OFFICIAL THE WIRE THREAD.. ''The game is the game"

When Bodie got taken out
Why do some dudes feel sad for Bodie?

He killed Wallace, plus he was an ahole in Oz.

Sexually and metaphorically.
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Wallace was just a kid. He really wasn't about that life. He was also taking care of a bunch of the younger kids. I felt bad for the kid when Bodie and Poot clipped him.

This guy Poot though. When Bodie got clapped, he RAN on him. Got his Usain Bolt on. Plus he told Dukie he wouldn't get a job at Foot Locker and told him to work the corners for a few more years when Dukie definitely wasn't built for that. Helped that kid down his downward spiral.
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he wasn't loyal to wallace.
Wallace was about to take the whole organization down. Bodie did what needed to be done there. If Wallace wasn't just a kid, I feel like viewers wouldn't have as much sympathy for him.

As far as Bodie snitching on the Marlo, I felt like it was warranted. Marlo went rogue. He killed little Kevin under false pretense. He was covering up tracks that didn't need covering. He broke the code first. Bodie followed suit. To me, you can liken Marlo to a big corporation. No regard for the little man.

Bodie was also just following orders from string

Also u can't put dukie being a junkie on poot he prolly just a employee he don't get to choose who ets hired
Not putting it on Poot. It's just one more thing that Dukie was denied from in life.

EDIT: Also, if Poot left the game, why is he advising Dukie to stay/go back in it? Dukie didn't even get a chance to apply.
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I put dukie becoming a fiend on mike, if he would've clapped his nasty step pops himself he never would've got involved with Marlo and Chris. Chris never would've got locked up.
Wallace was just a kid. He really wasn't about that life. He was also taking care of a bunch of the younger kids. I felt bad for the kid when Bodie and Poot clipped him.

This guy Poot though. When Bodie got clapped, he RAN on him. Got his Usain Bolt on. Plus he told Dukie he wouldn't get a job at Foot Locker and told him to work the corners for a few more years when Dukie definitely wasn't built for that. Helped that kid down his downward spiral.
No he didn't. Poot told him he wasn't old enough since he actually wasn't (can't work there when you're 15). So he basically told Dukie to do what he did, work them corners until he's of age to get a regular 9-5. **** it's pretty amazing Poot even got a job given he got a record.

Poot did the only smart thing he could since it seems he was not holding a weapon, run. Bodie should've done the same damn thing but nah he wants to be a soldier. Thinking there's rule to the game when really there isn't.
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No he didn't. Poot told him he wasn't old enough since he actually wasn't (can't work there when you're 15). So he basically told Dukie to do what he did, work them corners until he's of age to get a regular 9-5. **** it's pretty amazing Poot even got a job given he got a record.

Poot did the only smart thing he could since it seems he was not holding a weapon, run. Bodie should've done the same damn thing but nah he wants to be a soldier. Thinking there's rule to the game when really there isn't.
Give Bodie a legit upbringing and profession and he excels. A lot of the street characters portray wasted youth in our country's inner cities.
Should of at least given the kid better advice than go back and work the corners. Especially when he left the game himself full well knowing the end result of it all. It's amazing Poot is alive. Both of his friends got roasted, one of them by him.
Should of at least given the kid better advice than go back and work the corners. Especially when he left the game himself full well knowing the end result of it all. It's amazing Poot is alive. Both of his friends got roasted, one of them by him.
Poot was never some wise or clever dude in this. He's pretty practical and straightforward. Same way when they killed Wallace, same way he got over working for Marlo, same way he told Dukie to work them corners and come back in a few years.

While it is amazing he survived the game it makes sense. He was never aspiring to one day be running the towers or become the next Avon or String. He was all about {()} more than making money. He was a mid level soldier. Got caught in the wrong place about to go to war and ended up in prison for a short bid, came out to be Bodie's right hand man but at that point you could see he wasn't really in it or dedicated. It was just something to do to get by. Bodie died and he made the decision to leave the game. He and Wise are the only dudes that were shown to get out cuz they wanted to but unlike Wise he wasn't doing it out of some hope to be a better person or cuz he couldn't do what it takes his heart was simply never in it like that.

He don't know Dukie like that so aint no reason for him to care about him.

I know you think it's a ****** up scene and it kinda is but that was a pretty good depiction of real life with ppl you're barely associated with but know from the old neighborhood.

I hold much more issue with the whole situation of Namond getting picked up like little orphan Annie and Dukie being left alone to be denied every avenue until he was left to being a junkie selling scrap metal to get by. When you think about it if Dukie just had a bit more confidence and vision he could've been the next Stringer instead of the next Bubs cuz son was smart.
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I understand Poot was just getting by. That whole scene he seemed like he just got tired of it all and decided to leave. I feel like that scene is meant to rustle jimmies, because this dude who was foul made it out alive and this kid who's getting no help who's had nothing but hardship since birth is getting no help, even when he's trying to proactively better his situation.

Cliff notes:
- Life isn't fair

Namond's situation just adds to that.

EDIT: And I understand Poot doesn't have to care about this kid. Not many other people did either.
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They just put this on Amazon Prime instant watch. :smokin
I've been binging starting from season 2.

The first season I watched before and it was ridiculously good.
2nd season obviously not as good, but I liked how the ending wasn't cliche.

Starting Third season tomorrow, hopefully they get back into the Avon/Stringer arc.
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