Official Rockets (55-27) Season Thread-5th place, HCA

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

trade yao for yi!

No. This is what needs to be done.


Do it Morey! Do it.
Wow. That was reaaal close. A win is a win though.

Yao gets the best of Dwight this time. Yao with 26 -10, Howard with 16 - 8
There is no reason why we shouldnt win at least the next 4 if not 5

2 against NY
and Hornets

all 5 of those are winnable games, we just need to get our act together and beat the teams we should
^^ Please, i know you been a rockets fan long enough. Winnable means nothing to the rockets. They always play down to the level of their opponent.
Damn that tip in was soooooooo close, I was there and all the Magic fans def. did not agree with that call at all. What were the announcers on tv saying aboutthat call, did they think it was the right call?

EDIT: Real good game tonight against the Knicks, we let up a little and let them back into it, but we held on so thats ok. Aaron Brooks earning more PT
. I really like the lineup of Alston, Brooks, Bonzi, Scola/Hayes (preferablyScola) and Yao. Deke can still play great D in the post, he should get more PT than just whenever Yao is in early foul trouble. Mt Mutombo could still helpout on post D for tougher, physical matchups against Yao IMO.
Right now I would prefer Brooks ahead of Head (seems like Adelman feels that way too, or atleast tonight, because Brooks was getting the PT in the 4th). Headforces alot of shots sometimes, but when he is on, other teams better watch out.
The topic of Tracy McGrady came up in the Pistons' locker room before a game last week. McGrady is now injured and unhappy in Houston. Reports there say he has told friends he wants to be traded -- again.

One player, who shall remain nameless, joked that McGrady was becoming more and more like his cousin, Vince Carter. "They should call Tracy, 'half-man, half a season,'" the player cracked.

Probably Rasheed just talking, but all these rumors from different sources (Detroit, NY, Chicago) isn't good. Starting to look more and more like Tmacdoesn't wanna be here.

But, hopefully the Rockets can maintain until T-Mac comes back.

So far, so good, all things considered.

I guess.
So hows that Rafer Alston fella doing for the Rockets.. Last I heard the Rockets fan base said he was sorry, crappy, garbage, Smush, and others.. All I can sayis.........

Rafer deserves an apology pronto.. Dude is Balling!! I am very surprised the Rockets are keeping their head way above water after losing a playmaker in Tmac..Props to the Rockets..
No actually, he doesn't deserve an apology. Its only been a week or two since he's been this...consistent? I'm not sure if thats the right wordsince he went 1-6 today from the arc. Until he can do it night in and night out till the end of the season, then he'll get an apology.
I really think the difference maker is Luther.
Luther's been shooting excellent lately and that stretches the defense out more for penetration to the basket and also for Yao.

I'm proud of the team and how we've handled loss without Tmac.
To be honest, I'm scared to see what would happen when Tmac does come back on Friday.
the team plays alot different when brooks or head is playing well. that way skip doesnt have to force alot of shots. if that makes any sense to anyone else.
Scared as in ruin their offensive flow? Or scared as in wat are the opposing teams going to do?
Scared as in ruin their offensive flow? Or scared as in are offense is going to be dangerous.
^for me, I feel both. I am def. worried a little about T-mac buying into the system. But if he does, we will be a pretty dangerous team (see first 7 games ofthe season)
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