Official XBOX 360 Thread: Tekken 6 on 360!

What we heard: Ever since it was first rumored a year ago, BioShock 2 has garnered no small amount of attention. That interest was piqued further in March when the game was officially announced as coming out between August 1 and October 31, 2009. Finally, during a June conference call, Take-Two chairman Strauss Zelnick revealed that there would be a third BioShock, which would likely be released alongside director Gore Verbinkski's big-screen adaption of the game.

Since then, though, BioShock 2 has dropped off the public's radar...until today. That's when what appears to be the first teaser trailer for the game surfaced on YouTube, apparently after being unlocked as an Easter egg in the PS3 edition of the game.

After flashing a title card saying "Atlantic Coast"--referring to the ocean underneath, where the first game's events were set--the trailer pulls slowly back to reveal a preteen girl holding a doll. The doll is reminiscent of the hulking Big Daddies of the first game, indicating that the youth in question is an older version of BioShock's tormented Little Sisters. As she recedes into the distance, silhouettes of what appear to be art deco skyscrapers rise from the sand before the trailer cuts to a barnacle-encrusted logo for "BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams."

The official story: As of press time, 2K Games reps had not commented on the trailer or whether or not the PS3 version of BioShock would ship alongside the 360 and PC versions.

Bogus or not bogus?: Not bogus. Although there has been some very convincing Web fakery, this trailer is almost certainly genuine. The age of the girl also indicates that BioShock 2 will be a true sequel set after the original game, not a prequel as some rumors have pegged it.
Triple A games coming out these next few weeks and I think could challenge last years releases

Fable 2
Fallout 3
Gears of War 2
Call of Duty W@W
Left 4 Dead
Just got Fallout 3 yesterday and already put in 8 hrs.

Game is so sick. Vat system is
except when you miss.

For those playing Fallout 3, anyone have any problems with the game freezing?
I haven't had it freeze on me ever. Scratched maybe?
Ayo for those who copped games with the buy 2 get 1 free from Toys R Us and wanted to trade in a game, Toys R Us changed their policy. My friend bought gameson the deal and wanted to trade in a game for Resistance 2 and they wouldn't let him do it unless he brought all 3 games with him, unopened. This is a hugedilemma for me since I have a copy of 2k9 around to trade in for GoW2. Anyone know WalMart's. Target's, and Gamestop's return policy without areceipt?
^^ Feasting Horns- That might just be your toysrus because I returned Rock Band 2 for Fable 2 a few days ago. I only took the one game and receipt.
Originally Posted by Kneesh

What's you guys thoughts on Lego Batman ?

If you play it with a friend its VERY fun... addicting game, beat it in about a week, worth renting
Originally Posted by Feasting Horns

Ayo for those who copped games with the buy 2 get 1 free from Toys R Us and wanted to trade in a game, Toys R Us changed their policy. My friend bought games on the deal and wanted to trade in a game for Resistance 2 and they wouldn't let him do it unless he brought all 3 games with him, unopened. This is a huge dilemma for me since I have a copy of 2k9 around to trade in for GoW2. Anyone know WalMart's. Target's, and Gamestop's return policy without a receipt?
anybody else experience this? i was planning on trading in for yea....
I kept all 3 games sealed for a week till fable 2 came out just incase because I had heard they needed to rescan all three. So im not surprised they told youthat. Then again.. NYC stores/chains are usually extra harsh on policies.

hell, the toysrus in times square denied exchanging because "fable wasnt out during the promo period." Then I said ok, do it for nba 2k9 then, andthey said "no because it ruins the stock" LOL whatever that means.
hmmmm all i opened was nba 2k9

so if worst comes to the worst...i'll just buy another 2k9 from a diff walmart

bring all three games to the toys r us, swap out one for gow, keep the other two again, and have to repeat this process for cod wow

please if ANYBODY has another update with their cities let me know before i have to go to battle with these guys on fri... lol
Originally Posted by Sno Nuff

Originally Posted by Teddythegr:nerd:ne

This is Not Locked..
Why would it be

Chill Out.. Some kid started a new post claiming that he could not add a reply and that this was locked..

NCAA09 demo out and a Left 4 Dead demo is out if you have a code...

Content: NCAA[emoji]174[/emoji] Basketball 09 Demo
Price: Free
Availability: Canada and United States
Dash Text: [ESRB: E (Everyone)] Control the speed of the game like never before as your force your team's style of play on your opponentin NCAA[emoji]174[/emoji] Basketball 09. Your ability to set the tempo from the opening tip and adjust your play according to on the fly feedback from real NCAA Division Icoaches determines your success. An all-new game engine provides authentic college styles of play including up-tempo transition game, trapping defenses,structured half-court sets and many more tools to allow you to play to your team's strengths. Grab the momentum and take control of the game - Set theTempo with NCAA Basketball 09.
Originally Posted by jae oh en


[h1]SSFIIHD Hopefully Coming Sometime This Month[/h1]
Capcom's Christian Svensson has told company forum users that Super Street Fighter II HD has been submitted for approval on both 360 and PS3. And that, as a result, "November is the target month" for a release of the game. Which means we may have to can it with the "oh it's never actually coming out" routine. May. There's still 3 or so weeks left for something else to come along and delay the project!

"It's submitted on both platforms but not approved on either yet so we'll have to see. Fingers crossed."


Even if it does pass submission, it takes more than 3 - 4 weeks for a game to finally get pushed out the door.

Then again, this is an XBLA game and not an actual shipped title. Either way, I'm crossing my fingers along with you.

Edit ~~~//> GOW2 Campaign =

I feel unsatisfied... Campaign was a bit too easy for Hardcore.
The Xbox 360 Fall Flash update will be available to you by 11am PST on November 8th (2pm EST on November 8th, 7pm GMT on November 8th).

While exploring the New Xbox Experience (NXE) you may come across bugs or have some suggestions. Please share those with us by going to Microsoft Connect and clicking on the Feedback link.

If you would like to post comments regarding your experiences with the New Xbox Experience, or interact with other preview participants please use the Newsgroups link on the connect site. Although we are monitoring the newsgroups, all bugs and suggestions should be filed using the Feedback link.

If you need technical assistance with the Xbox 360 Fall Flash and you're in the US or Canada and speak English; you can also call 877-783-1507. Phone lines will be open between the hours of 8am and 6pm CST. Do not publish or otherwise share this phone number with people that are not participating in the preview.

In participation with this program, you should not move your storage device (hard drive, or memory unit if you do not have a hard drive) to any other console as it will also update that console. If an unregistered console is updated with the NXE update, that console will not be able to connect to Xbox LIVE until the NXE has been officially released on November 19th.

Please remember that your participation in the Public Preview Program is subject to the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use.

We thank you for your participation and hope that you enjoy the New Xbox Experience.

See you online,

The Xbox 360 team

Cant wait to try it out. Finally... something I get to do before Nickthed!*#k

Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

The Xbox 360 Fall Flash update will be available to you by 11am PST on November 8th (2pm EST on November 8th, 7pm GMT on November 8th).

While exploring the New Xbox Experience (NXE) you may come across bugs or have some suggestions. Please share those with us by going to Microsoft Connect and clicking on the Feedback link.

If you would like to post comments regarding your experiences with the New Xbox Experience, or interact with other preview participants please use the Newsgroups link on the connect site. Although we are monitoring the newsgroups, all bugs and suggestions should be filed using the Feedback link.

If you need technical assistance with the Xbox 360 Fall Flash and you're in the US or Canada and speak English; you can also call 877-783-1507. Phone lines will be open between the hours of 8am and 6pm CST. Do not publish or otherwise share this phone number with people that are not participating in the preview.

In participation with this program, you should not move your storage device (hard drive, or memory unit if you do not have a hard drive) to any other console as it will also update that console. If an unregistered console is updated with the NXE update, that console will not be able to connect to Xbox LIVE until the NXE has been officially released on November 19th.

Please remember that your participation in the Public Preview Program is subject to the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use.

We thank you for your participation and hope that you enjoy the New Xbox Experience.

See you online,

The Xbox 360 team
Cant wait to try it out. Finally... something I get to do before Nickthed!*#k


The NXE has been out to many people about a week ago. I myself have not tried the new update as you will not be able to login to XBOX LIVE.
Originally Posted by GRUP

Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

The Xbox 360 Fall Flash update will be available to you by 11am PST on November 8th (2pm EST on November 8th, 7pm GMT on November 8th).

While exploring the New Xbox Experience (NXE) you may come across bugs or have some suggestions. Please share those with us by going to Microsoft Connect and clicking on the Feedback link.

If you would like to post comments regarding your experiences with the New Xbox Experience, or interact with other preview participants please use the Newsgroups link on the connect site. Although we are monitoring the newsgroups, all bugs and suggestions should be filed using the Feedback link.

If you need technical assistance with the Xbox 360 Fall Flash and you're in the US or Canada and speak English; you can also call 877-783-1507. Phone lines will be open between the hours of 8am and 6pm CST. Do not publish or otherwise share this phone number with people that are not participating in the preview.

In participation with this program, you should not move your storage device (hard drive, or memory unit if you do not have a hard drive) to any other console as it will also update that console. If an unregistered console is updated with the NXE update, that console will not be able to connect to Xbox LIVE until the NXE has been officially released on November 19th.

Please remember that your participation in the Public Preview Program is subject to the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use.

We thank you for your participation and hope that you enjoy the New Xbox Experience.

See you online,

The Xbox 360 team
Cant wait to try it out. Finally... something I get to do before Nickthed!*#k


The NXE has been out to many people about a week ago. I myself have not tried the new update as you will not be able to login to XBOX LIVE.
If you got accepted to the early try out or whatever they call it, then you can go online with the update, the people that download it to a flashdrive however, cant.
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