yesterday bought in at .004-.0045, selling today from .0095-.0105!!! this was too quick of a play to warn you guys about, i will have a play coming soon that everyone should be able to get into

keep you guys posted!

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

had a 17% gain today..not bad imo
looking to unload around .80-.90

Now I've been watching this thread for a while, I'm still trading but I don't deal with any of the penny stocks (PSs) you guys trade. When I used to trade PSs, I used to short huge upside movements. Basically I used a mean reversion strategy because I don't believe any of the so called good news that comes out and to me, a piece of !#%! PS will always be a piece of !#%! PS. On PS, I would always look for heavy volume on whatever stock I was trading. I needed a reasonably tight bid/ask and a clear tape, something to show me the stock was relatively liquid and the tape for my technical analysis. Now maybe you follow a different trading strategy than I'm used to seeing, but that tape shows absolutely nothing and I can't seem to find any news at all (home right now so no Bloomberg access) that would push the price. Maybe you know something that we don't (you did call yourself blue horseshoe) or there's some pump and dump I don't know of pushing that stock. There is also the off chance that you're just a gambling man and IBII is the horse you've chosen. Either way, I'd love to know how you're making these picks.
If he really was a blue horshoe, he wouldnt say it even if he was. thats just plain stupid.

Maybe its good research, etc. Cant expect others to drop their sources like that, although if he didnt mind however...
Originally Posted by BangDak

If he really was a blue horshoe, he wouldnt say it even if he was. thats just plain stupid.

Maybe its good research, etc. Cant expect others to drop their sources like that, although if he didnt mind however...

I wasn't accusing him of anything so I apologize if it came off like that. I was just wondering how he did his research on these penny stocks.
Originally Posted by BangDak

If he really was a blue horshoe, he wouldnt say it even if he was. thats just plain stupid.

Maybe its good research, etc. Cant expect others to drop their sources like that, although if he didnt mind however...

I wasn't accusing him of anything so I apologize if it came off like that. I was just wondering how he did his research on these penny stocks.
I wonder who the market makers are in the dubzero stocks? No love for trip zero? It's the wild west out there, imo leave the technical & fundamental analysis @ the door. Programs will be run, players brought to the box, discounted equity deals done etc etc etc
Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by BangDak

If he really was a blue horshoe, he wouldnt say it even if he was. thats just plain stupid.

Maybe its good research, etc. Cant expect others to drop their sources like that, although if he didnt mind however...

I wasn't accusing him of anything so I apologize if it came off like that. I was just wondering how he did his research on these penny stocks.
Well I do know that AMSZ was a pump and dump and I feel bad for any bagholders out there. Those stocks blast off and then come back down and stay down. ASFX was another example of that.

I'm done with penny stocks, personally.
Haven't really been in the game for a while with a new job. New job deals with Hedge Funds (accounting side, for me) so I've been just educating myself on what they're doing and investing in.

That being said, with the news of HP's CEO being forced to resign and an interim taking over while the search begins, worth shorting?

I don't think HP is all that well positioned in terms of growth or value, and now adding uncertainty in a major leadership position has me wanting to go short.

Also, perhaps already missed the boat, but seems like another likely short candidate.

With the market drop yesterday I opened a position in FAS. I'm not overly concerned, I'd imagine it'll rise over the short term (1-3 months, especially before end of year) with the talk and sale of proprietary trading desks and bank owned/ran Hedge Funds.


i never called myself blue horseshoe lol...i was merely quoting the movie "Wall Street" ...if you havent seen that movie you wouldnt have gotten the quote...

when it comes to picking these pennies, i pick one then see what happens...on a daily basis i am looking at upwards of 50 different stocks and i let you guys know about ones that i think will do wel in the future...

i last called OOAG and AMSZ, OOAG went for upwards of 3000% gain and AMSZ had a gain of 75% or so, then back down the the regular levels within a couple days. I apologize if anyone got caught holding AMSZ because i said i felt it could go to .01+ , but i lost BIG on that one as well...

IBII is the next stock i like, you can jump on the wagon or be left behind, but i would say that out of all the stocks im watching right now, IBII has the 'best' chance of having a run.

Obvioulsy no one is 100% when picking stocks, i just say i like a stock, and go from there.

and as always, each day the news/info changes, so i try my best to keep everyone posted that i can. so today its IBII, but tomorrow i could not like how IBII is looking and move onto the next one.

Is anyone a Tesla shareholder? They're doing a lot better than people expected, low 20's right now.
How much money should I invest in order to make a decent gain on penny stocks??? By decent i'll be satisfied with 100+ dollars a week.
Any help on this would be appreciated,

Most of the info questions being ignored on here

Currently reading "A Random Walk Down Wall Street"

jordan23collector- Any insight on Penny Stocks would be appreciated.

I just want to know good websites/trading sites to get started.  Any dudes making a decent killing can drop info/knowledge it will be appreciated.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Haven't really been in the game for a while with a new job. New job deals with Hedge Funds (accounting side, for me) so I've been just educating myself on what they're doing and investing in.

That being said, with the news of HP's CEO being forced to resign and an interim taking over while the search begins, worth shorting?

I don't think HP is all that well positioned in terms of growth or value, and now adding uncertainty in a major leadership position has me wanting to go short.

Also, perhaps already missed the boat, but seems like another likely short candidate.

With the market drop yesterday I opened a position in FAS. I'm not overly concerned, I'd imagine it'll rise over the short term (1-3 months, especially before end of year) with the talk and sale of proprietary trading desks and bank owned/ran Hedge Funds.

Hate HP, especially after they spent 1.2 bil on Palm. However given where the stock price is right now, chances are it consolidates and rallies a bit from where it is at right now. OSTK was a great descending wedge set up but I'm afraid it's posed to do pretty much the same as HP. I'd look for better set ups but then again I took a quick glance at the chart. I don't trade these so I'm no expert on how they trade. I'd watch for some type of consolidation before the downtrend continues. Don't use FAS for anything other than day trades, ESPECIALLY with a 1-3 month timeline. ETFs are horrible for long term trades and FAS is one of the worst.
Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

i never called myself blue horseshoe lol...i was merely quoting the movie "Wall Street" ...if you havent seen that movie you wouldnt have gotten the quote...
Who in finance hasn't seen Wall Street? I made the insider trading reference BECAUSE you used that Gordon Gekko quote.
Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

IBII is the next stock i like, you can jump on the wagon or be left behind, but i would say that out of all the stocks im watching right now, IBII has the 'best' chance of having a run. and as always, each day the news/info changes, so i try my best to keep everyone posted that i can. so today its IBII, but tomorrow i could not like how IBII is looking and move onto the next one.
What exactly do you see in IBII if you don't mind me asking. There's so little information on it, I can't tell %!!#. Maybe it's my ego but I'd really like to know how you see alpha there. As for AMSZ, a lot people need to realize these illiquid penny stocks gain value because all the new buying pushes it up. Once all those buyers rush to the exits, it'll drop just as fast (if not faster) than it rallied.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Is anyone a Tesla shareholder? They're doing a lot better than people expected, low 20's right now.
Fundamentally, I don't like the company. Technically, I don't like the chart. I ain't touching it.
Originally Posted by dbbabd

How much money should I invest in order to make a decent gain on penny stocks??? By decent i'll be satisfied with 100+ dollars a week.
Do you ask people how much you should take to the casino? Trading penny stocks is purely gambling. Making $100 return off, say, $10,000 (1% return) for a beginner isn't decent, it's GREAT. Chances are you'll probably lose money.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Any help on this would be appreciated,

Most of the info questions being ignored on here

Currently reading "A Random Walk Down Wall Street"

jordan23collector- Any insight on Penny Stocks would be appreciated.
I just want to know good websites/trading sites to get started.  Any dudes making a decent killing can drop info/knowledge it will be appreciated.
Most of the questions are ignored because most of them are stupid questions. Everyone trades differently so no one person can tell YOU exactly what YOU need to do to learn more. Go on various trading websites, read, comprehend what you're reading, and look up anything you don't know but you want to know. It's that simple. Honestly though, try to learn EVERYTHING. That's what I do and it is definitely working for me.

well said Kicks

IBII i see (as stated in an earlier post) i would be looking to sell my shares around .80-.90/share..its sitting at around .64/share on Friday... is a great website for information. you can find virtually anything you need to know on that website when it comes to trading. hope this helps the few looking for more information

-J23C is a great website for information. you can find virtually anything you need to know on that website when it comes to trading. hope this helps the few looking for more information
Don't mind immersing myself in information, just that it is hardly provided.

Thanks for the website.

Most of the questions are ignored because most of them are stupid questions. Everyone trades differently so no one person can tell YOU exactly what YOU need to do to learn more. Go on various trading websites, read, comprehend what you're reading, and look up anything you don't know but you want to know. It's that simple. Honestly though, try to learn EVERYTHING. That's what I do and it is definitely working for me.
I don't necessarily think they are stupid questions, especially those that are seeking knowledge as opposed to just jumping in the pool.  For example "go on various trading websites" is vague and doesn't help at all.  You can google, but that would just lead to more confusion.

Most people are not asking for the fish, they are looking for someone to show them how to fish for themselves.

Thanks for the "try to learn everything" advice, can you recommend some of these trading websites you mentioned.
I bought the Essentials of Investments by Bodie, Kane, Marcus because someone (maybe lilchico?) in here recommended it a year ago. Lots of info there and not just on trading.
Haven't read it all because I haven't been focusing on the market besides reading blogs and keeping up with news more on a macro level.

You really need to know what you are doing before you even try to start. Run a fake fund for a while. Really figure out your strategies. You will easily lose your initial investment if you don't dedicate your entire life to this stuff and even then you probably won't profit much until a good time in.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Most of the questions are ignored because most of them are stupid questions. Everyone trades differently so no one person can tell YOU exactly what YOU need to do to learn more. Go on various trading websites, read, comprehend what you're reading, and look up anything you don't know but you want to know. It's that simple. Honestly though, try to learn EVERYTHING. That's what I do and it is definitely working for me.
I don't necessarily think they are stupid questions, especially those that are seeking knowledge as opposed to just jumping in the pool.  For example "go on various trading websites" is vague and doesn't help at all.  You can google, but that would just lead to more confusion.

Most people are not asking for the fish, they are looking for someone to show them how to fish for themselves.

Thanks for the "try to learn everything" advice, can you recommend some of these trading websites you mentioned.

Some websites I go on regularly:

Those websites won't really help you learn how to trade. I'm not in the business of teaching traders so I can't really lead you to the best sources of where to learn. That's why I think the question is stupid. Now say if I was just learning to trade as well, I'd be able to point you in the right direction because I'd be looking at the same things you'd want to look at. I've been trading for more than 2 years now so I don't know where you should go if you want information for rookies. In addition to that, EVERYONE trades differently. I can't tell you to check out website A if website A is for intraday traders and you're trying to become a long term trader. There's no set way to learn how to trade. There's no ONE source that will teach you. You have to take information from various sources and put it together yourself. No one is going to spoon feed you information. It might seem harsh but when I started, all I had was google and my interest in learning this stuff. That was just fine for me so excuse me if I don't understand how it isn't fine for you.

If you want to know, my main trading resources are the Thinkorswim desktop and the Bloomberg terminal, which requires access to both. The TOS requires a TOS account and a Bloomberg Terminal costs $1,700 a month if you don't have access to it through your job or school.
What do you guys think of BIDU? Its been making some pretty good gains and I wonder when its going to top out, or if I should keep investing in it
Hello again gentlemen. Hope everyone is doing well with their trading. Markets are getting toppy and due for a pullback. Haven't been trading much, but have some longs in the vault. I took most of my profits and placed them in a new business venture. My biggest gainer, LVS, has took off once again. I've been averaging up for the past few months. I believe we should see $35 after earnings and $40 eoy.

All imo.
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