Why y’all so confident in curi? It’s like Netflix for discovery documentaries right?
5 revenue streams one of which is bundling the other which is annual subscriptions with low churn. It’s a 1b company so there’s an easy potential to 10x if the growth rate works out. Ceo buys a **** load of stock. Having said that, it’s a 1.5% position for me.
I filled a JMIA spread for I think 3 bucks idk
Jan 23 40-70, sold the 10-5 put spread. I left room to add 10 more shares at 28 and then thats a full sized position that ill never add to unless the story gets better faster.

bot net at 65.82 1.6% position
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Still taking Ls on my robinhood account but this is pretty much me with my index funds :lol:
Y’all going all cash to end the week?

crazy how everything went green just now
TLSA is a $50 stock.
A little louder for the bulls in the back. The garbage *** Mach-E is eating its lunch.

TSLA as a car company is virtually dead. They have to secure local or federal government contracts to even survive. Their other lines of business need to take off in short order or else the smoke and mirrors will be revealed.

I am not a financial advisor. I don't like the stock. That doesn't mean you cant get rich by buying it.
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