Nasdaq, S&P and Dow all record high closes. :pimp:

Got 5 plays off today
3 overnight calls
A UVXY short I bought and sold today
A call on SQ bought and sold today

And up 20% on QCOM to hold over the holiday
Always got to remind myself to find a short in the early hour so I can ride the wave of profit taking
I am so happy I got in on the dip, I am not selling my sq ever. It's only 100 shares, but I will continue to add steadily. I see $500 within 10 years. (I'm a long term investor though)
Been in sq since the 30s, even though it’s been slow in movement the last few months its definitely a long terms hold. Shop was another one I recommended(not at this price) I got in well under 50 and have held lol, doubled down twice with that bs famous shorter news. A few I’m in right now are DOVA and OCUL, I’ve doubled down on OCUl with just over 30k. KTOS is another that I recommend that’s been doing well, and I see long term growth.
My QCOM call trade got murdered on the after hours before the 4th but bounced back Friday and made profit

If you trade and don’t have JNUG in your watchlist you ******* up
The stock was down 8% just to climb up and close just to close 3% in the red a good 60% gain easy on a trade :pimp::pimp::pimp::pimp:

Got off work early on Friday but wasn’t able to close my last holding with SQ before close but I’m up
Cei with the scam lol up 200% to $6

I had like 200+ shares, that turned into 10 that turned into 0 but today they gave me 1
SPX about to print 3000

All time highs all around, account balances all time highs :pimp:

Still don't feel we are overheated enough to sell.

It’s doing it tomorrow
I thought it would have today but nah

SQ with a nibble win
SBUX has 3 calls on that came back and made me profit been holding that since Monday
MSFT overnight hold from last night made me some profit

Now just holding a call on SHOP that I need a good pre market pump that will hold that I might sell anyway even if it’s a small loss considering that I’m in the green for the week
And also selling CGC call tomorrow
Regardless that **** is a waste of ******* time it just swims in the red all day then dumps at the end just to get bought up a bit in the after hours
I’m glad I’m trading other thing because if I just had CGC I would have gotten a headache with that trash
is it all priced in? feel like amazon always beat expectations. FB is near highs. and possible rate cut? ride it out til eoy?
Would have lost so much money if I didn’t jump out of my call on SHOP

and CGC is still a **** sandwich so I made a better choice with taking a small L

Went with FB and LYFT and IWM for some W’s
And hold ABBV calls over the weekend already up 10%

And up 10% on my bitcoin position just letting that ride until Sunday

It’s been a hell of a week and I can’t wait until next week to see what happens
After doing some analysis on historical trends I think we will continue to run up through earnings/fed announcement and then drop shorty afterwards, most likely August - October period.

I went extremely aggressively long and made huge profits these past two months so I will most likely be scaling my positions down depending on the data we get.
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