Grand opening, Grand Closing...
ES Re Re Halted LIMIT DOWN :lol:

Bull nightmare.

So many problem areas in the financial system. So much debt, so much junk, so much excess, so many ticking time bombs. So many dominoes set to fall. As Warren Buffet says, we are about to see all those who have been swimming naked for all this time.
Bull nightmare.

So many problem areas in the financial system. So much debt, so much junk, so much excess, so many ticking time bombs. So many dominoes set to fall. As Warren Buffet says, we are about to see all those who have been swimming naked for all this time.

Reminds of this controller of a client of ours we had lunch with 2 weeks ago. we were discussing the dropping stock market and she goes “this can’t continue, IT MUST STOP NOW!!!” She’s 50+ years old with a business degree what does she think that the cyclical expansionary cycle would continue i definitely? Like people are truly delusional to keep thinking this will continue forever. I don’t feel bad for them at all.

There is only one group of people which I feel bad for and that are the people who will lose jobs and are already in vulnerable positions in their lives.
All you people out there who were trying to pinpoint when the economy would you have your answer. It will happen a lot sooner than you thought. This virus will be the catalyst they will use to cause the crash. Airplanes empty, less oil being used, this won’t end well...
SPY yearly chart is in the red
Just wanted to put that out there before the news does

Will be looking for calls to get in and out of
Works every time 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️
If it’s not there then I don’t force the trade
I wanted to get into some other positions but because of the corona situation, I may have to take advantage of CCL and an airline stock or two
All you people out there who were trying to pinpoint when the economy would you have your answer. It will happen a lot sooner than you thought. This virus will be the catalyst they will use to cause the crash. Airplanes empty, less oil being used, this won’t end well...

Nah. The Crash will come after FED neg rates, QE7, FED direct investments, FED helicopter money...they still have 1 "bazooka" and 1 mag left in their arsenal. Also, too much institutional cash sitting on the sidelines waiting for new lows to be put to work.

We also will have global central banks work in unison with our FED to prop up our phony markets. Kuroda, Lagarde, Powell, Zhou, IMF, World Bank will have printers at the ready.
I wanted to get into some other positions but because of the corona situation, I may have to take advantage of CCL and an airline stock or two
Look at 2008 and look at where we are now. Don’t rush into anything at full size. 10% of your cash is all id be using at the moment.
Look at 2008 and look at where we are now. Don’t rush into anything at full size. 10% of your cash is all id be using at the moment.
Not rushing. Just putting in small money. I’m also waiting to see how many mote COvid cases pop up .
*Russia gone nuclear in oil war
Sold my spy put before close on Friday went on the call so side. Took the bait. Now I’m getiing cooked . |l
I’m gonna start DCA all the way down Every paycheck and i’ll keep some extra cash on hand
Market halted for 15 minutes. Wow... reminds me of fall '08.

There might be a temporary ban on short selling too.

That drop though. Almost 2000 points on the dow
Market could not stay open for 2 minutes before hitting the first circuit breaker after already opening limit down.

Kyle Bass says we are still a month away from “peak virus”

Wonder how all the cnbc idiots preaching for viewers to buy at all time highs are doing.
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