Official V-Tech VS. Alabama Post...

Originally Posted by r0yalty

*Throws chair*
thats prolly gonna just about do it for Tech... Im never impressed by them, yet they always have a lofty ranking... oh well
Checking in. It's 6 o clock in the morning where I'm at and NT has major problems loading in Switzerland so I haven't been posting that much; but Ifigured I'd show my face after the loss.

-Alabama is really good. Damn Nick Saban and his teams always executing so well. Ingram and Upchurch are way better than I thought.
-It really came down to our offense sucking complete *+% and not being able to stay on the field. Our D played well early but they never got to rest and Bamajust wore us down in the 2nd half.
-Kam Chancellor is a joke. He got absolutely abused in all facets of the game tonight. Terrible tackling and coverage.
-I swear to god we have so many good athletes on offense right now but you guys would never know it because our coaches are so bad at getting them the ball.Boyce is a stud but hardly did anything tonight. Same with David Wilson, he didn't even get any carries.
-You can tell our coaching is terrible on offense simply by the fact that when Bama blitzed on third down we did absolutely nothing to adjust to it all night;just sat back and took it. No screens to keep them honest or anything. My favorite was when they just about all out blitzed, even showed it before the snap,and both receivers still ran routes that took about 5 seconds to develop and never even turned around and looked for the ball before Tyrod was sacked.
-Our offense reminds me of when you have to give a presentation at school or work and you have no idea what you're talking about and just have to BS it.Completely unorganized and unprepared. Like really, the 2nd most experienced O-line in the country and you still whiff on a block because they ran a twist orstunt?

We'll never be relevant until we get new offensive coaching. Hats off to Bama, they're what I wish we were.
After watching all the games this week, and i do completely understand that it is week 1, but i'm starting to see an Alabama vs. Texas NC.
As much as I would love to see bama in a national championship game again, i don't see it happening.
they have to get by florida in order for that to happen. and after tonight I was not impressed by McElroy there needs to be a lot of improvement on his passingseems like.
either that or he was just nervous, once he finally calmed down he started doing alright. I never was much of a JPW fan either but it would be nice to stillhave him along with the more experienced and smarter player J Jones. I'm also expecting to see big things from Colin Peek this year, for some reason hejust really stood out to me.
Great win to open up the season though. Next up Florida International
You also have to take into account that this was McElroys first start, and it was in a prime time, major game. He will be fine
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

dreClark wrote:
I mean, I don't think y'all understand UA's QB predicament. These dudes are WORSE than JPW as of this moment, imo.
Yet still.......they'll have the QB advantage over VT.

VT does not win big games period. Bama will run it down their throats. Hopefully Trent gets some snaps.

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