^^ thanks a bunch.... I used the febreeze for the insides (the odor control spray that they sell at finishline works very well also). I was just unsure aboutthe outsides of the shoe. I appreciate what you do on this thread man!
for those that bought sea glow online, how long does it take to recieve it? I ordered mine of their website last friday and i havent recieved it yet. =( i gotsome space jams that need them bad
^ guess it depends on how far away you are from hawaii, since that's were it's mailed from. when i ordered mine, it came in about 5 days. but i live inca, so i'm a lot closer. so in that perspective, if you're farther away than me, it's gonna take a lot longer. they usually send it with a deliveryconfirmation number. if you don't have that number with the invoice they sent you, call them up or email them to get that info. and to everyone who asksquestions on this thread, i try to do my best with the info i give out. usually i am my own guinea pig with the methods i suggest for people. whatever i pickedup in this thread i usually try it out on some kind of project i get now and then. i figure if i can save some $ by spending some time on some beaters orprojects, it makes the end product oh so much sweeter. glad i can help others out.
thanks man! i live in los angeles, i got the email but no tracking# guess ill call em monday .
Has anyone tried ironing the patent leather to remove wrinkles on the xi's?
Originally Posted by pimpjobu

^ guess it depends on how far away you are from hawaii, since that's were it's mailed from. when i ordered mine, it came in about 5 days. but i live in ca, so i'm a lot closer. so in that perspective, if you're farther away than me, it's gonna take a lot longer. they usually send it with a delivery confirmation number. if you don't have that number with the invoice they sent you, call them up or email them to get that info. and to everyone who asks questions on this thread, i try to do my best with the info i give out. usually i am my own guinea pig with the methods i suggest for people. whatever i picked up in this thread i usually try it out on some kind of project i get now and then. i figure if i can save some $ by spending some time on some beaters or projects, it makes the end product oh so much sweeter. glad i can help others out.
seriously, thanks alot for your info. I would do my own projects but i really dont have the money right now, but i really appreciate your help. I had a few more questions but i forgot them, but i remember them i will be sure to ask. Thanks again.
pimpjobu wrote:
^^it will help remove some of the yellowing but probably not all of it. it's just a natural process with the oxidation effect. if it was white rubber sole areas, then i know you can use seaglow to help remove this. but anything that's painted or is hard plastic that's white in color will get stained by seaglow due to the chemicals it has. you're yellowing isn't as bad as others i've seen. but if the yellowing has already set in, it's a lot harder to remove since it's so deep within the affected areas. good luck andfattoo.
^my suggestion is go to lowe's or home depot and see if they can color match and see what colors are used. then go get the angelus paints with those colors to mix. only thing i can think of that might help.
Thank you that's a good idea.
ironing creases on the patent leather of xi's- i don't know if you can or not. i know you can do it with the xiii's toe box but that's justleather. it might be worth a shot. i think you have to use a pillow case or towel to put over the area and then "iron" out the creases. there'ssome info on this in iss ( they suck btw, just imo). unless it really bothers you seeing the wrinkles or creases in the pl, go for it. doing this repeatedlywill weaken the leather in the toe box area. so if it's worth it to you, try it out. good luck.
hey, pimpjobu i looked into the magic eraser and i was wonder if the extra strength would be too strong or not for removing the yellowing of the white patentleather on the columbia XIs. As well as wondering if sea glow would work since it removes oxidation from polymers. Let me know your comments.
I have this pair of concords which has a really dingy white for the mesh. I tried using RIT to brighten it and it didn't work that well. As a matter offact, it kinda screwed up the entire mesh. I dont know what happened but the mesh now has all this black "bleeding" all over. It pretty much ruinedthe shoe. I was just wondering what i can do to fix it. I'm thinking maybe using bleach but that might yellow it. I also have some of that kiwi shoewhitener which would be a last resort.
The black marking is pretty bad. I actually somewhat cleaned it off which the magic eraser but it just left the mesh looking greenish. Then i let it dry againand the black marks came up again. I used BFK before which didnt do much either but that also left the spots which i just erasered out. I also used seaglow onthe soles which might've went on the mesh by accident. Or maybe the RIT got rid of some of the dye on the patent leather and it seeped onto the mesh? All iknow is the mesh looks really messed up and it would be great if someone could shed some light on how to fix it. Thanks
andfattoo- i didn't even know they had a extra strength magic eraser. must of not really looked for it but i'm gonna have to check it out next time. ifyou're gonna try to use this with the patent leather on the columbia's, give it a shot. i'm curious too since i didn't know they had an extrastrength eraser. see if the eraser works first. as far as using the sea glow, i'm kind of iffy about that just because of the material it's being usedon. sea glow is best used for clearing up clear soles and removing stains and yellowing on white rubber soles. i might just be own guinea pig and try this outon a pair of beater columbia's i use for the weekends. if you do use sea glow, try a small area first so that way if it stains it it won't look so bad.
^kind of wished you posted pics to see what advice i can give to help fix this situation. maybe you might want to get some oxyclean for the mesh tongue. maybeit will help remove the black marks and spots on there. i'm trying to picture this all in my head to give you the best advice to salvaging your concords.if this does work, go back over it again with bkf. i don't use rit because i don't get the results i desire from it. it does work though, i just preferbkf. if the oxyclean doesn't work, your last alternative is probably gonna be bleach. i would use a toothbrush and some bleach and brush it in the mesh totry to get rid of the markings. hope this helps out.
pimpjobu - i hope youre not talking about the columbia's in your avy (i doubt you are). but im guessing the patent leather to those beater columbia'sare yellowed.
ok here are some pics. you'd think i had space jams with the way they are looking




so yeah, i dont know what happened but i could really use some help...
andfattoo- here's my beater columbia's
see the midsole separating at the end of the shoe. they're not yellowed so they still look decent. i decided to try to use some sea glow on the patentto see if it dyes it or changes color in the white patent leather area. figure they're beaters so why not take a chance. if it works it might help othersout.
^^ seeing that much bleeding onto the mest makes me think it wasn't the patent leather but maybe the inside of the shoe that got the seaglow and then raninto the mesh area of the concords. those look pretty nasty. but getting back to trying to help you out, you're gonna have to try using bleach in the mestareas to clean up all that staining. i almost think you're gonna have to pretty much baste them like a turkey. try getting as much of the color out thatyou can with the bleach, then use oxyclean. after that i would use barkeepers as the last step in cleaning them. so basically you're trying to use thestrongest cleaner first, then work you way up to less harsh cleaners just like sanding wood. hope you can save those because the shoe overall is not that bad.
pimpjobu, those are some beaters alright, but i really appreciate you trying the sea glow on them. If i had some i would try myself but im not that fortunateright now, thanks again. im quite sure you will share the results of the patent testing.
Originally Posted by RICO7JT

HERE ARE THE PICS ...... sorry for going overboard with the pictures .

OK here is the info .... so its ONLY the LEFT foot . The WHOLE SOLE has NOT YET separated , just parts of it . The parts of the sole that have separated are THE INSIDE ARCH AND WHERE THE PINKY TOE IS ON THE OUTTER SIDE PART.



These are one of my ALL TIME FAV , I dont want to lose them to this.
Originally Posted by MuslimShady

ok here are some pics. you'd think i had space jams with the way they are looking


so yeah, i dont know what happened but i could really use some help...

Which RIT did you use beause RIT omes in all sorts of variations. I'm thinking instead of getting the whitening RIT you got the black dye.
Only thing that i can think of, i used Rit on some Concords also and worked for me.
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