Official Warriors Off Season Thread

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Are you Andrew630? If I'm not mistaken, you were talking about another username
Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by Mississippi Bullet

Naw, keep guessing.

The dude who made the wikipedia edit?

Somebody do the math.

Ka-Ching! Just like my jump-shot.
Nice! I got it on the 2nd try

I guessed GSDOUBLEU first because he said he got one on ice

By the way, Andr... errr... Mississippi Bullet... let me know if youwant an avy made for that username. I got you
If Brand doesn't accept the $90 mil, he's doing what I wish most stars would do and that is take less money to get a better team together. But Idon't want him to sign with the Clippers anymore since they took Baron away
. Yeah, I'm still bitter.

And maybe I should make the name "Cold Vicious" or "M8E" or my favorite... "Bleu Bayou"
. Actually, I got dibs on "BleuBayou". Nobody dare take it!!!
Brand is gonna stay a Clipper, book it. When you're 29, and your team just signed an All-Star...what are the chances you'd wanna go for Benjamins?
Originally Posted by Mississippi Bullet

Brand is gonna stay a Clipper, book it. When you're 29, and your team just signed an All-Star...what are the chances you'd wanna go for Benjamins?

I don't know... Wasn't Brand supposed to make a decision tonight? I think someone said earlier, he must be seriously considering the Warriors'offer then.
Money talks....if he really takes the Clips' smaller offer, than I really have give props to Elton for not being a moneychaser like most athletes are.
I have to give props to Mullin for giving Brand that offer...I mean, even if we dont get him, it's likely the Clips have to do something that will screw uptheir cap. i've heard it's possible they might have to send some players back to us in a Baron S+T or something to make it work (even if we don'tget Elton)
Basically, the Clips will have to renounce a lot of players, and they'll have a very short rotation even with Baron/Brand-and as talented as the rotationwill be, you have to have somewhat of a bench to keep going.
Mullin really knows what he's doing.

I got dibs on a Biedrins nickname.
yo, i call "Twin Chopsticks" or something like that for both wright and randolph.

but i really think brand's gonna stay. His team just picked up a legit point guard.

did anyone peep barons yardbarker? dude had me

Welcome homeeee! Lol its ya boy BoomDizzle the new Hollywood Boom or now it should be called HollyBoom! I'm a Clipper now and I couldn't be any happier to come home. The sad part is I'm leaving a city that truly made me feel welcomed. My fans and supporters in the bay will always have a place in my heart. Ya digg! I really just had to express how excited I am about being home. But check it, I'm off to dinner. So check back tommorow.. Same time, same channel.. I got something special planned for all my fans! Ill holla!
You can't be mad at him. It's everyones dream to play for their hometown team. And the fact that they paid him makes even that much sweeter
lol which nickname for biedrins? goose, beans?

at twin chopsticks.

i had to make a backup NT name anyways. you know, always gotta have a contingency plan, unlike the Warriors...
it is what it is,Baron's living out his dream right now. It just sucks that there's so many unanswered questions left to be answered. If anything,i'm more mad at management for doing a piss poor job of handling the whole ordeal.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by Not a sneak

at somebody calling Brand a tweener
He is like 6'8", come one now.

Brand isn't a "tweener"
. Brand isn't an SF. He's a PF... make no mistake about it.

Ok, I should've clarified. He is undersized, having Brand will make you guys small, again. Why not go after Chauncey, and make your lineup bigger and more defensive. A much better idea then trying to grab anundersized PF, throw big money his way and he is just coming off injury. You guys have a soon to be great PF in Wright.
Originally Posted by Mississippi Bullet

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Are you Andrew630? If I'm not mistaken, you were talking about another username
Originally Posted by franchise3

Originally Posted by Mississippi Bullet

Naw, keep guessing.

The dude who made the wikipedia edit?

Somebody do the math.

Ka-Ching! Just like my jump-shot.

Andrew, I haven't seen your jumper in a while, you haven't been going to the ARC man. Haha how is your knee? Gotta play IM's next year! Haha
man I was out of the loop for about 2 days now. So someone give me some notes on wth just happened. Last I heard BD opted out but I put on ESPN earlier andthey were saying something about Brand and DAVIS staying in LA and who the W's can now go after.

from what I read the past 2 pages, BD agreed to go to the Clips, W's offered Brand 90 mil deal and that we might be pursuing other FAs is that it? I got afew questions myself.. like how much is BD signing for and how long? Did he sign as a FA or will a S&T go down sign we are now pursuing Brand?

IMO if we get Brand we might just have to snap out of Nellie ball (which may be a good thing). I mean for a while now we all know that our way won't win usa championship let alone let us win against the top tier teams. We'll be making our front court even better by adding Brand who has a good mid range jumpshot, and plays excellent D. really the only downfall is the money he's signing for.

if we don't get Brand I'm not sure who we should get. I'm kinda leaning towards Josh Smith (mainly cause I run with the Hawks on 2k8), dude's agreat defender that'll help us greatly. I don't really know if dude can shoot the 3 but that maybe a good thing also, less bad shots taken. as far asIggy, kinda the same but dude's position might be a problem since he'll probably play the 2 or 3 and by doing that we're really pushing Monta to bethe PG and I don't think he can handle that right now.
the ARC's dope. use my friends ID to go workout all the time. haha

didn't know u guys played IM bball, or else i woulda signed up
. Instead i did IM football last year.
Originally Posted by jrich for MVP

Andrew, I haven't seen your jumper in a while, you haven't been going to the ARC man. Haha how is your knee? Gotta play IM's next year! Haha

I was actually referring to Monta's jumper, but mine is on a whole nuffa' level. Monta takes lessons from me...

...but knee is getting better now...maybe it's the San Francisco weather. And we definitely gotta start an IM team next year. You, Ning,your brother, me and a few other dudes. We would have B on lock if we don't get matched up with those guys that should be in A or AA. And seriously, myjumper is still smooth, but my handling is shaky...I felt more comfortable with the ball in my hands a year ago. Now I just catch and shoot...
Originally Posted by dont be a menace

man I was out of the loop for about 2 days now. So someone give me some notes on wth just happened. Last I heard BD opted out but I put on ESPN earlier and they were saying something about Brand and DAVIS staying in LA and who the W's can now go after.

from what I read the past 2 pages, BD agreed to go to the Clips, W's offered Brand 90 mil deal and that we might be pursuing other FAs is that it? I got a few questions myself.. like how much is BD signing for and how long? Did he sign as a FA or will a S&T go down sign we are now pursuing Brand?

IMO if we get Brand we might just have to snap out of Nellie ball (which may be a good thing). I mean for a while now we all know that our way won't win us a championship let alone let us win against the top tier teams. We'll be making our front court even better by adding Brand who has a good mid range jump shot, and plays excellent D. really the only downfall is the money he's signing for.

if we don't get Brand I'm not sure who we should get. I'm kinda leaning towards Josh Smith (mainly cause I run with the Hawks on 2k8), dude's a great defender that'll help us greatly. I don't really know if dude can shoot the 3 but that maybe a good thing also, less bad shots taken. as far as Iggy, kinda the same but dude's position might be a problem since he'll probably play the 2 or 3 and by doing that we're really pushing Monta to be the PG and I don't think he can handle that right now.

I hate people who abuse with josh smith on 2k8. josh smith owns the paint on the offensive end. josh smith in paint = highlight dunk

Would you guys throw a line-up of

with AL Harrington and SJax gone for young players?

That team has so much length, take Marco out and put a legit pg and you have Phx circa 05-07 on steriods
Originally Posted by Mississippi Bullet

Originally Posted by jrich for MVP

Andrew, I haven't seen your jumper in a while, you haven't been going to the ARC man. Haha how is your knee? Gotta play IM's next year! Haha

I was actually referring to Monta's jumper, but mine is on a whole nuffa' level. Monta takes lessons from me...

...but knee is getting better now...maybe it's the San Francisco weather. And we definitely gotta start an IM team next year. You, Ning, your brother, me and a few other dudes. We would have B on lock if we don't get matched up with those guys that should be in A or AA. And seriously, my jumper is still smooth, but my handling is shaky...I felt more comfortable with the ball in my hands a year ago. Now I just catch and shoot...

Pretty much sounds like my game.
Damn, everybody here goes to Davis?
I remember in high school a lot of people ended up going there...if I had gone there maybe I wouldn't have to dealwith so many Laker fans down in SoCal...

And Wright is definitely good-but we don't know how good he can be. Will he ever be as good as Brand? I doubt it. I know both play diff. styles-but I meantin terms of star potential.
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