Ppl will know What the cause is for if you wear them.
Your not gonna get laughed at, if you do, just give them the niketalk "smh/stoneface" look.
The majority of ppl already know what a yellow or pink wristband represents.Unless if you do look gay then ppl will give you the stoneface
**eases up on the tweezer on eyebrows** ...i guess i cant wear them.
   (edwin will get the joke...inside joke if you dont get it)

Originally Posted by never wear them

y'all made me look like an *ss lolol. That was uncalled for tho on my behalf.
what?? edwin stand by your comment...i sure did.  guys should know the limit when it come to man-scaping and that was too much...but in that dude's "defense" it wasnt his choice to do he gets a pass but i know some guys out there do it by choice and imo thats too much.  then again im one ugly mug so who am i to say. lol
Anybody cooling down on their Kobe V pickups after seeing the 6's on Kenlu? Was lookin to cop the china's on sale but might just save my loot for those...
Anybody cooling down on their Kobe V pickups after seeing the 6's on Kenlu? Was lookin to cop the china's on sale but might just save my loot for those...
Originally Posted by s dubl

Kinda want Think Pinks for wifey....I know for damn sure I wouldn't rock em. Cool to support the cause tho...

Any of you dudes that plan on buying to rock, check your local Ross...I was there the other day and the had an all pinkl Think Pink Nike T with a big white screen printed ribbon with some graphics in the ribbon in the mens section. Forgot the price...
There's more than enough pink on the shoe itself, which is putting it lightly. But for dudes to rock an all pink shirt on top of an excessively pink pair of shoes to "match"...

You don't even know what you just did by sharing that info, s-dub.

I'd have to say that any grown man not named Kobe Bryant wearing them outside of a support-breast-cancer-research-NBA-game is standing on a very slippery slope.
I'd have to say that any grown man not named Kobe Bryant wearing them outside of a support-breast-cancer-research-NBA-game is standing on a very slippery slope.
Yes, because only an NBA player can support breast cancer research. Ignorance at its finest....
You forgot about the thousands of volunteers and fund raising events for breast cancer that common people attend/work.
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Yes, because only an NBA player can support breast cancer research. Ignorance at its finest....
You forgot about the thousands of volunteers and fund raising events for breast cancer that common people attend/work.
Yeah, because I said only Kobe can support breast cancer research, right? Stop reaching. Try reading the lines that preceded the one you tried to take out of context and you'll see how it relates to my "slippery slope" comment.

Illiteracy's a mofo.
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

I'd have to say that any grown man not named Kobe Bryant wearing them outside of a support-breast-cancer-research-NBA-game is standing on a very slippery slope.

Yeah, I don't really understand this comment, either.  So if a man chooses to display his support for breast cancer research, whether it's with these shoes or simply wearing the pink ribbon on their clothes, is standing on a "slippery slope?"  What if that man KNOWS someone personally that has breast cancer? What if YOUR mother, wife, sister, or girlfriend had breast cancer? Would you be against wearing pink Support-Breast-Cancer-Research/Awareness apparel then, too?

Not hating or throwing you under the bus, by any means. Really just trying to have an open discussion to find out what you mean by your statement.
^My initial comment had to do with wearing that much pink as a fashion statement completely separate from breast cancer research and the good people trying to find a cure.

It seems like a lot of people are going to have difficulty in trying to separate the two, but I guess that's partially my fault.
Originally Posted by blackcat23mj

Originally Posted by never wear them

Ppl will know What the cause is for if you wear them.
Your not gonna get laughed at, if you do, just give them the niketalk "smh/stoneface" look.
The majority of ppl already know what a yellow or pink wristband represents.Unless if you do look gay then ppl will give you the stoneface
**eases up on the tweezer on eyebrows** ...i guess i cant wear them.
   (edwin will get the joke...inside joke if you dont get it)



Brutal.  He went in on the eyebrows and his belt, oh man, but it was funny cuz it was like nonchalant status.  NWT was having a good day that day. 
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Yes, because only an NBA player can support breast cancer research. Ignorance at its finest....
You forgot about the thousands of volunteers and fund raising events for breast cancer that common people attend/work.
his comment was in no way whatsoever trying to demean the work of those who support, fund, assist with the search for a cure for breast cancer...
trust me...I can veryfiy for him that he wants "TO SAVE THE TATAS".....

Now, with the pink on pink fashion in mind.....(EDITED FOR DIMSUM's SAKE)

A white shirt won't suffice?? I'm one of the few who think matching is wayyyy overrated.

Pink shirt and Pink shoes??

But again, that's just me. 
whether a man can pull off a pink shirt or not (or in this case pink shoes) shouldn't be another man's concern. if he wants to wear pink, let him wear pink. if it bothers you that much, turn the other way or shut your eyes.

who are we to check out another man and think to ourselves "pink doesn't work for him" when we may be wearing something that looks "off" in the eyes of other people, also.

bringing up Korean men who wear salmon is completely irrelevant to this discussion. and on top of that, no one asked if you approved of skinny jeans or not. no one cares what you have to say about skinny jeans.

on that note, can we get back to talking about the Kobe V?

I think I speak on behalf of most people who visit this thread regularly when I say that I didn't click on the Kobe V thread to read about peoples' thoughts on wearing pink or skinny jeans.
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