***Official Political Discussion Thread***

My daughter is more like me than I realize. She came downstairs today with a black panthers cop watch shirt on.

“Keep our neighborhoods safe, keep police honest”

She said she was ready to trigger some Karens. :rofl:

Me after reading your post.

I am old enough to know a Republican media talking point when I see one. This is going to become a viral thing with republicans, I bet you.

1) 99% of people don’t know if gas cost more than electricity unless they bother to look it up (also ignoring the difference in cost may be based on regions, time of year, etc)

2) Also that jerk used a whole bunch of classist on the surface, but racist underneath dogwhistles in that clip. Everyone in that party will love to repeat them amongst each other. It will make them feel intelligent when they discuss their hate.

This was literally how Republican politicians use to focus their constituents on a target prior to Trump just telling them what to think.
it comes to mind that the Capitol was never declared a crime scene that day...any credit union or corner store in America gets robbed the place gets closed off and evidence compiled to begin identifying and prosecuting suspects/conspirators.

when an armed mob of thousands tried to interfere with the certification of the national election in a coup orchestrated by the chief executive, the ******* feds just shrugged off the beat-up cops, wiped the human waste off the walls, and moved on with BAU. some of the main conspirators are STILL IN THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT.

you wanna see a goddamn two-tiered justice system, look no further than January 6 2021...I will never in this life forgive that country's response to its actual Crime of the Century.*

*[up to that point! ******* nuclear documents and military attack plans holy ****]

More than 1 million people have been dropped from Medicaid in the past couple months as some states moved swiftly to halt health care coverage following the end of the coronavirus pandemic.

Most got dropped for not filling out paperwork.

Already, about 1.5 million people have been removed from Medicaid in more than two dozen states that started the process in April or May, according to publicly available reports and data obtained by The Associated Press.

Florida has dropped several hundred thousand people, by far the most among states. The drop rate also has been particularly high in other states. For people whose cases were decided in May, around half or more got dropped in Arkansas, Idaho, Kansas, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah and West Virginia.

By its own count, Arkansas has dropped more than 140,000 people from Medicaid.
Stuff like this clearly will disproportionately hurt black people

Yet you get low information dudes talking like their are no differences between the parties when it comes to the consequences for black people. Gonna go into full gear next year.

Many of them on NT.
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