**Official "The Last Of Us" a PS3 exclusive thread**

This game is longer than I thought it would be. I was a little nervous after my first session and i was about 28% done, but there's not quite as much combat early on. Friday I got to about 56%. Then yesterday I stopped at what I figured would be around 90% but I'm at i think 78%.

The part that I'm at now though.:smh: Out-manned and outgunned big time. Struggling.

The Bloaters can go to the hottest depths of hell. I hate those dudes

The first one I unloaded all my ammo into that SOB, but the second one I figured out that Molotovs bring them down real quick.
I'm waiting for my copy to get delivered. I ordered it via Amazon w/ a gift card, otherwise I would have copped in-store
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Like others said about that Intro :smh: :frown:. This game is going to take up alot of my free time :lol:.
Just finished the game. At first I didnt understand what everyone was raving about. I thought it was just ok... Like a watered down Uncharted in the city. But then the story picked up and so did the gameplay and I was hooked. Naughty Dog did it again :pimp:
Absolutely in love with this game. First time i've ever developed a connection with every single characters I've come across. Ellie probably already is my favorite character from any single videogame.
Ellie probably already is my favorite character from any single videogame.
Agreed. I wouldn't put her at the top, but she steals the show from any other character in this game. Her naivety to the world and attitude make the character what it is. It took some time but her and Joel are developing the father/daughter dynamic.
elie's great. joel is not very likeable though. he doesnt hold a candle to nathan drake
Got massacred my first online game, but have gotten the hang of it.

Very unique multiplayer. I feel it captures the mood of the game.
Joel and Nathan are two entirely different characters though so I can't fault him for that. Joel is hardened because of the events that happened 20 years before the game and everything in between. A post apocalyptic world would do that to someone. Its just like with Assassin's Creed when people were trying to compare Ezio and Connor. Its not possible.
yea a brooding joel is nothing like a brooding john marston.

ellie is great. her lil cute self.

game is great so far though. I love it. And even more so, I love that its actually playable, and not one of those joints thats so wild hard on just 'normal', that you get discouraged from continuing.

I desperately need an uncharted 4 for ps4 though. and it needs to be wild long. pause.
This game is so intense! I just finished the part where Joel falls down the elevator and has to find his way back to Elle. It was so dark below the hotel, but i didnt want to turn the flashlight on because I was scared some zombie was gonna pop out of nowhere. I held down the "spidey sense" button the whole time. Ya I'm pie.

I JUST finished that part last night. None of the infected can see light man, you didn't have to roam around there in the dark man haha
is there high replay value for this? dropping 60 on a game is ehhh to me lol

personally, i dont imagine I'll play it again. I really only replay adventure games, that are A. EXTREMELY good, like GTA or B. allows the player to make choices that effect the outcome, so in order to see the other ending you gotta play both sides, like GTA IV or LA Noire
how are you guys able to tell how far you are % wise :rofl:

when you start your game it gives a percentage on your save file.

ProTip for those who keep getting lost: Just follow the color YELLOW. Its usually something subtle like caution tape or even a yellow railing or wall. Also the color BLUE usually refers to something that should climb, like a garbage can or a truck. If you roam for long enough the game also gives you a waypoint to go to.

I just finished the part under the Hotel where you're in the pitch black... that one level probably took a few months off of my life lol. I was trying to just run from the runners and the bloater and make it back to the door instead of just going straight at them. Ended up running to the door, and setting up shop. 2 molotovs actually made quick work of the bloater, and the rest weren't bad.

And to my point above, there are yellow cables that lead directly to the hall that the door is in, attached to a light that points in the direction of the door. Gotta love how Naughty Dog subtly leads you where to go with no map
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I'm on the level where they meet up with Bill, looking for auto parts. Played for about 4 hours, most of the time I spend scavenging for items :lol: Loving this game so far :pimp:
game is so good! just beat it yesterday. it's intense the whole damn time and that part under the hotel.....wooooooo lol that part was something else man haha. can't wait for the dlc! oh, and multiplayer is a lot of fun suprisingly. especially when everyone's mic'd up
For anyone that wants to rent it out at RedBox, text TOMB and E3 to 727272 and you'll get a one day free rental code. Keep in mind that the E3 code will expire on June 20th and the TOMB code on June 30th.
Man none of the RedBoxes near my way have this game. :smh:

So I copped instead.
^ Lol. I know what you mean. None of the RedBoxes around my way had 'em either til I went to my girls house and saw it there so I went and got it on the quickness before it was gone! I've had the same game since Friday. Lol.
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