Official Umar Johnson Thread

Sorry to hear about what happened there but… what?
You seem rather oblivious to what people here are actually taking issue with. Those videos display black girls engaging in slavery roleplay.

what’s ****ed up

Meh which is why I said sort of. I dunno man, nothing about this looks slavish until black MEN brought it up.
If I posted a video of me having sex with a white girl it would be I interpreted by black men and white men completely different

White men: stop raping our women

Black men: they raping you dawg
Calm down man I think interracial sex is automatically assumed to be perverted. You're talking to someone who has had to take care of a 15 year old black girl who got raped by her uncle and had to have his baby while suffering from acute herpes sores. (True story and too much reality).

Just let whatever perversion this is be.

Stop it champ. You’ve been caught in so many lies, untruths, and fraudulent stories I’m not even about to think that story is true. No need to fake…..just be yourself, unless that’s not good enough.
Stop it champ. You’ve been caught in so many lies, untruths, and fraudulent stories I’m not even about to think that story is true. No need to fake…..just be yourself, unless that’s not good enough.

Lol dismiss actual admission of my experiences of violence against black girls for his NT cred.

Sorry to hear about what happened there but… what?
You seem rather oblivious to what people here are actually taking issue with. Those videos display black girls engaging in slavery roleplay.

what’s ****ed up

He knows.

He is purposely playing dumb.

And then it somehow got flipped on black men MAKING it about slavery. Not the people that recorded the video but BLACK men are the reason it has slave tones.

He has to be trolling.
Why is black people playing those types of stupid games kinky to you?

You know thats superior chickens boy right?

I'm sure he loves seeing black folks demean themselves. He just wishes he could continue to do it himself on NT. That's why you'll find him in every black culture thread making stupid comments. Weird stuff.

Then you have Anton, the only black person I've seen that suffers from White Fragility. Sad stuff.
Always felt like this topic was truly his lane.

If he would have just STAYED here, things would have been much better for him.

(5) Dr Umar Johnson: Black Daughter Suspended TEN Times - Black Parent Teleconference (Spring 2022) - YouTube

Meh which is why I said sort of. I dunno man, nothing about this looks slavish until black MEN brought it up.
I don't think anyone is buying that you’re actually this oblivious.
The audio in all of those clips is an edited version of some song lyrics "Who you with? B****, with my [n-word]"
Except that here, n-word is replaced with "massa", as in slavemaster.
I don't think anyone is buying that you’re actually this oblivious.
The audio in all of those clips is an edited version of some song lyrics "Who you with? B****, with my [n-word]"
Except that here, n-word is replaced with "massa", as in slavemaster.
Rewind back to slavery, black women were getting raped by their “massa.”

I’d say it was corny if a white woman or black men were posting clips…and “Who you with? b****, with my Mandingo!!”

Next thing, Jews making TikTok videos joking about the holocaust by sitting in an oven with a blonde person standing outside.
I don't think anyone is buying that you’re actually this oblivious.
The audio in all of those clips is an edited version of some song lyrics "Who you with? B****, with my [n-word]"
Except that here, n-word is replaced with "massa", as in slavemaster.

Yea I'm not doing all that. Protect young black women.
Maybe if I kept it simple and talked about slavery..........

Yea because THAT is what this conversation is all about.

I don't even think you know what angle you are attempting to take here.

But that, "It wasn't about slavery until BLACK MEN made it about slavery" was a nice move there. I applaud your efforts.

Yea I'm not doing all that. Protect young black women.

Full of it. :lol:
Lol can make this about black women? Why do they get paid less than I do?

I just realized I'm having an argument with garbage men.
Yeah okay champ. A weedhead advocating for more weed usage…….who would have guessed it?? Also notice you said “most of the people I know who smoke weed are out making a living”…….that means the other group that smoke weed that you know are bunch of dusty, broke, low life folks that probably still live at home with their momma……just as I suspected.

We have too many black folks wasting their time and money out in front of a corner/liquor store smoking weed all throughout the day being unproductive, too many. Stop thinking about your small circle of perhaps professional friends that smoke weed and think about the masses….particularly younger black people who weed is being pushed and marketed to. We got young kids skipping classes and even coming into school reeking of marijuana unable to learn continually falling behind, that’s not the image we need to have. Only people that should be smoking weed are folks with legit prescribed medical purposes, and perhaps celebrities for image purposes. Other than that we need to get rid of the ethnic image of smoking weed and being connected to black people. Find something productive to do in your spare time instead……have a sense of pride, even if you weren’t taught any better.
and you clearly skipped over the fact that I said those people that's hanging out on the corners, jobless and skipping school would be doing that way even if you took weed out of the equation. Weed is far from the problem when you look at the amount of black people spending money on things such as high priced clothes & SNEAKERS or constantly consuming fatty foods from fast food joints. If you're not pro marijuana, just say that , but don't come up with no bull-ish like what you just typed. The ONLY harm marijuana has on the black community is that the colonizers with power have used it as a way to lock up black people while they secretly benefit off it's legalization.
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and you clearly skipped over the fact that I said those people that's hanging out on the corners, jobless and skipping school would be doing that way even if you took weed out of the equation. Weed is far from the problem when you look at the amount of black people spending money on things such as high priced clothes & SNEAKERS or constantly consuming fatty foods from fast food joints. If you're not pro marijuana, just say that , but don't come up with no bull-ish like what you just typed. The ONLY harm marijuana has on the black community is that the colonizers with power have used it as a way to lock up black people while they secretly benefit off it's legalization.

I didn’t skip anything champ. At the end of the day if you smoke weed and are hanging out on the corner, jobless, and skipping school you are making your problems WORSE. If you are in a ditch do you keep digging deeper or stop digging. Thats exactly what weed does to the average black person smoking it……digs the ditch even deeper for you. Smoking weed is a hindrance, unless your artist or smoking for medical purposes.

What kind of professionals do some of you dudes deal with. Do you deal with dentist that smokes weed, do deal with a realtor that smokes weed, do you deal with a financial advisor that smokes weed?? Black people have got to get off this plantation mentality that’s running rampant within us. We have got to be business-minded……and you can’t be that if you are smoking weed, laying around being lazy, and looking dusty. Dudes gotta get off that.

We talk about black empowerment on here but when push comes to shove you actually see the folks that are actually about black empowerment versus folks supporting black people continuing to stay in a lost state.
Who still visits WSHH?
Kinky....sort of

Horrible. These two posters above showing their true colors………rather LACK of color truth be told.
That's putting it far too kindly. If you look at ComputersPuting's history, all he does is race-troll, concern troll and concoct whataboutism arguments ONLY on topics relating to Black people.

He's an asian supremacist, btw...
What type of stupid game are you speaking of ? Looks to me both parties are cool with the arrangement.
Neither one is underaged I hope.
Why yuck their yum?

Then he just sea-lions like this when anyone calls him out.

He either owns NT and uses Nelson C as a cover up or he has dirt on the lead magistrate of the NT Kangaroo court- that's the only explanation for why he hasn't been permanently banned yet.

Dude is one of those people that's proudly racist on the internet, but in real life he's quiet, revealing nothing about his misplaced hatred for fear of getting beaten into oblivion.
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