I'm starting to think it may not be the the insole that's the problem. I laid down some baby powder then put the insole back in and kept trying to walk in them and no matter how much powder I put in the sound still wouldn't stop.

The squeak seems like its coming from the forefoot area of the shoe and any impact to it results in this annoying squeak.

I uploaded a video of me just pressing on the sole with my thumb and every time I press it that squeak happens
@miamin2 I hate to say it but it might be a busted airbag unit :/ do you hoop in them? ever leave them in a really high temperature area? (ie trunk, car etc)?
Damn that was my worst fear smdh. Well since repairing them is probably out of the question do you guys think I could return them to Nike as a deffective pair and at least get the retail value back on them? I believe the policy was up to two years since rd.

I haven't hooped in them at all, just casual use and they're not in bad shape. They have been in my trunk for a few drives between Tallahassee and Miami for school which is like an 8hr trip. That's the only thing I can think of.
Never have seaglowed or anything like that. I didn't break them out for like half a year after I copped them on rd if that makes a difference but they were just in their box in my room for that time

I first noticed it after I was messing around with swapping the insoles, that's why I assumed it was an insole problem but now I don't think that part matters. I even tried them without any insole and the noise still happens.

Btw I really appreciate all the help and advice guys. I even have an exam tonight but I can't get this problem off my mind :lol:
Thanks JohnAndrew13 for answering my questions. I really appreciate it, I asked before with no responses.

Also, on the dishsoap and toothbrush (for midsoles) do you do straight dishsoap or add water? Sorry for dumb question but just didn't wanna make a rookie mistake! Lol!

Lastly, what do I to make the patent on the XI's shine. Noticed on my concords and breds. It's not so much they're becoming dull, it's just the greasiness from like hands touching them. Tried using a dry cloth but it puts lint all over them and doesn't make them shine.
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Damn that was my worst fear smdh. Well since repairing them is probably out of the question do you guys think I could return them to Nike as a deffective pair and at least get the retail value back on them? I believe the policy was up to two years since rd.

I haven't hooped in them at all, just casual use and they're not in bad shape. They have been in my trunk for a few drives between Tallahassee and Miami for school which is like an 8hr trip. That's the only thing I can think of.

I think that might be it. The way they squeak in that video leads me to believe the sole has seperated a little from the bottom but not the sides. If they didnt squeak when you first bought them this probably happened from too much exposure to heat in the trunk. If they squeaked when new, JB must have missed a spot of glue on the sole.

... Sounds crazy but you might be able to use a syringe/needle filled with adhesive to repair the shoe without completley removing and reattaching the sole.
^ How about if I were to just poke a hole with a needle or something that would let the air in there escape. Do you think that would work as well? Or is the only solution to have the sole and rest of the shoe completely attached with the glue method you described?
^ How about if I were to just poke a hole with a needle or something that would let the air in there escape. Do you think that would work as well? Or is the only solution to have the sole and rest of the shoe completely attached with the glue method you described?

I dont really know... I suppose its worth a try, but I'd be careful not to poke too deep and puncture the airbag.
I'm starting to think it may not be the the insole that's the problem. I laid down some baby powder then put the insole back in and kept trying to walk in them and no matter how much powder I put in the sound still wouldn't stop.
The squeak seems like its coming from the forefoot area of the shoe and any impact to it results in this annoying squeak.
I uploaded a video of me just pressing on the sole with my thumb and every time I press it that squeak happens

ok, i think i know what that is. that's a tiny bit of annoying sole separation. the only way to stop it is too much trouble if you ask me. you need to put the shoe in heat to remove the clear outsole completely (just the front part) so that you can re-glue the whole thing. this happened to my first pair of og's, i just lived with it. you would feel it if the bubble had burst.
I was using a shoe cleaner to clean off some juice off of the satin/nylon part on the olympic 6's and it left a somewhat noticeable blue tint on it. I'm kinda OCD about this stuff so any ways to get it off?
First time painting over leather on the upper material. Thanks for the tip Glockwork about using duller with the leather. It looks natural now.

I just liked your recent post since I'm too lazy to like the actual post lol 
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Retr0brite doesn't really do too much to the tabs, I've seen very few cases where it did some real good work but I've never had success with it. You're best off just painting it and using a matte finisher.

Thanks for the tip. I might as well repaint the white midsoles while I'm at it. My 2003 White/Cement 3's started to chip in the black midsole area, so I repainted them, came out looking great, hell the whole shoe still looks brand new.

I never saw myself doing this, but it's not as hard or time consuming as I thought.
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retrobrite was originally made to unyellow plastic but it was used on keyboards and such and usually was submerged in the product and left in sunlight to work best so it will work on the tabs if they are plastic but since they arent submerged it will just take longer to see results
Thanks for the tip. I might as well repaint the white midsoles while I'm at it. My 2003 White/Cement 3's started to chip in the black midsole area, so I repainted them, came out looking great, hell the whole shoe still looks brand new.
I never saw myself doing this, but it's not as hard or time consuming as I thought.
So you just touched it up or did a complete midsole repaint?
Still having a few problems with the blue tint. Detergent didn't really help unless i'm cleaning it wrong. Actually think the blue stains are the detergent since it became more noticeable 
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I feel like looking through all 159 pages is impractical. I'm sure it has been answered before but how do you clean the plastic wings on 4's? Military's to be specific. Never really had a problem with the wings but the neutral gray wings have some dirt-scuffs. Plain old soap and water doesn't seem to be helping. Any advice would be helpful, thanks.
I feel like looking through all 159 pages is impractical. I'm sure it has been answered before but how do you clean the plastic wings on 4's? Military's to be specific. Never really had a problem with the wings but the neutral gray wings have some dirt-scuffs. Plain old soap and water doesn't seem to be helping. Any advice would be helpful, thanks.
mr clean magic eraser does the trick
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