FSLY going to pump on Monday? Might buy 1,000,000 shares.
That CML Pro interview w the CEO left me very bullish. I’m adding more Monday. Unofficial guides for a 30-35% CAGR for the next 5-10 years, and unofficially alludes to Amazon beta testing compute@edge. Wall Street doesn’t get it and that’s perfect for us.
DKNG has a decent set up here. Props to who can identify where the stop should go. No position
DKNG and FUBO are the bane of my existence. Can never time any of these right.
Is the model, slow and steady wins the race still applied to the stock market? In March, it'll be a year of nearly straight gains. That's unheard of.

I had some cleanspark at $1.50 average. they didn't move for 3-six months so I threw my money elsewhere. Same with uavs.

But then I looked at the duds that remained duds and I had just as many that I got out at the right time. Overall, I may be right at about a straight wash, or slightly up 5-10%. I'm.barely out performing the indexes. So that's when I said I'd go with them for awhile.
Loving this thread and just learning and watching the ebbs and flows
Any reason for you selling when you did?

I had a dumb rule of if it drops a total of 8% or more in two days to sell. There were also some slight drops during the earlier summer months where I was too emotional and without any actual fundamental or technical reason, sold. A couple was losses from earnings.

Just bad mistakes I'm hoping I don't repeat.
That’s not a bad rule at all if you’re trading. The problem we all have is determining whether we are trading or investing a position. It’s something I’m still working through myself. What’s worked best for me is picking stocks I will ignore and leaving them alone, and with 5-20% of my portfolio focusing on stocks I’m willing to trade. So something like ETSY or DKNG which I like, but don’t love up here, I would be trading those with a stop. Something like SQ SHOP which I love, I’m ignoring and either adding to or leaving alone. I’m not perfect, I trimmed ROKU in half on some BS fear about content that I got in my head about, but it also became 30% of my account which can be problematic. I probably will be trimming my TDOC add from Friday before earnings solely because I want to obey my rule of no new buys before earnings and I want to buy some TWLO and more FSLY.
Yeah I’m still trying to build my safe positions to then know where my day trading will go.
For me in the start is Apple, BTC and ETH. Those are my 5, 10 year, maybe longer spots. Where I’m buying only. Only sell would be if it increases so much, I can cash out a tiny portion of my position to get my money back and reinvest.

I got DOGE and AMP about a weeks paycheck worth each. Just to see where the hell it goes. AMP looks like a legit move the more I read, even if it’s years away. If it booms, I can cash out. If it stays even or even loses a third of the value or half of the value, and holds, it is what it is. I did the same with MCOA, bought $50 on a company that just completely crapped the bed in the last 5 years to the point that it is worthless. And is trying to overhaul in an industry that will have some growth. Something similar to XSPA but that has been a dud, even good news for them hasn’t mattered yet.

Just need to find my niche and expertise in the get in get out day trading. That’s where I’m hitting the wall. Also not enough capital to invest a good chunk where the get in and get out has big gain. Got lucky as hell on SNDL, but also had $600 to play with.
Swing trade before you day trade. No offense, but at your experience level, you’re going to have lots of struggles until you understand how to day trade. Swing trading is “easier” where all you need to do is buy the dips in a strong trend and sell the rips.
I was looking at my tax forms and some of the stocks I sold for losses in 2020 and their price today.

I would've been up close to an extra 30k today if I just held.

CZR = 12.35/share
PINS = 32.88/share
CHGG = 85.89/share
DIS = 118.64/share
PTON = 68.34/share
OBLG = $3.78/share

Are you an investor or a trader? I see quite a few people that view themselves as investors (long term) but actually have a trader mindset. The right mindset is essential.

Unless you have a good amount of time & money, you won't be making those gains by trading imo.
When I started, I had a trader mindset. Backfired, just wasn't anywhere near well versed on the technical side. Still not.

I trade about 20% of my portfolio max. More of an investor now for sure, don't plan on touching what I own until 1, 2, 5, 10 years down the line.
DKNG with a $80 price target after earnings.

I'm 100% sure if I swing this I'll time it terribly and take a loss on it like usual.
If it wasn’t for earnings, I’d say just buy the weak open tomorrow with a stop under Friday’s low. But earnings turns this from a trade into a gamble.
Have fun today.

This is when the market separates the chaff from the wheat.

**** stocks that are cool to own will get murdered if the 10 yr goes above 1.4

Good stocks will get beat up

Look for opportunity in the best companies, nibble in case this is a multi day event, and reap the rewards long term.
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