Official Umar Johnson Thread

layziegunts layziegunts

The c-word is racial slur, Meth has warned dudes repeatedly not to use it on NT. It is censored for a reason. He even got heated at us in the the Poltical thread for using racoon gifs to imply the word. He would probably ban or suspend you if it brought to his attention you are using it to directly insult other poster.

So a bit of advice, stop calling people that word on NT. It might not end well for you.
this thread is falling back into the circus freak show section and got mods looking at me now.

Instead of honest discussions about big black politics. I give up
this thread is falling back into the circus freak show section and got mods looking at me now.

Instead of honest discussions about big black politics. I give up
Your tone is ****** man. Aggressive. Confrontational. And disrespectful for no reason at all.

Now I agree with your position, but I don't agree with how you are expressing your message. You have to stop disrespecting the "general" folks you are addressing. Because you always say you not talking about anyone directly, but always spewing something regarding people not being true.

Lead with love man.

I love this one about the LGBTA community. I agree with him 100%, I have no issues with them as a people, but they shouldn't try to intertwine the LGBTA politics with black politics, because they are 2 completely seperate things

I love this one about the LGBTA community. I agree with him 100%, I have no issues with them as a people, but they shouldn't try to intertwine the LGBTA politics with black politics, because they are 2 completely seperate things

The first minute of this video is exactly why I have issues with Umar Johnson and the truth. He says black teens have the lowest teen pregnancy rate in decades which is 100% true. But then he goes onto link that to infertility caused by birth control, and he specifically calls out the contraceptive Norplant. Norplant is a contraceptive that was pulled from the shelves in 2002 :lol: granted it was pulled because it was giving women fertility issues (that most recovered from after taking the drug) but he’s not expecting people to do research to call him out. Also, there’s no substantial clinical data or studies linking increased infertility to modern day birth control.

A more realistic cause for birth rates going down for younger black Women would lie in the fact that women in general are waiting until later to have kids and start families in favor of pursing education and careers. And guess which group of women are consistently among the most educated? Black women. But it makes more sense to take a postivte thing like low teen pregnancy rates and link it to infertility to a drug most black teens weren’t even born when it was pulled from shelves and gay people?

Half truths and whole lies

This is the kinda stuff that give him no legitimacy and make me question what his real agenda is. I don’t disagree with keeping different movements separate but this dude goes from saying he loves lgbt brothers and sister To partially blaming their existence For the decline of black birth rates. Which implies a whole bunch of other stuff which I have a feeling is linked to more ideas not grounded in any real science.
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The first minute of this video is exactly why I have issues with Umar Johnson and the truth. He says black teens have the lowest teen pregnancy rate in decades which is 100% true. But then he goes onto link that to infertility caused by birth control, and he specifically calls out the contraceptive Norplant. Norplant is a contraceptive that was pulled from the shelves in 2002 :lol: granted it was pulled because it was giving women fertility issues (that most recovered from after taking the drug) but he’s not expecting people to do research to call him out. Also, there’s no substantial clinical data or studies linking increased infertility to modern day birth control.

A more realistic cause for birth rates going down for younger black Women would lie in the fact that women in general are waiting until later to have kids and start families in favor of pursing education and careers. And guess which group of women are consistently among the most educated? Black women. But it makes more sense to take a postivte thing like low teen pregnancy rates and link it to infertility to a drug most black teens weren’t even born when it was pulled from shelves and gay people?

Half truths and whole lies

This is the kinda stuff that give him no legitimacy and make me question what his real agenda is. I don’t disagree with keeping different movements separate but this dude goes from saying he loves lgbt brothers and sister To partially blaming their existence For the decline of black birth rates. Which implies a whole bunch of other stuff which I have a feeling is linked to more ideas not grounded in any real science.

Like you really went in there just to nitpick every little piece of data, not the overall message of what he’s trying to say or accomplish.

You wrote a whole essay about one piece of data that he provided that was not 100% accurate. I swear us black people will never win, when we are out to snipe each other for the silly things
Like you really went in there just to nitpick every little piece of data, not the overall message of what he’s trying to say or accomplish.

You wrote a whole essay about one piece of data that he provided that was not 100% accurate. I swear us black people will never win, when we are out to snipe each other for the silly things
it’s important for information to be addressed for what it is and not taken at face value. If everyone read only the back of books we’d all be idiots. The same argument you’re making for Umar is the same argument people make for Trump. Umar is the smartest kid on the short bus and everyone who can’t see that generally eats his **** up
Like you really went in there just to nitpick every little piece of data, not the overall message of what he’s trying to say or accomplish.

You wrote a whole essay about one piece of data that he provided that was not 100% accurate. I swear us black people will never win, when we are out to snipe each other for the silly things

You think pointing out the fact that he’s blaming birthcontrol on sterilizing a generation of black girls is completely false is nitpicking? brother, that wasn’t an inaccuracy, it was a bold faced lie. You can 100% defend the need to repair and maintain the black family structure without lying about a made up issue to get people to buy into his opinion. There are so many ways to demonstrate how how the black family is under attack and instead of using a legit example he concocted a fake scenario designed to make people believe that black womens fertility is under attack by birth control. That’s 100% false and he’s preying on the fears of people that don’t know better. It doesn’t make you scratch your head when he lies like that? Nothing umar said in that video is ground breaking or revolutionary. Nothing he said (aside from the lies in the first half of the video) are ideas he originally came up with. So why do you have to take your Panafricanism with a side of fear mongering and lies?
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it’s important for information to be addressed for what it is and not taken at face value. If everyone read only the back of books we’d all be idiots. The same argument you’re making for Umar is the same argument people make for Trump. Umar is the smartest kid on the short bus and everyone who can’t see that generally eats his **** up

Honestly I think Umar Johnson is far more intelligent than Trump. Umar knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s fear mongering.
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And to be clear I’m 100% with the idea of not letting the black movement be co-opted by other movements.

That said, everything he said in the first 2 minutes having to do with fertility/birth rates and their link gay people and birth control are 100% false.
What I’m asking is how you can elevate someone as a leader and a teacher if he’s lying and fearmongering to gains a following? Why doesn’t that make you question his personal agenda? Because you agree with what he says? I agree with a lot of what he says because fundamentally i agree with a lot of panafricansm. But what I won’t do is praise someone as a leader or intellectual or an expert who goes out of their way to mislead people to fake legitimacy. And this isn’t the only example where he does this. This is repeated behavior, and RustyShackleford RustyShackleford and I have pointed it out on more than a few occasions. If what he lies to people about was outside of him speaking in black issues I’d have no issues with him, but what he does in the video is exactly how he approaches most topics. He speaks on a topic something most people agree with and then he literally makes sh*t up in away that causes people to agree out of anger or fear (like black girls are losing their ability to conceive children and some how a rise in gay people are causing lower birth rates). And then he relies on that fact that people perceive him as being super educated and takes what he says as fact. Does Umar being a liar invalidate panafricanism? Not at all. But it definitely means he can’t be trusted to be a teacher because he’s passing off his personal agenda as panafricansim. That’s what cult leaders do. You called out pastors like creflo dollar for using the Bible to get rich and serve their own personal agenda, but that exactly what umar Johnson does, if not why would he use lies and fear mongering to get people to join him?

This dude calls himself an educator, a historian, an intellectual, a doctor but you keep trying to down play the fact that he lies as if it doesn’t impact his credibility as an educated person trying to educate others. This isn’t him misquoting something, or him mistakenly using the wrong word in a sentence. This is someone who claims to be an expert at what he speaks on but lies, makes up facts, and twists the truth to make his “ideas” more credible. Tell me why does he have to do that?
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Yes Pasta Boy I am black. Now you post yourself you little agent

oh my.

Everything he said here about black entertainers is 100% true

so why do you think people like Umar, Boyce, and Claud Anderson dont employ entertainers to spread their messages?

Boyce is guilty of complaining about this as well.

well, if thats how they feel why not use entertainment as a bridge to reach their audience?
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