OFFICIAL THE WIRE THREAD.. ''The game is the game"

String died because of some other **** that he got himself into when he played Omar against Brother Mouzone. These two killers would have gotten to String eventually without Avon.
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Only difference is String was working towards something and did it for a reason nd Avon was just trying to save his ***.
that doesn't even make sense. 

they (avon and stringer) both were taking out whoever was "deemed" a roadblock in their respective plans.

all the ordered hits i can remember from the barksdale organization had a reason behind it.  
string was always bucking avons orders or scoffing at avons decisions day one

string was the go to man to get things done and started feeling more important than avon

the king stay the king

d mapped out strings death in season 1
Not day 1. Just the start of the series and at the start they were already kings of the drug game in their region.

Avon ****** up and got locked up for a bit. The houses got torn down, and when he came back out he started ******* up the whole game acting like he was still 20 or some ****.
string was always bucking avons orders or scoffing at avons decisions day one

string was the go to man to get things done and started feeling more important than avon
String would've eventually had to kill Avon, that's where they were headed.
I can see 2 alternatives. Had String not got set back by Clay by the time Avon got out, String would've been gone successful on his own doing w/e he want with clean straight money. The other way I see it still involves him leaving the game (probably to Slim Charles) but having to eventually deal with Mouzzone and Omar even if he went straight.
Mogs demonize String for trying to save Avon's life but idolize Avon for giving his man up to keep his line to NYC open.

I don't understand you dudes. It's two sides of the same coin, the same exact move but from a different mentality. Only difference is Avon was only going to be gone for a few years, String lost his life.

You can't knock one yet praise the other.

Avon was protecting everything he stood for his name was on the line, not just the connect.

If Stringer really wanted nothing to do with Avon and really wanted to be legit he could have walked away he had plenty of loot, but nah he wanted one foot in and one foot out, and if you in the game like that snitching on your right hand is as low as it gets.

And again Avon at least tried to get String pardoned, Stringer gave him up with no pressure.
Nah String was on his way out, he had one foot in and one out but it wasn't one foot in gang banging and the drug game. He was kinda forced to still lead the whole drug thing to facilitate his way out.

IMO there was nothing wrong with him wanting one foot in of still being a criminal. He could've got his kingpin on. I saw nothing wrong with him wanting Clay Davis dead. He just was looking to hire the wrong dudes who aint built for that. I didn't agree with Avon saying it was an ultimatum of he's in or out. Stringer ****** up but it didn't suddenly become him having to choose. He apparently always was that dude we saw and could maneuver his way in the game to get to his goal. Not just all legal or all illegal
Mogs demonize String for trying to save Avon's life but idolize Avon for giving his man up to keep his line to NYC open.

I don't understand you dudes. It's two sides of the same coin, the same exact move but from a different mentality. Only difference is Avon was only going to be gone for a few years, String lost his life.

You can't knock one yet praise the other.

Avon was protecting everything he stood for his name was on the line, not just the connect.

If Stringer really wanted nothing to do with Avon and really wanted to be legit he could have walked away he had plenty of loot, but nah he wanted one foot in and one foot out, and if you in the game like that snitching on your right hand is as low as it gets.

And again Avon at least tried to get String pardoned, Stringer gave him up with no pressure.
The pressure was the war. They were getting unnecessary heat on them. The wire was back up and everything. They began to notice. Avon's path was gonna get him and more ppl killed or locked up eventually. String saved that traitorous *****'s life with a traitorous move but it was not out of malice or some greed to have it all to himself. He wanted Avon with him and Avon was too dumb to be down.

IMO String only ****** up when he told Avon he set up D's death. Had he not done that I don't think Avon gives String up so easily. I think he would've lied about the location or at least warned him. To me that was String's biggest mistake.
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String died because of some other **** that he got himself into when he played Omar against Brother Mouzone. These two killers would have gotten to String eventually without Avon.
Maybe, maybe not. Would've been great to see go down in S4.

I know String wouldn't have died the way it went down in S3 though. I would've preferred String to go out unexpectedly the way Omar died than to be betrayed like that but that shady stuff was apart of Stringer's story so I can't knock it.
If my best friend wants to put me in jail, he ain't my best friend.
If my best friend helps ppl who want to kill me, kill me, he aint my best friend.
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Only difference is String was working towards something and did it for a reason nd Avon was just trying to save his ***.
that doesn't even make sense. 

they (avon and stringer) both were taking out whoever was "deemed" a roadblock in their respective plans.
all the ordered hits i can remember from the barksdale organization had a reason behind it.  
Peep the video above posted and quoted. Avon knows his reasons were bull **** for setting up String. He straight up said so.

All prior ordered hits had a reason but this wasn't an ordered hit. This was an emotional decision made by Avon cuz String had D killed. He felt some type of way so he took the easy way out when Omar and Mouzzone approached him, trying to rationalize it like it's only business. He could've gave them a location but that don't mean he couldn't have warned Stringer. He aint say ****. Thought he was right.

Them dudes told him they had no problems with him, only String but if Stringer was really his partner, if they were brothers like that, if they had a problem with Stringer Avon should've been like they also got a problem with him or at least pretend he gonna help them and screw them over. Truth is he was already getting his *** handed to him by Marlo in this war and didn't want extra problems from Omar who he couldn't kill, and Mouzzone who he knows is a beast.

I mean imagine this for a second, if Avon wasn't so ***** made and was actually loyal (even if he was still dumb with this war thing), he could've gave them a location, the same one or w/e, String could've been "bait", ran up them stairs, only for Omar and Mouzzone to find themselves surrounded by ilk 50 Barksdale goons coming from the floor above and from below that would've wiped both of them fools out. Then he could've just said Mouzzone died in the war with Marlo to anybody from NYC inquiring. Maybe then after seeing how his partner saved his life, Stringer holds back on the snitch move and arranges for Avon not to be in the warehouse when the cops roll through. Hell, maybe he only saves Avon and everybody else gets locked up, effectively ending the war since Avon don't got no soldiers to fight it with? Then he's forced to do things String's way and if he wants later down the line after they're successful going straight he has Marlo assassinated.

But that's just me….
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That situation could've went down a lot of different ways than the way it did.

However, it went with the theme of the show... Anyone in the game who started working with the police took that Big L.
[thread="312295"]Official The Wire Thread The Game Is The Game/700_100#post_21570249​[/thread]
Only difference is String was working towards something and did it for a reason nd Avon was just trying to save his ***.
that doesn't even make sense. 

they (avon and stringer) both were taking out whoever was "deemed" a roadblock in their respective plans.
all the ordered hits i can remember from the barksdale organization had a reason behind it.  
Peep the video above posted and quoted. Avon knows his reasons were bull **** for setting up String. He straight up said so.

All prior ordered hits had a reason but this wasn't an ordered hit. This was an emotional decision made by Avon cuz String had D killed. He felt some type of way so he took the easy way out when Omar and Mouzzone approached him, trying to rationalize it like it's only business. He could've gave them a location but that don't mean he couldn't have warned Stringer. He aint say ****. Thought he was right.

Them dudes told him they had no problems with him, only String but if Stringer was really his partner, if they were brothers like that, if they had a problem with Stringer Avon should've been like they also got a problem with him or at least pretend he gonna help them and screw them over. Truth is he was already getting his *** handed to him by Marlo in this war and didn't want extra problems from Omar who he couldn't kill, and Mouzzone who he knows is a beast.

I mean imagine this for a second, if Avon wasn't so ***** made and was actually loyal (even if he was still dumb with this war thing), he could've gave them a location, the same one or w/e, String could've been "bait", ran up them stairs, only for Omar and Mouzzone to find themselves surrounded by ilk 50 Barksdale goons coming from the floor above and from below that would've wiped both of them fools out. Then he could've just said Mouzzone died in the war with Marlo to anybody from NYC inquiring. Maybe then after seeing how his partner saved his life, Stringer holds back on the snitch move and arranges for Avon not to be in the warehouse when the cops roll through. Hell, maybe he only saves Avon and everybody else gets locked up, effectively ending the war since Avon don't got no soldiers to fight it with? Then he's forced to do things String's way and if he wants later down the line after they're successful going straight he has Marlo assassinated.

But that's just me…
okay i can respect that argument. 

but really if you have mouzone and omar, they wouldve canvassed the scene for the 12 hrs prior and been able to run up avon's goons and then turn to find avon himself, together. 

avon did try to buy off mouzone, mouzone didn't care for money. so he "tried" at least. 

avon is seeing what happened when string tried to double cross mouzone/omar, why would he want that on himself?

i just felt like avon was still on that "blood thicker than water" life, looking out for his sister's well being too while seeking revenge for dangelo. 

and on that particular path if everything went his way, he wouldve gotten marlo, got rid of string, and held onto his real estate.

everyone was scheming, no one was safe.

prop joe had everyone happy with the greek supply and he still got hit.

i don't think avon was necessarily cowardly... but there were different paths to choose. 
If my best friend wants to put me dead or in jail, he ain't my best friend.


Both men were at the fork in the road.

Both choices showed lack of character.

But they both sold drugs for a living so, what did you expect.

It's a dog eat dog world in the streets and they ate eachother up.
Both Avon and Stringer betrayed each other, don't know what this big debate is for.
I don't remember avon feeling like he made the wrong moves

when was this?
It's right in the video on this pg. He say Stringer was right. None of this petty **** matters. The war is bull ****, Marlo is irrelevant.

Then Slim Charles tells him that no longer matters, once you in a war you in it. Which is true. Aint no back peddling out of the **** he got himself in to.

Only difference is String was working towards something and did it for a reason nd Avon was just trying to save his ***.
that doesn't even make sense. 

they (avon and stringer) both were taking out whoever was "deemed" a roadblock in their respective plans.

all the ordered hits i can remember from the barksdale organization had a reason behind it.  
Peep the video above posted and quoted. Avon knows his reasons were bull **** for setting up String. He straight up said so.

All prior ordered hits had a reason but this wasn't an ordered hit. This was an emotional decision made by Avon cuz String had D killed. He felt some type of way so he took the easy way out when Omar and Mouzzone approached him, trying to rationalize it like it's only business. He could've gave them a location but that don't mean he couldn't have warned Stringer. He aint say ****. Thought he was right.

Them dudes told him they had no problems with him, only String but if Stringer was really his partner, if they were brothers like that, if they had a problem with Stringer Avon should've been like they also got a problem with him or at least pretend he gonna help them and screw them over. Truth is he was already getting his *** handed to him by Marlo in this war and didn't want extra problems from Omar who he couldn't kill, and Mouzzone who he knows is a beast.

I mean imagine this for a second, if Avon wasn't so ***** made and was actually loyal (even if he was still dumb with this war thing), he could've gave them a location, the same one or w/e, String could've been "bait", ran up them stairs, only for Omar and Mouzzone to find themselves surrounded by ilk 50 Barksdale goons coming from the floor above and from below that would've wiped both of them fools out. Then he could've just said Mouzzone died in the war with Marlo to anybody from NYC inquiring. Maybe then after seeing how his partner saved his life, Stringer holds back on the snitch move and arranges for Avon not to be in the warehouse when the cops roll through. Hell, maybe he only saves Avon and everybody else gets locked up, effectively ending the war since Avon don't got no soldiers to fight it with? Then he's forced to do things String's way and if he wants later down the line after they're successful going straight he has Marlo assassinated.

But that's just me…
okay i can respect that argument. 

but really if you have mouzone and omar, they wouldve canvassed the scene for the 12 hrs prior and been able to run up avon's goons and then turn to find avon himself, together. 
avon did try to buy off mouzone, mouzone didn't care for money. so he "tried" at least. 

i just felt like avon was still on that "blood thicker than water" life, looking out for his sister's well being too while seeking revenge for dangelo. 
and on that particular path if everything went his way, he wouldve gotten marlo, got rid of string, and held onto his real estate.

everyone was scheming, no one was safe.
prop joe had everyone happy with the greek supply and he still got hit.
i don't think avon was necessarily cowardly... but there were different paths to choose. 
Well yeah I said in another post, that most likely Mouzzone and Omar would still be after String but had Avon even made him aware of that he would have better chances. Keep in mind it wasn't like they were gonna stroll up on String and get him, they realized he's hard to get to.

Avon gave them a location that none of that part of the life is even around like that.

As for my scenario, yeah Omar is a cautious ***** but **** it's String's place. He want to canvas 12 hrs prior? Fine, keep ****** in the spot a damn day ahead of time. I mean they aint the only one that can stakeout a spot or stakeout the dudes on a stakeout like we've Omar do before.

Avon trying to buy him off aint enough. Give Stringer a fighting chance, tell him these dudes is out to kill him at the very least.
avon is seeing what happened when string tried to double cross mouzone/omar, why would he want that on himself?
That's why I said he was a coward and wasn't loyal. He was getting his *** handed to him by Marlo so when he saw this **** storm coming to String he made sure he wasn't anywhere near it but like I said that's String's fault for telling him about to D. I'd like to see if Avon would pull that same traitorous **** if he didn't know cuz he was all about String is his partner, that's my brother blah blah on some loyalty steez.

Like I don't get you asking that question when String and Avon was in this together and outside of the thing with D, Avon didn't really have any other reason to doubt String of feel anyway other than the disagreements they had about how to get out the game and how to approach and treat that street ****.
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**** is string betrayed him first. Avon found out about his cuz and brother. String had to go.

Great point made earlier as well about any street dude working with the cops got got. Except Omar of course.
Show is so accurate on that aspect of snitching and what it represents in the streets compared to what it means to cops.
I remember the scene now but I still see it the same way I always have

avon didn't betray string, strings betrayal was already shown and avon acted accordingly

at the end of the day string was just a bad employee with good ideas

he went about implementing those ideas the wrong way and against avons (the bosses) orders

whether string was right or not it's not his company

when Avon draws up a play you execute, that's it

in jobs you get fired

in the streets you get killed

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Wait, I never said either were wrong. I feel both handled the situations the best they could to meet their personal goals, with the information they had.
avon is seeing what happened when string tried to double cross mouzone/omar, why would he want that on himself?
Like I don't get you asking that question when String and Avon was in this together and outside of the thing with D,

Avon didn't really have any other reason to doubt String of feel anyway other than the disagreements they had about how to get out the game and how to approach and treat that street ****.
then you don't realize that avon wouldn't want two killers on his trail as they were on string.

the second part of your statement-- implying avon wanted out? i don't recall avon ever wanting out of the game, just didn't want more bloodshed toward the end. 

and avon was more than fairly disgusted at string's "business" operations, and the way he was "investing" the money-- which is quite a fundamental difference if talking about being partners.

so yeah, avon had lots of reasons to doubt string once he got out of jail. 

i guess i just don't equate self-preservation with cowardice as much as you do. 
I respect what Stringer was trying to do, with co-founding the co-op with Prop Joe and keeping the Barksdale Organization afloat but even prosper with the new arrangement with that quality product. This lead to everyone filling their pockets while reducing the violence over territory and reducing the police presence and let them do what they do, make that money. Avon just had a different mentality and that whole Westside Baltimore rivalry with Eastside Baltimore runs deep. No way was Avon was going to work with someone from the Eastside.

Stringer however was too smart for his own good and the deals he did behind Avon's back was what did him in not Avon. By going behind Avon's back, Avon didn't know Stringer struck a deal with Prop Joe and let some of his people sell in the Towers. Avon through Brianna who also didn't know about Stringer's side deals thought the Eastsiders sensed weakness and was invading his territory so he used his connects and got the best enforcer Brother Mouzone to drive the Eastsiders out which he did. This lead Stringer to trick Omar and have him believe Brother Mouzone killed and tortured Brandon which led to Omar shooting Brother Mouzone and the chain of events that got him killed.

I never felt what Avon did was wrong in giving up Stringer to Brother Mouzone. It was either give up Stringer or lose his connection to New York. It was Avon's prior reputation that still let him have that connect to New York. Stringer was a representative of Avon so whatever mistakes Stringer made were also Avon's. Without the connect Avon's organization would've crumbled and lost the reputation he built so he did what he had to do to save it.

It's all in the game.
I remember the scene now but I still see it the same way I always have

avon didn't betray string
Wait what? Letting ya man's die aint betrayal? Giving up his location and the number of goons he got around him isn't betrayal?


strings betrayal was already shown and avon acted accordingly
You talking about when he told him about D? Cuz that wasn't betrayal, that was getting rid of a weak punk *** estrogen heart pumping snitch.

at the end of the day string was just a bad employee with good ideas
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avon is seeing what happened when string tried to double cross mouzone/omar, why would he want that on himself?

Like I don't get you asking that question when String and Avon was in this together and outside of the thing with D,

Avon didn't really have any other reason to doubt String of feel anyway other than the disagreements they had about how to get out the game and how to approach and treat that street ****.

then you don't realize that avon wouldn't want two killers on his trail as they were on string.
I'm the one that brought this very fact up in the first place. So what am I not realizing? :lol:

Like I said, Avon was a coward. He was getting handled by Marlo in the streets. He saw Mouzzone and Omar coming with a real problem, not just threatening his connect to NY but just knowing them dudes could get him and after some weak willed money suggestion he gave up String with no problems. He aint want no trouble.

the second part of your statement-- implying avon wanted out? i don't recall avon ever wanting out of the game, just didn't want more bloodshed toward the end. 
That's not what I'm saying or talking about. Stringer was talking about getting off the streets and doing and bigger things. Avon disagreed with him cuz he a simply *****. They had these conversations in the church and in the warehouse. That's what I meant when I say disagreements about getting out the game and approaching this street ****. They could've been kingpins running the drug trade while living on the other side of town.

and avon was more than fairly disgusted at string's "business" operations, and the way he was "investing" the money-- which is quite a fundamental difference if talking about being partners.
Avon was never with String's business plan or w/e. I'm not sure what you're specifically talking about when you say he was disgusted. He was disgusted in String having a clean hood kinko's? :lol: or the investments (String thought he was making)? At best since Avon wasn't down, String could've offered him a great retirement life with no stress or real worries. I aint talking about Avon copying String hand in hand. I'm just saying at the least he could've been his silent partner in going legit.

so yeah, avon had lots of reasons to doubt string once he got out of jail. 
Only reason he was doubting him was cuz he was never really down with it to begin with. Son lacked vision. While Avon was locked up, String kept dudes surviving without the steady connect, had dudes brainstorming how to prosper. He made it so Avon had something to come back to. Second he starts heading **** back up again it falls apart. He wasn't down with their mini-commission, and just wanted to get back to some fake run everything bull ****. That midlife crisis so lets go to war nonsense.
i guess i just don't equate self-preservation with cowardice as much as you do. 
When you're not in a life or death situation I call it like it is. They didn't hem Avon up with a gun to his head and beat it out of him or even directly threaten his life. Dude could've set both those dudes up when they asked for String's whereabouts but like I said he aint want those problems. That wasn't self-preservation though. That's how you react when dude asks you to give up a long time associate. String took care of D cuz he was a snitch that could've took all of them down and once Avon found out String did that without him knowing he was hurt. He made the emotional decision as well when he gave dude up. We both know he wouldn't have so easily gave up his partner like that had he thought it was still 100 between the two. Once String told Avon the truth about D, he got all shifty and shady with dude.

Avon giving up String isn't the same thing as if he gave up somebody like Prop Joe. Dudes trying to front on their relationship now calling it "self preservation" like it wasn't a clear lack of loyalty and straight up betrayal :smh:
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I'm more incline to the stance that Zik has taken.

The crazy part about String even telling Avon about D'angelo is that he didn't even want to tell him. He was carrying that weight for him, it wasn't until Avon started belittling him telling him he wasn't man enough for the streets nor smart enough for the corporate world that he finally had enough.

"I look at you these days and I see a man with a country. NOT HARD ENOUGH FOR THIS RIGHT HERE. And Maybe... JUST MAYBE... Not Smart Enough For Them Out There."

String was right about D'angelo from the jump, he told them where to find Weebay and was about to flip on Avon (who caused all of their headaches in the first place and whom he saved from a murder charge) over the death of a hopper had it not been for Brianna. He had started getting high in prison and was indeed out of pocket.
No i agree String was right in trying to get them away from the street that cant be debated and right in the way he went about the business in general.

I rocked with String he was that dude literally until the moment he snitched I just can't let that ride, and maybe him being so trill up until that point is what made it hurt the most :lol:

just as seymore cakes said above, I don't understand some of you dudes logic and thinking. Avon snitched out Stringer as well
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string didn't even want avon to get outta jail when he did

he wasn't happy bout that

some of yall are rearranging the events

avon didn't betray string, he already saw that they weren't friends anymore...string showed his hand

how is it betrayal after you see the person isn't being right with you?

betrayal is alpo killing rich with no friction prior

but eh
string didn't even want avon to get outta jail when he did

he wasn't happy bout that

some of yall are rearranging the events

avon didn't betray string, he already saw that they weren't friends anymore...string showed his hand

how is it betrayal after you see the person isn't being right with you?

betrayal is alpo killing rich with no friction prior

but eh
Avon did betray stringer. He saw he was in a no-win situation and gave up Stringer to his fate.

That episode is really great for its elements of tragedy. The scene where Stringer and Avon talk on the roof top before each betrays the other is sobering.
string didn't even want avon to get outta jail when he did

he wasn't happy bout that

some of yall are rearranging the events

avon didn't betray string, he already saw that they weren't friends anymore...string showed his hand

how is it betrayal after you see the person isn't being right with you?

betrayal is alpo killing rich with no friction prior

but eh
Yall dudes are wild.

If that aint betrayal I don't know what betrayal is then. Talking about "weren't friends anymore"??? So you mean to tell me we're rearranging events yet after Avon gave up String's location to get got like a punk he didn't later meet up with String and act like it was all gravy?

If they really weren't friends they wouldn't even be in the same place talking or anything. Yall dudes just excusing this shady **** is ridiculous. Excuses.
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