***Official Political Discussion Thread***

But but "free speech" 🤦🏻‍♂️

I'm sorry, but we as a country are ROYALLY ****** if he gets back in!! Say goodbye to a bunch of rights, and definitely say goodbye to the 2-term maximum for presidents as he will do everything to get it passed if they also control both other parts and you'll see cokehead Jr be the next president! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
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Isn’t BYD, which is Chinese, the best performing company in that market now?

Probably why Elon won’t say anything or push for restrictions on the Chinese manufacturer

Because that same manufacturer also builds his Tessies in China. That's why.
It actually had me wondering if a president has ever used the n word (not 'negro') in a speech. I bet Trump would do it. Not only do it but get people cheering him doing it.

I mean since we're going all explicit racism in 2024. JFC
While it won't change everyone's mind, I do believe if the tape exists (and knowing how much of a POS TFG really is, I believe there is one) I feel it would change those who are borderline and that would hurt him enough. One can hope.

It won’t change the MAGAs for sure but there are enough borderline people out there I agree.
It actually had me wondering if a president has ever used the n word (not 'negro') in a speech. I bet Trump would do it. Not only do it but get people cheering him doing it.

I mean since we're going all explicit racism in 2024. JFC
Before or after 1960?


Sometimes I see how the weird menagerie of people that make up the American Right manage to get (and vote) along, and I'm perversely jealous.

Bible-thumping evangelicals who support a serial adulterer, glutton, and sinner in Trump. Dirt-poor rednecks who support policies meant to make their economic reality worse while handing more tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy. Straight-up nerd political junkie worshippers of the Cult of Newt laughing along with gun-fellating 2Aers and MAGA lowlifes. Children of union-loving, blue-collar workers who scoff at the new working class now that They Got Theirs^(TM). In theory, none of these people would ever deign to spend time with the others, but they all fall in line come Election Day because they know (or wrongfully think, at least) that advancing the whole helps them get towards some sort of win for the thing(s) they care about.

And then I see people on my side of the aisle who can agree with someone on 99% of issues, but be absolutely horrified by the one difference. Who think it's righteously correct to punish Biden for failing to stop the Palestinian genocide when they have concrete evidence that Trump will allow (and cheer on) worse to happen in Gaza. Who always, *always,* ***always*** seem to make perfect the enemy of good with moral purity tests and an inability to allow for nuance. (I walked away from an immovable argument with a girl at my book club literally yesterday because she said she has zero desire to ever have a conversation with a Republican and thought I was insane to suggest that talking with people with different ideologies is the way to actually find common ground and stop us all from being so divided in our little bubbles.)

It's enraging. And we're losing. But hey, at least Biden will have to think *so hard* about how it was his fault that we handed the Supreme Court to potential monsters for the next few decades.

While it won't change everyone's mind, I do believe if the tape exists (and knowing how much of a POS TFG really is, I believe there is one) I feel it would change those who are borderline and that would hurt him enough. One can hope.
I think he would get more votes. Our resident Trump guy Delk would tell us that we don't know what was in his heart so he will still vote for him.
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