***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You definitely know Gavin Newsom more than I do.

But from what I’ve seen and heard. He can go toe to toe. He won’t allow himself to get bullied. He’s sharp on that stage man.

He actually reminds me of a young Biden. I seen videos of Biden in his prime. He was talented.
I think Newsom is very sharp. But with the negative perception that so many people who don't even live or have ever lived in CA have about CA politics and CA as a state in general, it wouldn't be a smart move to have Kamala and Newsom on the same ticket.
I agree. I think Kamala was definitely more in tuned with her AA side than Drake was growing up. As someone who also attended a HBCU and is from CA, I can't imagine someone going all the way to Howard from CA if they weren't in tune with their AA culture. The idea that she had this grand scheme of cosplaying as a Black woman because she was going to run for public office one day is ridiculous. I don't even know how someone who went to college in 1986 would think cosplaying as a black woman in the US would be beneficial to their future career.

It’s not hard to see the environment drake grew up in and the way he spoke prior to blowing up in rap

And ain’t nothing wrong with that.. but I ain’t surprised by certain things either

if he got called Duncan pinderhughes and didn’t catch the joke, I wouldn’t be shocked
Most of the people withholding their votes due to Gaza were Bernie Sanders supporters.

We obviously have an ontological disagree over Zionism and its relationship to Judaism. But clearly, the sort of voters who are at risk of defecting from the Democratic coalition see a hard distinction between Jewish politicians and Zionist politicians.

And yes, Bernie is a mild Zionist in that he believes that Israel has a right to exist as a political entity but he’s very critical of the tiered citizenship, the killing of civilians, the checkpoints, and seems willing to withhold military aid from Israel if he were president right now.

Shapiro and most US politicians are hard Zionists in that they may do a little hand ringing but they are mostly fine with the status quo but in the region and back here in the US with regard to anti BDS laws.

If you put a hard Zionist gentile like Ritchie Torres in the VP spot they would have similar issues with certain parts of the left flank of the party.

Antisemitism in the US is largely an outgrowth of anti Blackness/white supremacy. American anti semites hate the Jews who they see as promoting desegregation, civil rights, Black music, and helping refugees get into the country.

US based anti semites generally support Israel because it removes Jews from the US, and will hasten the Rapture. But if you intend to stick around and be a woke professor, activist, lawyer, politician, or entertainment figure, the antisemites of the US, who are almost entirely housed on the Right, will hate you.

The left hates Zionism, the right hates Jewish social Justice allies, and the number of American who, per se, hate all Jews is vanishing small.

yah all these fine grain delineations are cool in like a college lecture hall. I might agree.

imo 90% of people don't do that.

in actual practice. it's just zionist = jew for most people.

Roy Cooper is out here signing anti BDS legislation, he's arguably signed more "pro zionist" legislation than Shapiro.
But Shapiro is an actually jewish so he gets tagged with "zionist".

i think it's highly naive to act like the fact that Shapiro is actually jewish doesn't play a big role in how his so called "zionism" is perceived,
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It’s not hard to see the environment drake grew up in and the way he spoke prior to blowing up in rap

And ain’t nothing wrong with that.. but I ain’t surprised by certain things either

if he got called Duncan pinderhughes and didn’t catch the joke, I wouldn’t be shocked
Lol @ Duncan Pinderhughes reference. Both of his parents were black though :nerd::lol:
gotta be a skeleton in his closet somewhere.

Like I said last time

Even if dude is clean

Running Newsom basically gives Don Jr.'s highly partisan girlfriend a way to swing an election

We really gonna trust her to not do something wild of the polls look too tight?

I have my doubts generally about Newsom, but this to me is another reason to never roll the dice with him
Dems are really trying to throw the election away.

These fragile mfs in this country will not allow a woman to be president, let alone a "minority" woman. And women will vote again a woman as has been shown with Hillary. You should see all the women that had an orgasm after Trump survived the assassination.

A successor to biden should have been thought out the moment he got elected to the presidency not during a crisis mode and out of desperation.
Trump already calling Kamala dumb as rocks. For someone who isn't racist, he sure loves to call Black people dumb every chance he gets. Nevermind the fact that those same Black people are far more educated than he is.
Republicans are losing their collective minds over Biden dropping out. All their Buck Biden and Lets go Brandon mech is useless. They are literally looking for the DNC manager to file their compliant.

And, they don't have a four-day convention to trash either Biden or Kamala now.
reported for hate speech.

this is anti-gamer rhetoric.
A couple years ago I was playing COD with my cousin back in Lucia, his homeboy in NY, and his homeboy's lil 13-year old cousin in Virginia

The game ends, I tell them give me a second let me run and ran another can of seltzer.

Lil man must of thought I was gone because I hear him scoff and say "gay".

My entire sexuality and manhood got called into question because I care about my blood sugar and dental health

Man, **** gamers
yah all these fine grain delineations are cool in like a college lecture hall. I might agree.

imo 90% of people don't do that.

in actual practice. it's just zionist = jew for most people.

Roy Cooper is out here signing anti BDS legislation, he's arguably signed more "pro zionist" legislation than Shapiro.
But Shapiro is an actually jewish so he gets tagged with "zionist".

i think it's highly naive to act like the fact that Shapiro is actually jewish doesn't play a big role in how is so called "zionism" is perceived,

I agree that the majority of Americans definitely do see being Pro Israel as being interchangeable with being Jewish, especially if you live in parts of the US with little or Jewish people. We’re both in fairly urban bubbles and have met Jewish people with differing opinions on Israel and can draw a distinction.

I would say that the people who are withholding their vote over Gaza tend to reside in similar bubbles though. So among people for whom Gaza is a deal breaker, they know the difference.

IMO, the biggest liability of having a Jewish (Zionist or otherwise) VP would be the loss of the sort of Black male voter who you and RustyShackleford RustyShackleford have been discussing. The sort who have a very narrow definition of Blackness and/or are very patriarchal/alienated from Black women and/or have beef with immigrants.

For some less educated, downwardly mobile Black men, all they have left is being a macho, straight man and they see Jews (particularly those behind the scenes in entertainment) as working with Black women to feminize them and take away their last bastion of privilege. However, they know that the GOP is extremely anti-Black so they’re conflicted. That’s the voter I’d worry about.

In the past, alienating southern white Dems would be a potential and much larger issue but southern whites have largely sorted themselves. The Dixiecrat pretty much doesn’t exist anymore and they’re the group that is see otherwise voting Democratic but defecting if there a Jewish VP.

The more I think about it, the more that Charles Barkley unironically would be a good VP choice. He is as “ADOS” as they come but he’s also the kind of Black guy who wouldn’t alienate swing voters. He’s also a celebrity which is an asset in our political environment. He’s wealthy but has a working class, down to Earth aesthetic.

I have know idea if he’s up for it but he’d create so much buzz, keep the hoteps (and various other racialized yet lumpen young men) in the fold, and win over a lot of undecided Midwestern/suburban white dads.

He never won a ring but he’d be able to win something even more meaningful.

Harris-Barkley 2024, the not turrible ticket.
Wasn't there a study that showed that Drinking Mountain Dew was almost as bad as ingesting battery acid?
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