***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Its fine for some as long as the others have it worse and the conman pretends to be on your side :smh:

In related news,it's official

Human garbage all of em
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Taxation (edit to make quote shorter)
I'm not sure how relevent this is but this reminded me of something I have observed in my own country; that simply taxing the rich isn't necessarily as simple as many people make it out to be. Lots of people here were asking for a stock exchange speculation tax. Eventually the law was passed. A 33% tax on the profits gained from selling shares within 6 months after being purchased. If I'm correct, I vaguely recall Bernie Sanders supporting a Wallstreet speculation tax but I am not sure if that shares any similarities with the above.

This law was supposed to tax those super rich traders and give a big boost to government revenue. The law ended up being an utter disaster that was scrapped after a year. The rich generally didn't care much, some of our super-wealthy citizens actually moved out of the country, and on top of that it was the regular folks that were hurt the most. The number of regular middle class workers doing some small-time trading on the stock exchange dropped dramatically. To the point that despite the taxes on the rich, the law was actually losing lots of money because so many regular people drastically decreased their use of the stock market or just quit entirely. It turned into a complete disaster and after a year that law was relegated to da dustbin. There was indeed a good revenue gain from the rich having to pay that 33% tax but it was offset entirely by the loss of revenue caused by the non-rich people abandoning the stock market in droves.
Making it tougher than it already is will just encourage more illegal immigrants afraid of going through that grueling process for nothing.
Its fine for man as long as the others have it worse and the conman pretends to be on your side :smh:

In related news,it's official

Human garbage all of em

Nearly a million minors growing up here that now have to worry about what the **** will happen to them :smh:
And it's for no other reason than to spite Obama/liberals/democrats/POC and appeal to Trump's white supremacist voter base. Disgusting.

I'm so sick of this lie they keep peddling that becoming a US citizen is as easy as copping a one-way plane ticket.
That everyone who crosses the border gets to stay and the US just turns a blind eye and hands out welfare to them. It's an egregious untruth.
The Dem Civil War finna break out again this week. :smh::lol:

Hillary's book is out there, and she look key cooks Bernie. :lol:

She doesn't shade him, but she is upfront about how self serving ole boy is.


:lol: :lol: Abuela has HAD IT!
Its fine for man as long as the others have it worse and the conman pretends to be on your side :smh:

In related news,it's official

Human garbage all of em


Y'all been keeping up with what's going on in Myanmar recently? Been on the news here a lot. Lots of violence going on and displacement due to said violence. Seems to be a large persecution of the state's Muslim ethnic minorities by radical Buddhists
More than 120,000 Rohingya flee Myanmar violence, UN says
Military operation pushing 15,000 Muslim ethnic minorities into Bangladesh every day, raising fears of border camp crisis
More than 120,000 Rohingya people have fled Myanmar for Bangladesh in the last two weeks after a rise in violence against the Muslim ethnic minority, according to the United Nations.

The situation has raised fears of a humanitarian crisis in overstretched border camps, with another 400,000 stateless Rohingya people estimated to be trapped in conflict zones in western Myanmar since more “clearance operations” by security forces in Rakhine state began last month.

UN aid agencies continue to be blocked from delivering food, water and medicine to the Rohingya, while humanitarian workers on the ground say warehouses stocking vital emergency supplies are being looted.

As the international outcry over the crisis grew, an aid group that has been rescuing tens of thousands of refugees from the Mediterranean Sea announced it was redirecting its ship to south-east Asia.


(see link for rest of article)

Also in other news... Perhaps it's just me but the line in bold & underlined seems rather ominous to me.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that any decision by the United States to supply defensive weapons to Ukraine would fuel the conflict in eastern Ukraine and possibly prompt pro-Russian separatists to expand their campaign there.

On a visit to Kiev last month, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said he was actively reviewing sending lethal weapons to Ukraine to help it defend itself, an option that previous U.S. president Barack Obama vetoed.

Ukraine and Russia are at loggerheads over a war in eastern Ukraine between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian government forces that has killed more than 10,000 people in three years. Kiev accuses Moscow of sending troops and heavy weapons to the region, which Russia denies.

Putin, answering a question after a BRICS summit in China about the possibility of the United States supplying Ukraine with heavy weapons, said it was for Washington to decide whom it sold or gave weapons to, but he warned against the move, something Kiev wants.

“The delivery of weapons to a conflict zone doesn’t help peacekeeping efforts, but only worsens the situation,” Putin told a news briefing.

“Such a decision would not change the situation but the number of casualties could increase.”

In comments likely to be interpreted as a veiled threat, Putin suggested that pro-Russian separatists were likely to respond by expanding their own campaign.

“The self-declared (pro-Russian) republics (in eastern Ukraine) have enough weapons, including ones captured from the other side” said Putin.

“It’s hard to imagine how the self-declared republics would respond. Perhaps they would deploy weapons to other conflict zones.”

Putin also said Russia intended to draft a resolution for consideration in the United Nations Security Council, suggesting armed U.N. peacekeepers be deployed to eastern Ukraine to help protect ceasefire monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) there.

“It would help resolve the problem in eastern Ukraine,” said Putin, saying that a slew of preconditions would need to be met before any such deployment happened.
Nearly a million minors growing up here that now have to worry about what the **** will happen to them :smh:
And it's for no other reason than to spite Obama/liberals/democrats/POC and appeal to Trump's white supremacist voter base. Disgusting.

I'm so sick of this lie they keep peddling that becoming a US citizen is as easy as copping a one-way plane ticket.
That everyone who crosses the border gets to stay and the US just turns a blind eye and hands out welfare to them. It's an egregious untruth.
If we're honest, a lot of recent republican 'success' relies solely on getting a demographic of people to buy into and believe egregious untruths.

At this point, I'm not sure what the party has to hang its hat on.
On so many levels this DACA things has me incensed.

One area I am not forgetting is all the ******* left wing protest voters (third party, no vote, Trump voters). Especially the white ones

Like what the hell do you say to a dreamer that is about to have their life destroyed. Huh what? "Bernie would have been better", "The Dem establishment", "They are both bad", "I can't bring myself to vote for her", "We need a real revolution", "Well, well, Obama deported a lot of people too", "But her emails", "Da economic anxiety", "Other liberals we're mean to me", "Riverdale Chrysler won't take my trade-in".

What nonsense are you gonna use to deflect from the fact you threw members of your coalition under the bus. Oh, maybe this will be good for Hispanics, make the others fall in line behind the "right" candidate next time.

Yeah miss me with that struggle contrarians nonsense, and **** off. As a person of color and an immigrant myself, from the bottom of my heart **** all the way off.

-Duece don't use this to troll Max either.

Y'all been keeping up with what's going on in Myanmar recently? Been on the news here a lot. Lots of violence going on and displacement due to said violence. Seems to be a large persecution of the state's Muslim ethnic minorities by radical Buddhists

The Myanmar situation is pretty terrible and is basically devolving into straight up ethnic cleansing :smh:. Aung Suh Kyi needs to return or be stripped of her Nobel peace prize. It's shameful how she's become complicit in a lot of the same kind of tyranny and political violence she fought against.
Man Trump has really bungled this DACA situation....if he really didn't want it to end, he shouldn't have sent out Jefferson Sessions.

The only small leeway I will give him is that 10 attorney generals were ready to sue the government to not enforce DACA, but other than that, Trump could have went against those AGs and be vocal of keeping DACA and press on congress to pass a measure instead of being silent on the matter, or rather sending out the bigoted AG to spread untruths of why DACA is being eliminated in 6 months.
Even as a citizen of the US, how can you trust the government after this, especially when hard working immigrants voluntarily gave up their information to the govt so that they can legally work here are now about to get ****** by a bunch of bigots....this is just wrong and sad.
Man Trump has really bungled this DACA situation....if he really didn't want it to end, he shouldn't have sent out Jefferson Sessions.

The only small leeway I will give him is that 10 attorney generals were ready to sue the government to not enforce DACA, but other than that, Trump could have went against those AGs and be vocal of keeping DACA and press on congress to pass a measure instead of being silent on the matter, or rather sending out the bigoted AG to spread untruths of why DACA is being eliminated in 6 months.
Even as a citizen of the US, how can you trust the government after this, especially when hard working immigrants voluntarily gave up their information to the govt so that they can legally work here are now about to get ****ed by a bunch of bigots....this is just wrong and sad.

Now you understand why NK and Iran did not/are not letting go of their nuclear program... :nerd:

Dealing with the American government on a long term basis is like dealing with a someone with multiple personality syndrome. The first four years they like you and want to talk to you, and the next four they can't stand you and want to bomb the crap out of you. This change of attitude is mostly driven by our internal politics, and as time goes on, I don't doubt that many more countries will be less tolerant of our approach. We don't yield our power responsibly (as in, we don't take into consideration other parties' interests) and it is costing us here and abroad.
The Myanmar situation is pretty terrible and is basically devolving into straight up ethnic cleansing :smh:. Aung Suh Kyi needs to return or be stripped of her Nobel peace prize. It's shameful how she's become complicit in a lot of the same kind of tyranny and political violence she fought against.
Yeah on this afternoon's news broadcast there was a segment about Malala Yousafzai calling out Aung San Suu Kyi, telling her the world is waiting for her to take action and condemn this violence. Suu Kyi has been getting a lot of negative press in the newspapers over here too, including calls to revoke her Nobel peace prize.
The GOP are ******* cowards. We have had the votes to pass hard laws to protect these people for the longest.

They didn't do it because their racist base would get upset, and didn't want to be seen endorsing Obama's immigration policy.

Now they have this clown that will veto anything put in front of him unless he can get a political win on anther issue.
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