Official Raptors Season Thread [41-41]

^ ive got two other TJ avys, ill pick up one of the other ones i have
Surprising win tonight but I'll take it.

Just one question........what da hell is Darrick Martin doing in the NBA? I swear I saw him jacking up fade-away 3's with 21 seconds on the shot clock. Dude is officially the worst Raptor in history(move over Oliver Miller).
Just wait for Derrick to retire a raptor, and get an offer from the coaching staff. Then his three years with the team is well worth it IMO. dude will become agreat coach in the NBA. All he needs is to start out as an assistant to Sam, and move up from there. he is the most respected raptor right now within theorganization IMO. He knows the game of basketball so well that you have all the young players looking up to him, as well at times seems like Sam's numbertwo guy when he needs information. If a player coach were still allowed in the NBA, Derrick Martin would be the definition of that.

I hate it when he steps on the court, but I have so much respect for him as a person who takes younger players under his wing and teaches them the game ofbasketball. He is doing a great thing with the raptors, even if its sitting on the bench just talking to the players.

This is the month that I was dreading to come. We have a stretch of 7 games in 11 days, not fun. If we come out just above .500 from this swing, we should belooking to go into a stretch of home games that are very winable.

Its always the month of December that decides it for us.

derek is only their for mentoring purposes

i wouldn't be surprised to see him in an assistant coach type role when he's done with the raptors, as a player...
Man, it would have been nice to beat Boston....

lol I turned my TV on and saw it was 40-17, so I shut it off. I had finals to study for

Its going to be huge for the raps to close out December on a high note. We play teams that we can beat, but its just a matter of pulling the W's out.

all i know is that at this point in the season, we've played the celtics 3 times already and we're still about 4-5 games better than we were at thispoint last yr. can't be disappointed by that
Well, it was ugly, but a W on the first game of a four game swing.

I have to miss the raps game tommorow night against Portland. That is the one game Ive been waiting to watch, even without Oden in the lineup. I really wantto watch the blazers play. Damn Accounting Final Exam on thursday afternoon. Oh well, at least I get to see Durant play two nights after.

Jamario had a great game tonight, and Rasho proved he can shut down nearly any big man in the leauge. In the second half he completely shut Kaman down, who washaving a solid game before halftime.

Bargs still has to get out of his funk on O. he plays great D, but on O he is still seeming to force shots.
Well, the loss to Seattle was a tough one to see. I thought we would have it in the bag when we had a 60-52 lead. I really thought that we would hold on forthe W. And the game against the suns.... Nash ALWAYS has at least 10 assists by half against us. We never seem to be able to keep his assists down against us.We kept up for the first two quarters, but after that we just caved in.

As well, Ive heard on RTV that TJ is contemplating hanging them up and calling it a career. Apparently he cant go a day without severe stingers. All the bestto TJ right now. Hope he does feel better, and makes the right decision.

Lastly, Merry Christmas to all you Raps fans out there.
Enjoy the holidays
thats really rough.

he's still really young and has the talent to be a solid pg in the league for years.

here's wishing him luck shakin the injuries and makin it back.
Ford isnt going to hang it up just yet, dude is way too resilient. His injury against Atlanta was not as bad as it looked.

I think the team is just taking precautionary measures right now, I expect him to be back later this season
Solid performance by the bench. If the bench can do what they're supposed to do (and they usually do) and Bargnani can fill in as a proper 2nd option weshould have no worries.
CHEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! A win over a team who's 15-1 at home. Good team game particularly on the defense today. Hopefully Bosh got enough rest today to be readyfor tomorrow's game.
CHEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Played GREAT D today. once again bargs teammates failed to get him the ball when he had open looks.
Great commercial there.

man, tough loss against Houston, even though I was watching the Pats game most of the way. Checkoutmygrill, enjoy that one.

Have you all noticed that any player over 7 feet kills us? Yao Ming, Chris Kaman, Zydrunis Ilgauskas (sp). We get bodied around so much that we basically relyon getting the player fouled out. If we were to improve the team, that would be the one aspect that we would have to improve on. Rasho can only do so muchagainst those big guys.
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