Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by GZA73

I'm probably the only one not liking the INKs. Easy pass for me.



G, maybe you will change your mind, and bless us with pics when they do release.

Unless its a Laker Purple. I'm so tired of eggplant/ink CWs. plus not a fan of the white sole. Maybe if Kobe wore them then I'd get. Rather get inlines or Edwin's iDs (black).
So how does it work with iD's at NTSM? Do they sell premade iD's in limited sizes? Or are those just samples so that you know what it looks like when you create them and they have a iD station there? Thanks fellas!
Originally Posted by lakers911

So how does it work with iD's at NTSM? Do they sell premade iD's in limited sizes? Or are those just samples so that you know what it looks like when you create them and they have a iD station there? Thanks fellas!
They're just samples and they do have an ID station on the 2nd floor.
Originally Posted by GZA73

Unless its a Laker Purple. I'm so tired of eggplant/ink CWs. plus not a fan of the white sole. Maybe if Kobe wore them then I'd get. Rather get inlines or Edwin's iDs (black).

I gotcha. 

"Eggplant" is to Nike, as to what Suede has become for Jordan Brand nowadays. 

The go-to thing. 
Originally Posted by ShoeConnoisseur09

I found something on YouTube I hadn't seen before.

Kobe has always been met with adversity throughout his career.. When you parallel his and Michael's careers, I think that is the biggest difference between the two.

This video shows that.. I didn't know where to post, but I knew it would get the most appreciation in here.

He's wearing DKs throughout the interview, so I guess it's shoe related
Thanks for sharing, cool video
Going to Santa Monica to buy some socks...
Probably will leave from there with another pair of ids.... Smh.... 619destroyer, yeah that's Santa Monica. The Aor Jordan 1-2k10 wht/red display is the dopest thing there IMO.
Originally Posted by never wear them

Going to Santa Monica to buy some socks...
Probably will leave from there with another pair of ids.... Smh....

your previous got me all excited, ive been tryin to find UWRs in a 13 but all niketowns are sold out and niketown miami didnt even get em in :/
Clear soles are cool, but not when they start turning brown. I'm glad the inks have a white sole.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by GZA73

Unless its a Laker Purple. I'm so tired of eggplant/ink CWs. plus not a fan of the white sole. Maybe if Kobe wore them then I'd get. Rather get inlines or Edwin's iDs (black).

I gotcha. 

"Eggplant" is to Nike, as to what Suede has become for Jordan Brand nowadays. 

The go-to thing. 

LOL yup
Only way I would get is if the eventually sit and reduce to $99 and I cop on EA for $50
NWT - wth do you do for a living that you can drop $165 on so many pairs of ID's?....
did you not get the memo about a double dip recession?...LOL

GZA - how does the appeal of the shoe change because Kobe wore them?....just curious, never understood this mentality...
if I don't like it, I don't like, regardless if Kobe wears them.....
Originally Posted by DFABIX

NWT - wth do you do for a living that you can drop $165 on so many pairs of ID's?....
did you not get the memo about a double dip recession?...LOL
NWT has a suga mama D....well he just goes through her wallet without her knowing.
Originally Posted by blackcat23mj

Originally Posted by DFABIX

NWT - wth do you do for a living that you can drop $165 on so many pairs of ID's?....
did you not get the memo about a double dip recession?...LOL
NWT has a suga mama D....well he just goes through her wallet without her knowing.

Giving him the Facebook "Like" button thumps up. 
Originally Posted by DFABIX

NGZA - how does the appeal of the shoe change because Kobe wore them?....just curious, never understood this mentality...
if I don't like it, I don't like, regardless if Kobe wears them.....

I agree. I've liked Kobe from his bench warming days to present but didn't like his shoes til he stepped in the swoosh. His JB PE's were cool too.
^for the guys without love for Kobe's shoes in swoosh... why the hell u still come to this thread frequently then?

if u dont understand this mentality, it may means u r not fan enuf for kobe? i onno, i dont understand how could you be a fan but not liking wht yr idol has on. especially from basketball. maybe i m childish then? if i m so, i think 90% of us in here are very childish.
if most of the fans in the world are having the same mentality as you, i think Nike wouldn't be this successful. lol. so i dont know if you are the one weird or not fan enuf, or most of us in here r weird?
and in my eyes, i thikn u r not a real fan of Kobe, u r just hyped up with Kobe's fame nowaday. so u follow everyone and discuss Kobe or his shoes with his real fans. lol
and why you care about wht other ppl do to get money buy shoes? thts their own business. they share their love to us on here. maybe you are asking a billionare about wht he does to get so many expensive sneakers?! u never know, man.
dont forget the reason you come in this forum, it is to share the sneaker love with sneaker heads!!! thts all u need to do n care, also appreciate from other ppl's sharing in here!! just simple like that, stop asking some weird question here.
I didn't know NWT was pimpin' like Suga Free .....
so my question moves on to.....WTH does NWT's Suga Mama do for a living that he can pick pocket that much money for that many ID's?.....


toosmoove29.....what are you agreeing with?.....
you thoroughly confused me....

or maybe I'm just on one and a looney tune.
Originally Posted by XanGelicO

^for the guys without love for Kobe's shoes in swoosh... why the hell u still come to this thread frequently then?

if u dont understand this mentality, it may means u r not fan enuf for kobe? i onno, i dont understand how could you be a fan but not liking wht yr idol has on. especially from basketball. maybe i m childish then? if i m so, i think 90% of us in here are very childish.
if most of the fans in the world are having the same mentality as you, i think Nike wouldn't be this successful. lol. so i dont know if you are the one weird or not fan enuf, or most of us in here r weird?
and in my eyes, i thikn u r not a real fan of Kobe, u r just hyped up with Kobe's fame nowaday. so u follow everyone and discuss Kobe or his shoes with his real fans. lol
and why you care about wht other ppl do to get money buy shoes? thts their own business. they share their love to us on here. maybe you are asking a billionare about wht he does to get so many expensive sneakers?! u never know, man.
dont forget the reason you come in this forum, it is to share the sneaker love with sneaker heads!!! thts all u need to do n care, also appreciate from other ppl's sharing in here!! just simple like that, stop asking some weird question here.
The epitome of incoherent gibberish.
Originally Posted by XanGelicO

^for the guys without love for Kobe's shoes in swoosh... why the hell u still come to this thread frequently then?

i dont understand how could you be a fan but not liking wht yr idol has on.  maybe i m childish then? if i m so, i think 90% of us in here are very childish.
 most of us in here r weird?
and in my eyes, i thikn u r not a real fan of Kobe, u r just hyped up with Kobe's fame nowaday
maybe you are asking a billionare about wht he does to get so many expensive sneakers?! u never know, man.
 stop asking some weird question here.
....hasn't somebody created a font for "sarcasm" yet?.....that would be the next twitter I swear... you need a beer or a joint? seem very pent up.....
I do think most people on NT are childish....just wanted to agree with your comment....
In your eyes, it doesn't matter what I am....Those that know me, know what's up....and that's the truth.
If NWT is a billionaire and I'm asking him about how he buys so many ID's....I gotta assume that he's humble enough to #1 be here...
#2....not reveal the fact that he's a billionaire...
#3...have a rich-mans-sense-of-humor to realize that it was a poor-mans-way-of-being-envious-of-his-ability-to-buy-so-many-shoes....
I'll stop asking weird questions if you stop being so judgmental.......Deal?....or No Deal?

^^ Dude, what does buying pairs of ID's have to do with being a millionaire? What does his profession or anything work related have to do with him being able to afford that? What if someone won the lotto? You just never know...

I get asked all of the time what I do because of my cars/watches/shoe collection and spending habits, etc etc... It really is no ones business and that doesn't mean we have anything to hide, it's just irrelevant and ignorant IMO, to put it simply , "in bad taste" to ask.. But I have no problem answering when people do ask, but a question to you, why do you care so much? Just wondering myself.
thanks for your comment, but whatever, different ppl different views. thts all i gotta say.
back to the shoes.
it was called a sarcastic downright rhetorical question...
it really didn't beg a serious answer.....
sorry that it flew over your head and landed on blackcat23mj's head.....
sometimes, short stature can have adverse effects......

nobody is obligated to answer a rhetorical question, hence the nature of it being rhetorical......

sorry if "in bad taste" I asked a question to make you uncomfortable really wasn't supposed to be that serious....
but apparently you have a lot of people who like you (or just your pictures, lol) so much that they come to your defense...
sorry for prying (without really prying).....

I can roll a joint for everyone on NT to share if its really that tense up in here....
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