***** Official The Game Thread*****[Final Album "Westside Story'' TBA]

Stop playing bro you see it, Stitches was walking right towards Chuck before he got dropped...Game was being "held back" but he was backing up when he was approaching and he fell all the way back when his mans swung until he seen stitches on the ground then he start getting hype lol...It is what it is though, I **** with Chuck but I get it, can't risk getting knocked out by the white rapper on camera.

That is the exact play by play w/ no extras.

Not sure why he expected them to play it fair when he was talkin slick and being extra online. Spittin on dude car, talkin bout his kids etc. etc Play dirty be prepared to get dirtied.
That is messed up how wack got tased & police ain't say a damn word. Homie is unarmed & not threatening y'all. Guess they ain't want the fade either :smh:
Who's the guy that picked up stitches from the floor. Why ain't he jump in? That better not be a man from his crew
This stitches character a fool for stepping to Game's crew dolo. How was he not ready for a haymaker right? Fool.

Game wild smart for just moonwalking and even smarter for staying diplomatic and shouting out the Zoe's on IG.
Trolling is pretty obvious guys

How u gon get knocked out in yo own city and them dudes b there out for the next 2 days and not do nothing bout it...
And he just got jumped.....lmfao boy taken more L's in 3 days than the Warriors might all season
All it takes is 1 time then its open season. Dudes probably thought son was bout that since he talked crazy and the tats, once they seen he had a glass jaw it was open season.
He got all them tats to look tough now he's been exposed as weak but he stuck with the tats. :lol:

"I'm still standing like 2pac"

What :lol:
For some reason I respect him a little bit now or at least don't despise him like I used to. Dude really said "it's been a rough two days" lmao. I respect a person who can make a joke about their demise

I guess but u find out this dudes 21 and it all makes sense..dude don't know better than to talk reckless online, that's what happens these days, anyone can b a cyber thug or keboard gangsta
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