Originally Posted by secretzofwar

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by secretzofwar

If you don't have much money, you'll never get rich if you diversify. Usually, if you get rich, it's via extreme concentration (and being very correct).

My entire 401K is in one stock.

If not, why don't you buy CALLS on a particular company.  This is the dumbest idea ever.
Also, what 401K plan do you have?  A lot of companies PROHIBIT 100% allocation into company stock because of the stock market crash in 2008-2009.

A bunch of looeny duck tales.

It's not what you make, it's what you don't lose.  Protecting principal is the core reason why a 401k was created. 

If you think something is fundamentally extremely overvalued, and don't want to worry about time frame, then the common stock >>>>core. 
Diversification you can definitely protect your assets, but if you saw my other post, my 401K is a miniscule part of overall assets. I might as well put my $$ on something I think can be a 10-15 bagger than have $1500 or whatever it is sit in MSFT and ABT. 

Getting rich via investments/prudent savings and wealth protection are totally different things. 

You think Warren owns a lot other than BRKA? Eddie Lampert, Bruce Berkowitz, etc... a lot of these great investors take huge stakes in a few companies. 

Your 401K is a miniscule part of your overall assets?  You serious?

That is fundamentally and logically 'scary'!!!  Unless you are a millionaire, or claim to be, the average joe and typical middle class seek retirement accounts as a 'haven'.  It is why they were created in the first place.

You do sound like one of those guys that believe investing will turn you into a trillionaire or something.  That's full of it, and even more so on Nike Talk.  I've read these macho posts time and time again, and they make no sense.  Then again, it's the internet, but come on now.  What you're saying is silly.  Your mentality is definitely wrong as you are just going to be paying taxes up the yin yang while trying to 'gamble' your principle. 

So, what is this 'STOCK' you are even talking about?
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

HEHEHE> AAPL is resuming. hahaha

done already. chee hoo...

Oh no. The sky is falling. Everyone panic.

A couple of weeks, I spoke about this based on what I saw.  I could care less about their earnings or news, but I've only read up on the 'lawsuits' that come about.  Still, a couple of sectors sold off already and I am just going to let it ride if the market continues to correct.  I guess some things never change.  Big boys dumping on the inside, ala Tim Cook, and it's too obvious, it was not even srs until the tide turned.

Love the talk about $600 range.

You option guys are smart.  Sadly, I am stupid, but would like to get into options.  Just buying, no writing. lolz
You're ******ed, I'm convinced.

A 401k is most likely capped. I don't contribute more than my match. For other tax deferred vehicles, there's IRAs amongst a few other. So, yes, it's not outside the realm of plausibility that someone's brokerage account could be a lot larger than there 401k. Assuming they're not working for a public company and receiving actual shares/discounted shares.
Sold outta Ebay today for a quick $100 profit. Like the stock long term, but I don't like the way the markets looking. I'll be watching for a pullback before I buy back in.
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

HEHEHE> AAPL is resuming. hahaha

done already. chee hoo...

Oh no. The sky is falling. Everyone panic.

A couple of weeks, I spoke about this based on what I saw.  I could care less about their earnings or news, but I've only read up on the 'lawsuits' that come about.  Still, a couple of sectors sold off already and I am just going to let it ride if the market continues to correct.  I guess some things never change.  Big boys dumping on the inside, ala Tim Cook, and it's too obvious, it was not even srs until the tide turned.

Love the talk about $600 range.

You option guys are smart.  Sadly, I am stupid, but would like to get into options.  Just buying, no writing. lolz

Seriously, shut up about Tim Cook selling shares. This marks the third time that I've told you those were sold under Rule10b5-1. Again, you are just making !%+$ up. You're a liar. Do you ever plan on responding, or do you want to conveniently ignore my posts even though you respond to every other reply to you? You're doing nothing but trolling the thread. You add nothing here. ##$@ off.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

You're ******ed, I'm convinced.

A 401k is most likely capped. I don't contribute more than my match. For other tax deferred vehicles, there's IRAs amongst a few other. So, yes, it's not outside the realm of plausibility that someone's brokerage account could be a lot larger than there 401k. Assuming they're not working for a public company and receiving actual shares/discounted shares.

Haha, thank you my man. I'm no where  near a trillionaire, but my PA is way larger than the 7% of my salary I save in my 401(k). I work for a public company but we received like 3 shares/year of comp, and I hardly have any $$ in the account.
Congrats on ebay.

I don't know about AAPL, but in my opinion it has been rising since about 400, now it would be natural for some correction and hearing rumors, there earnings won't be a good as the previous 2 apparently.

WHat do you guys think of selling off in may? Sell in may and go away.
Of course AAPL earnings won't be as good. They just had the 4th best quarterly earnings EVER. Not just in the US, but in the entire world. It is the only quarterly earnings in the top 20 that is not oil and gas. Hard to beat. Expectations are through the roof, and IMHO, they will beat WS again. The iPhone decline is a scare tactic. Remember, Q1 had an extra week (VZ numbers would have been 3.9 without the 14th week), VZ activations are not the greatest indicator of total iPhone sales, and most importantly, the 4S became available in China in Q2. International sales will make up for US losses. We're not going to see 37M sold again, but it's going to be a very healthy number.
That RunningFishy guy is a moron. Those shares were agreed to be sold long ago. Stop speaking of things you have no clue about.
Sold outta my Omnivision OVTI. Stock still has room to climb but I don't like the way the market's looking, particularly Apple (they rely heavily on them). Will be looking to reenter if it breaks below 17.50.
Originally Posted by bruce negro

Thinking of a $9 August call option on BAC. Thoughts?

I hope it gets to over 10 by that time...
btw the 100 MA is about to pass the 200 MA which looks great MACD is close to 0, although I do hope it turns positive soon and the RSI is low as well, so it is underbought. IN addition I think the bank portfolio is improving and although it didn't meet expectations in Q1 the numbers it showed are pretty good. Hoping for the best.
Originally Posted by The Truth82

Time to sell my shares of UA

Had a nice run 
Fellas this might not have to do with stocks but i need some professional help.

How do I find the main competitor of a private company that is public ?

How do I prepare myself for an interview for a private company?

btw way how about HGSI yesterday
Na the day before the pop was reading on stock twits that $8 calls were worth one cent and shot up some the next day.
Originally Posted by freelythinkingmind

So, if i had a stock i wanted to invest $5k tomorrow into, How would i go about doing this? THE EASIEST WAY?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Open up a trading account.  I recommend Charles Schwab or OptionsXpress. It may take a few days though because you have to link your bank account with your trading account, but it's quite simple and easy. Schwab's customer service is [/color]
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