Wow this is crazy.....when does bleeding stop?
When you think you should sell everything and buy something nice for yourself with that money instead of investing it.

Nibbled little more SQ and back in CMLF. .7% position there (50 shares)
Option account damn near up 100% from last week
Bought some REITS today already getting punished
But as long as they pay that dividend (shoulder shrug)
Soak it in guys. This should be a learning experience. Worst thing you can do is look away entirely.
Adding to my long terms TSLA, APPL, DIS, SQ, VIAC and ROKU.

I'm thinking about jumping back in on PTON, but this dip is crazy. Should I wait?
PTON been crashing through support after support. I'd wait until we see them have an actual support level and bounce a couple times. I dont trust this bounce we're seeing right now.
The more conservative names (MA, V, JNJ, ABBV) in my portfolio are holding up pretty well. So far looks like most of the damage is being contained to the tech stocks that are up 2x 3x since March. If you been holding names like SQ and PINS since April or May 2020 you should still have gains above 100% in those names. Idk if I’d have the risk tolerance to hold some of these growth stocks if my initials positions were started in late 2020/early 2021.
I was hoping that pos nkla would be in low tens by now. I think april is when most insiders are allowed to sell.
I was hoping that pos nkla would be in low tens by now. I think april is when most insiders are allowed to sell.
Bro. Brooo. If I had one goal in 2020 it was to see NKLA die a swift and bloody death. But insiders and analysts (specifically that scumbag Coster with JPM) kept this trash alive. These scumbags admitted to 9 public lies Milton said since they started taking money from customers, yet the justice department and SEC havent done ANYTHING to punish these scamming ****s. Milton was forced to quit because he likes sexually abusing women, yet their company is still alive and pretending they're doing anything other than being a pyramid scheme. People, dumb ******* people, are still holding onto this scam like republiqans are holding onto their hopes trump is inaugurated still. The sooner NKLA dies the death they deserve, the better.

Im buying more put leaps on NKLA.
nibbled twlo at the lows luckily, left room for one more add though. sitting on the rest of my cash. TSLA intrigues me but not enough.
Why y’all so confident in curi? It’s like Netflix for discovery documentaries right?
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