OFFICIAL THE WIRE THREAD.. ''The game is the game"

This wasn't limited to the street either..

Was just gonna say this. McNulty was going behind bosses backs within the very first episodes.
The snitching and betrayal in the other areas was something else but it was to be expected when politics found it's way to so deeply effect the police.

I mean McNulty goes behind his bosses backs hard body to the judge, to his FBI friend. Then his boss gets Carver/Carter (I forget) to inform on the detail, etc. It was just ugly all around.
Came across this posting about the food on the wire. Read it if you're bored. Hah

nah this is dope

never realized the bay-beef d- chicken aspect


"Chicken Versus the Beef

Season: One
Episode name: "The Target"
Actual restaurant in Baltimore: New York Fried Chicken

This is the first instance that Wee-Bey is signified as the beef of the crew, and D'Angelo the chicken. After D has been acquitted for shooting a guy in the elevator of the towers, he says to Bey in the car, "That's slick what you did with the lady in the courthouse." This is a major drug-game faux pas—no talking in the car or on the phones, yo! New York Fried Chicken (from the owners of Kennedy Fried Chicken in NYC) is the staging for the scene where Bey reprimands D for doing so.

Bey stands below the sign for burgers while D is under the sign that reads chicken. Wee-Bey is a cool and collected killer, a business man, while D'Angelo is scared, unsure, and well, a chicken. New York Fried Chicken pops up quite a bit throughout all five seasons and—distressing factoid alert!—happens to be the location where Felicia "Snoop" Pearson was part of a scuffle that ended in a murder in real life.
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was surfing youtube clips and came across this... definitely one of the most moving scenes in the show. one of the only moments i've seen on tv that stirs up legit feels in me, and that's why i think the wire is one of the greatest.

I know there should be no comparing Breaking Bad and The WIre but people always seem to bring the other up when discussing either show.

I just finished BB and my god there should be no comparison....The Wire is Great....Breaking Bad is good. 

The Wire is the best television show ever created. on that note this scene 

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I know there should be no comparing Breaking Bad and The WIre but people always seem to bring the other up when discussing either show.

I just finished BB and my god there should be no comparison....The Wire is Great....Breaking Bad is good. 

The Wire is the best television show ever created. on that note this scene 

i LOVE this scene, and bodie's commentary on being a pawn, especially when it ties itself up in the episode bodie dies. when he and mcnulty are on that bench and he references "being the little ******* on the chess board"
I know there should be no comparing Breaking Bad and The WIre but people always seem to bring the other up when discussing either show.

I just finished BB and my god there should be no comparison....The Wire is Great....Breaking Bad is good. 

The Wire is the best television show ever created. on that note this scene 

One of my favorite scenes 
In the 1970s, Clarke Peters (Lester Freamon) lived in the UK and was a backup singer for several artists.

This is one of the songs he was on:

They both killed Wallace. Poot just let off the first shot cuz he was tired of all the bull **** pleading for your life.
They both killed Wallace. Poot just let off the first shot cuz he was tired of all the bull **** pleading for your life.

Bodie shot him first. Wallace was pleading, poot said "if your gonna do it then do it" and bodie let the shot off. Then poot took the gun and shot him to finish the job
Glad to see this thread bumped. Love the wire. Probably my favorite show.....

However.......As a Baltimore native, I feel the show did a below average job of representing the unique culture of inner city Baltimore.

Aside from Snoop, Donut, Prop Joe, fruit and lil Kevin who are from here...the mostly New York cast excluding Omar and Stringer did not even try to sound like they're from Baltimore.

That always bugged me on the show. Guys like Marlo, Bodie, Webay, Cheese, Avon, Namond, Mike etc etc had straight New York accents, and didn't even try mask it. 90% of the people in those areas of a Baltimore sound something like Snoop.

Another thing was the wardrobe. Hood Baltimore in the mid 2000s dressed nothing like what was portrayed in the wire.

These are some of the lil things in the show that I just couldn't shake as a local.
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^I gotta ask since you a Bmore native do yall really say **** like sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit? :nerd: I need to know :lol:

They both killed Wallace. Poot just let off the first shot cuz he was tired of all the bull **** pleading for your life.

Bodie shot him first. Wallace was pleading, poot said "if your gonna do it then do it" and bodie let the shot off. Then poot took the gun and shot him to finish the job
I knew I forgot the exact details :lol: but I just knew both of them shot him and the first shot was kinda caused by Poot. He was tired of all that begging.

I feel that if it was just off what Bodie did Wallace would've still died.
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Glad to see this thread bumped. Love the wire. Probably my favorite show.....

However.......As a Baltimore native, I feel the show did a below average job of representing the unique culture of inner city Baltimore.

Aside from Snoop, Donut, Prop Joe, fruit and lil Kevin who are from here...the mostly New York cast excluding Omar and Stringer did not even try to sound like they're from Baltimore.

That always bugged me on the show. Guys like Marlo, Bodie, Webay, Cheese, Avon, Namond, Mike etc etc had straight New York accents, and didn't even try mask it. 90% of the people in those areas of a Baltimore sound something like Snoop.

Another thing was the wardrobe. Hood Baltimore in the mid 2000s dressed nothing like what was portrayed in the wire.

These are some of the lil things in the show that I just couldn't shake as a local.

This really used to piss me off, and was part of the reason that I didn't watch much of the show from the jump...

Same thing on 'The Corner'... But I got through that because it was only 6 episodes and I knew a couple of the cast members...

I don't think I saw a single SAMOS shirt until the 3rd or 4th season... Nobody in these streets was trappin' in G-Unit and Enyce shirts, man... :lol:

It may not have been a big deal to the casual viewer, but for someone who was a part of that culture and was born and raised in Baltimore, it bothered the hell out of me...

Someone from the cast actually gave me a number to the casting director and told me to call. I could've been somewhere in the background in the 5th season... :lol: :lol:

Yea its always weird to me that baltimore is only 45 mins away from DC but the language and culture is night and day. Even tho im not from there, hearing string try a bmore accent was hilarious.

A lot of my friends from college sounded like snoop. I still laugh when dudes say "do" "blue" and "too" Like why is it soo extended?
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This really used to piss me off, and was part of the reason that I didn't watch much of the show from the jump...

Same thing on 'The Corner'... But I got through that because it was only 6 episodes and I knew a couple of the cast members...

I don't think I saw a single SAMOS shirt until the 3rd or 4th season... Nobody in these streets was trappin' in G-Unit and Enyce shirts, man... :lol:

It may not have been a big deal to the casual viewer, but for someone who was a part of that culture and was born and raised in Baltimore, it bothered the hell out of me...

Someone from the cast actually gave me a number to the casting director and told me to call. I could've been somewhere in the background in the 5th season... :lol: :lol:

Lil kev and Weebay had a few Samos fits here and there lol. But they had us looking and talking like Any city America.

Dope boys round that time were heavy into Mosions, Samos, Cnote, Dopes, New Balance, Throwback nikes, golds etc etc.

I know the wardrobe isn't cheap. But c'mon. Gunit in Baltimore? Lol. Dudes barely wore capris on the show.

And the accents man. Smh
^I gotta ask since you a Bmore native do yall really say **** like sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeit? :nerd: I need to know :lol:.

Nope. only Unks and Dope fiends say that lol.

Also you right about the accents :lol: I found myself right at home watching the first season of The Wire. Felt like dudes around my way in BK. If I hadn't been to Va, Bmore, DC myself and this was my only impression of the city a person could leave thinking it's a mini nyc :lol:
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