**Official "The Last Of Us" a PS3 exclusive thread**

I'm sure Ellen Page has been bombarded with Ellie comments ever since the game came out, which resulted in that little mini rant
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I'm in the Hotel basement....I had to turn this **** off I keep dying :lol:
The shotgun is your best friend here. I know some people like to conserve their bullets strictly for Hunters, but this would make for a good exception. Just post up at the power generator and continue blasting them with the shotgun when they're charging at you until you're sure they're all gone. Then when you get to the bloater, continuously chuck molotovs at him.
I'm reading around and I keep saying people all going "OMG BLOATERS!!!!!" when they're no trouble whatsoever as long as you just keep throwing molotovs at them.
One positive about the MP is that if you join late, you get a bonus in supplies for a late join. Any challenge you are in doesnt count a day, either (as far as I can tell).

I REALLY dont want to drop back too week 1. :smh:

You see me on LoU, shoot me an invite. Hate playing alone.
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^I'll see if i can send you an invite tomorrow if i actually get around to starting MP. Survivor difficulty is much more stressful and intense than any other difficulty, and I cant get enough of it right now. :lol:
The hotel basement is undisputed.

Yup...that feeling I got when I had to start up the generator. I KNEW @#$% was about to go down :smh: :x :lol: I died so many times in that part before I decided to use molotovs

I was heaps lucky on the hotel part. I got the card, then started the generator and sprinted up the right hand ramp and straight to the door. Didn't even know there was a bloater in there :lol:

How does the multiplayer work?
I'm in the Hotel basement....I had to turn this **** off I keep dying :lol:

The way I did it is...

that I grabbed turned on the generator, then ran all the way to the door with the shotty in hand, blasting runners as I went and ran straight past the bloater (who would be out of the hall by the time you get there). I then basically set up shop at that dead end. Threw a couple proximity mines down, and slammed the bloater with a couple molotovs (2 and they're dead)...best thing about it is that the runners trying to get to me in turn set themselves on fire and all but 1 died in that hall

Hey, I have a question for all that are at, or past that final tunnel before you get to the hospital

I keep hearing about how crazy this tunnel is supposed to be. Like 3 bloaters and a ton of clickers and runners....however.... that wasn't my experience. The tunnel for me literally was that I climbed over a bus, then went right, and choked out 3 runners in a small hallway who were basically just standing there twitching.

I think it may have to do with the fact that my PS3 hasn't been online since I got the game so that day 1 update was never installed... maybe that update contains the "real" tunnel. Ellie even has a comment when you climb atop the bus like "wow... there are so many"... even though I was looking at nothing but scenery haha

This happen to anybody else?
Why did you guys try to take out everything in the hotel basement. I just Diddy bopped out of there without killing anything :lol:
After a couple failed attempts in the basement I just booked it and ran past everyone :lol: I figured "screw it, I keep dying so I might as well just run to see how far I can get" and then I got past it :lol: Same thing happened in Winter at one point running to the restaurant.

And that's weird with the tunnel, there were tons there with me but I also updated so I'm guessing that's it.
Seeing you guys talk about the basement makes me dread getting there in survivor. :lol:
I died once in the hotel basement. Damn runner crept up and grabbed my when I tried the first pull of the generator. I laid him out then that damn bloater got me. After that I grabbed the key first, turned on the generator and ran straight to the door
^^ thats what i did after three failed attempts. The enemies locations are randomly generated, which i like. First time i started the generator the bloater was in the basement and he got me. So i set up a trap for him the second time around with bombs and some cocktails ready to throw on him, surprise surprise, the second time around he attacked from upstairs.
One positive about the MP is that if you join late, you get a bonus in supplies for a late join. Any challenge you are in doesnt count a day, either (as far as I can tell).

I REALLY dont want to drop back too week 1. :smh:

You see me on LoU, shoot me an invite. Hate playing alone.

lets play man

psn: andycrazn
ready to try out multiplayer after beating the game a couple days ago.
psn: renplayer619
i'll try to add you guys when i get home later today.
is there a NT LoU clan yet?
That feel when you find the last shiv door you need to get the trophy, and you have no shivs, and you cant get any more shivs without leaving the area. :smh: >:
Why did you guys try to take out everything in the hotel basement. I just Diddy bopped out of there without killing anything :lol:

It was because I hadn't found the key before I turned the generator on. So after turning it on, I tried doing what you did. I sprinted like crazy all over the place looking for the damn key and kept getting cornered by the stalkers and then getting mauled by the bloater :rofl: I decided to kill all of them so I could look for the key in peace. Took me forever to find that @#$% because I kept running past it while being chased :lol:

I have a terrible sense of direction in video games anyway. Even if I had the key I'd probably panic and run straight into the bloater :lol:
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Solves errythang
And survivor mode is a bish,smh
It was because I hadn't found the key before I turned the generator on. So after turning it on, I tried doing what you did. I sprinted like crazy all over the place looking for the damn key and kept getting cornered by the stalkers and then getting mauled by the bloater :rofl: I decided to kill all of them so I could look for the key in peace. Took me forever to find that @#$% because I kept running past it while being chased :lol:

I have a terrible sense of direction in video games anyway. Even if I had the key I'd probably panic and run straight into the bloater :lol:

THIS. Didnt know where the hell the key was so I murked everything in sight :lol:

Still took me a good little minute to find the key though, even after they gave me the waypoint saying where it was. smh
Any trophy hunters, there is a way to bypass a playthrough. I played on Normal and beat it. You should only be able to play on Normal+, but if you play the first chapter, quit out, then start a new game on Survivor, you can start the play through with all your pill upgrades and weapon upgrades.

That said, normal to survivor is not easy. :x

Online for about 3 hours now if anyone is runnin.
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Can't believe I just got done watching this whole thing. :x **** might as well be a movie.
I thought the basement was gonna be hell in survivor mode, but for some reason the stalkers didnt appear for me, only the Bloater. I literally just walked by him and left the area. :lol:
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