Official XBOX 360 Thread: Tekken 6 on 360!

yoo noble if u can change my GT in the op cuz i changed it and my other NT account was banned GT is GnR TerrorisTim

good lookin out
damn just got the 3 red lights. i just called microsoft and i had no idea the power supply could be the problem as well. i thought it was all in the console.they suggested i try it on another power supply since they couldnt tell what the problem was with mine. hopefully it gets fixed.

anyone know if they'll accept my 360 if i trade it in after microsoft fixes it? thing is ill be keeping my hd because im planning to cop an arcade. not tomention the disc tray has its share of problems as well.
Anyone have an extra 48 hour trial code? Subscription ended Thursday and used my 2k9 one already. Just ordered a year subscription on Amazon, but until then Ineed to play.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by ROME357

Originally Posted by llcooljunr

For those looking for cod beta codes, have u guys tried registering on the website? They randomly sent me a code in my email.
They sent me a damn pc beta code

Anyone want it?

Yeah, me too. At first I didn't read that it was a PC and got all excited for nothing it turned out to be.. I'm so sick of fighting for the COD5 beta codes with all these people, so I won't even try anymore. Why can't they just let the demo be downloaded by everyone anyway. It's like 3 different stages.

Yea, sorry about that... They actually sent me both... I tried dling the pc version of the game to try it out, but all those mirror sites they gave me werentworking... Oh well...

But I have been playing Fallout 3 for the past couple days, and I'm pretty happy with it. It's not as random and as expansive as Fallout 1 and 2, butit's way better than Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel on Xbox. I highly recommend picking this game up.
Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

cod5 is soooooo whack

im sticking with cod4

cod 5 is good. You probably never played any of the older COD (1-3)? I've always liked the older World War guns anyways....
Just beat 007 : Quantum of Solace. Not too bad. Can't wait to try it online on the 4th.
whats the deal with the letters in Banjo Kazooie N/B demo.. my eyes bleed from trying to read them, they're so small.

[h1]SSFIIHD Hopefully Coming Sometime This Month[/h1]
Capcom's Christian Svensson has told company forum users that Super Street Fighter II HD has been submitted for approval on both 360 andPS3. And that, as a result, "November is the target month" for a release of the game. Which means we may have to can it with the "oh it'snever actually coming out" routine. May. There's still 3 or so weeks left for something else to come along and delay theproject!

"It's submitted on both platforms but not approved on either yet so we'll have to see. Fingers crossed."



I got a COD: World At War beta code for the PC laying around if anyone wants it..
Just a heads up for anyone that is not on COD World at War. It should be open to all today for download. Here is an email that is going around:

Dear Call of Duty Customer,

If you're experiencing difficulties accessing the Call of Duty World at War Beta, beginning tomorrow morning, Tuesday, November 4, at 2:00am PST you willbe able to access the Multiplayer Beta. You will no longer need a beta code to access. Simply enter the Xbox Live Marketplace, click on "Game Demos"and locate Call of Duty World at War to download the beta. If you have further issues regarding the beta you can contact the Activision hotline at1-800-229-3399.

Thank you,
GameStop Customer Service
Originally Posted by KeVeNMaYnE

Originally Posted by Dunk Demon

Just got Fallout 3 for 19.99 after trading in Halo 3 and Skate.

It's awesome.

kill yourself.

wait they gave you that much store credit?
i have both those gamescollecting dust & i want to cop GOW2 on friday
I'm gonna be adding some dudes to my friends list.

but if you want, add me GT - sK00fMaN32 .... the 0's are zeros

I play COD4, Gears, and 2k8...

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