OFFICIAL POST YOUR BMX...vol. you're never too 12 updated w/ pics

Originally Posted by 408killafonia

I just edited my post. Y'all hear about that 4130 subway thingy in SoCal?
Yeah, that's the one I was talking about.  Looks like they're gonna be ridin' down at the beach, then to some jump dirt track.  This is gonna be my first one, so I'm hyped up for it.  On youtube, type '4130 subway series LBC'...there's three parts to it, 'cuz a dude filmed parts of the ride from his helmet cam...THEY ROLLED DEEP!!!! 
Bike got stolen from porch like a month ago

2Hip Soul

Had just bought a new back wheel, seat, post, chain, grips, and chain wheel......1 week later gone! I hope I never see my bike again, cause consequences will never be the same.

Thinking about buying another but I just bought a car so not sure. Might get back in but Im still heart broken. Didt take pictures of it either......I would have cried if I were 13 lol
We knew about the Bike game in the midwest too.

I miss my Dyno Comp

I always wanted a Detour, those handle bars=

That GT on page 1 or 2 is straight gangsta.  I knew a cat who had one like that but not that color.

I also had a dope Columbia too.  A little heavy though.
I don't still have it (I'm 36 years old now) but in junior high/high school, this is what I rolled:

Dam Hov, that was a dope bike! I thought I was the only one on here over 35 years old! Yeah, I venture to say they didn't even make bikes in the 90's the way they did in the 80's. The midschool stuff is just kinda bleh to me. I love the retro stuff though. Old school look with new school technology. Late 70's-early 80's were truly the golden age of bmx though. Wish I kept my race bike through the years but like many, I got "too cool" for bmx's when I got to college (Chico State, when it was a real party school. WOO HOO!).
nyck: where did you find those? I remember my friend's brother's Cook Bros. had Oakley grips, to match his Razor Blades...hahahahaha!!!
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

So a lot of people I see riding now a days don't ride with brakes....when did this fad start?
makes no sense unless you're doing tricks on flatlands and dont wanna get tangled up wit da cables...but most kids aint doing none of that.
87 GT Performer.  Im finally gonna restore this bad boy for the summer and Im looking for a fixie right now.
Originally Posted by SelectaClutchStar

nyck: where did you find those? I remember my friend's brother's Cook Bros. had Oakley grips, to match his Razor Blades...hahahahaha!!!

selecta -

oakley made 500 pairs of 5 different colors, blue/white, red/white, black/white, black/grey and red/yellow, last year for promotional use. i will be doing some giveaways with some sites soon, so be on the lookout.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

So a lot of people I see riding now a days don't ride with brakes....when did this fad start?
Some people say you feel more control of the bike with no brakes. I dont ride brakes because I think bikes looks cleaner without them. Plus its one less thing I'll have to fix/adjust. I live in the city so there aint no huge hills to worry about anyway.

Checking out that 4130 ride on youtube. Looks fun as hell so many people and all kinds of bikes not just fixed gears. All ages too I seen a few kids riding along in the pack.
What bike lock yall dudes have?? I need to get 1 asap, i dont need anything to OD since its in my house most of the time just something good enough to save me if im im a store or something
So a lot of people I see riding now a days don't ride with brakes....when did this fad start?
Because people are sheep. If the fad were riding with tampons hangin from your bar ends, everyone on NT would start rockin that look talkin bout, "Foo, I been ridin with tampons on my bars for years!". lol. I'm kidding, but y'all know that's true. 

Them Oakley's are dope. When I saw them, I was wondering if you had an idea of how much they are worth. Then I saw the next post, lol. I still can't get over how expensive old school parts are. I wish Oakley would just reissue their grips already! There was a time when that's all they did! Grips, not shades, not clothes, just grips! Oh well, at least we still got Ame's. If only we could see the Fini's or Unitron grips reissued. Them Oakley's are soooo sicc with it though.

As for locks, I use the basic Krypto cable lock  and it works good. Although I don't usually leave my bike on the outs for too long a length of time unless we're doing bar rides. They've worked good for me so far on all my bikes. Ordered my last parts today for my Quadangle. Can't wait to ride it! I'll post pics when it's all together.    
Here you go, Henz0!  Btw, those Oakley b1b's are reissues, but they were limited and seem to be just as expensive as n.o.s. grips. Seems like a lot of companies have adapted the whole "quickstrike, limited" technique to over-inflate prices
Originally Posted by 408killafonia

Here you go, Henz0!  Btw, those Oakley b1b's are reissues, but they were limited and seem to be just as expensive as n.o.s. grips. Seems like a lot of companies have adapted the whole "quickstrike, limited" technique to over-inflate prices

yep, they're reissues. they even have a stamp that on them that reads 2010, which was done to maintain the integrity of OG product for collectors.

last year was oakley's 35th anniversary, so stuff like grips and eye shades resurfaced to commemorate the occasion.

selecta and 408, you guys from socal?
nyck, no I'm from San Jose but I'm in SoCal a lot because I have a lot of fam out there. Ironically, my little sister lives in Laguna Beach (OC) and I visit Blends every time I'm out there. I haven't brought the bikes out there to ride yet, but plan to do so soon. Can't wait to ride around Sharky's in Newport Beach!
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