***Official Political Discussion Thread***

@biggie62 you should appreciate this

Again I got caught talking politics at my office.

So many people that said they voted for Biden in 2020 said they are voting for Trump because of cost of living.

When they bring up cost of living, they are talking about food cost. Going out to eat, and groceries. That is mainly how they are exposed to inflation

They all have large single family homes they bought for cheap when the market in Vegas was great.

Like three people go and go about how expensive the stuff they are buying for their cookouts have gotten. :rolleyes

I get out of the meeting, like 15 mins later, one of the dudes comes up to me and wants to talk golf.
Said he just got fitted for a new Titleist driver, and spurged on a Autoflex shaft for it. Which cost more that the driver head.

For those that don't know golf, he is telling me that he just spent $1,300 for a single golf club. Not including all the fees.

This man was just talking about having to vote for Trump, because the price of hamburger buns are breaking him. :smh: :lol:

I wanted to throw my water in his face so bad.

I gotta find a new place to work.

I hope you called him out on his hypothetical ********?! Had it been my coworker, I would have asked him about the elephant in the room and how stupid he sounded.
Saw where you apparently need to be making at least 106K to afford a home now.

I really wonder if we'll ever see a real breaking point where the majority of Americas get truly feed up and start demanding some heads. Seems like a lot of people have a "not at my front doorstep who cares" attitude at the moment.
This right here is the real struggle. Mostly because folks lack critical thinking. They can see that prices are going up, but ignorant to the fact that their ability to pay for these things without going broke seems to be keeping up.

i work with a ton of blue collar folks in manufacturing and most people just seem to forget that Trump isnt a politcal outside anymore. He has a track record that we can look at. We can see where he actually stood on things while he was in office vs what he's saying on the campaign trail. it blows my mind.
What I've come to accept is that folks don't like/want to look at the big picture. They don't really care about the greater impacts of their wants.

Just look at how much they complain about state income taxes: they're willing to move to states that will let them have an extra 2-3% of their income in exchange for being nickel-and-dimed through RE taxes, sales taxes, tolls, higher education fees, fees to access public amenities, etc...
the cost of food is high enough so that we very rarely eat at restaurants anymore - it’s now considered a luxury for us. def can’t complain tho because both my kids now go to the most expensive schools on the island and so far, my wife’s salary has outpaced the rising costs. just gotta prioritize what’s important for our family. i can see why people are unhappy but thinking that trump will solve middle class economic challenges is ridiculous.

i’m not gonna be able to watch the debates. i’m too nervous. i’ll check in here periodically to get updates.
Don't be nervous about the debate. The reality is that it will probably delve into a clown show and Scam Jones will say Trump looked presidential tonight as he wipes biscuit crumbs from his eyes. We have two guys that are known commodities. Trump will lie and try to interrupt Joe on everything. Joe will be poised and actually answer the questions. The moderators will be weak as usual.
Thanks Lil Pump

Over/Under 10 years before we're watering plants with electrolytes?

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