***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Conservatives being more to blame doesn't subtract from the lack of accountability & hypocricy being shown by liberals and that is all i'm saying every time I reach this subject. every time someone has a valid complaint or issue with the left, all they do is Point at Trump & say at least where not that.

How much Concern do they really have about it, if they knew the consequences of the Virus & still went out to do it willingly :lol: . This isn't like Voting or marching for injustice, NONE of this **** was necessary.

We constantly hear about Conservatives ignorance & stupidity towards this Virus, so it makes sense as to why many are carrying on like this. However for those who claim to know the severity of it & still choose to partake in public celebration says a lot. A bunch of performative **** online for likes only to disregard those thought when it inconveniences them.

All i'm doing is calling out blatant hypocrisy & manipulation, if i didn't wake up & see the **** daily then maybe it wouldn't be a pattern.

This isn't trying to defend the right, as they are highlighted for their bull**** & stupidity all day everyday, it's beating a dead horse at this point. I also don't attack them because they haven't been the ones demanding about "Safety" & "protocol" every day, only to go ot & celebrate in droves during the HEIGHT of the pandemic.

Whole thread is 98% people highlighting the Right's carelessness, hypocrisy, & foolishness. That is needed but when it comes time to criticize the left suddenly the rules change.

I'm not a person who is really concerned about policing people about covid & what they do, i've been to plenty of public spaces since this has went on. Life must go on

but i'm in NYC & i was out most of that day, Yes maybe 80 percent of people had mask on, but the streets were PACKED with people in close proximity, concert like in certain areas. Outdoor restaurants everywhere filled with people drinking, eating & celebrating.

Which would be fine with me, if i didn't see a lot of this same demographic wakeup daily & scream from their lungs how careless the current admin has been handling Covid, how detrimental it is, LOOK AT THOSE RALLIES!!! etc etc

Delk rn:

My friends are real life super spreaders. They have parties every weekend in their house.

all the finance boys tooting blow together with their girls all in the crib. :lol: I’m surprised they haven’t been hit yet.

I don’t go over there now. :lol: gotta let corona chill.
Everyone should read this. It is really the core issue with American politics. Basically, the GOP is made it that they don't need popular support to gain and retain power. The Democratic Party basically has to blow them out in back to back elections to have a chance of governing. With the courts gone, they need to get extremely lucky as well. So Dems snipe at each other not because they don't have a winning strategy, but because they can't figure out how to blow out the other side consistently. This is not a democracy, this is not sustainable

Not only is this not sustainable, the amount of damage republicans have done to the federal judiciary in the last 6 years is extremely troubling. By outright refusing bipartisanship and turning the judiciary into political football, they've given lifetime appointments to folks who will undoubtedly find legal avenues and support to challenge, stifle, and outright reject progressive legislation.

Winning the white house and keeping the house are great. it would be awesome to get the senate too. but let's not be blind to the fact that even if republicans lose the senate, they will turn to the courts following every piece of legislation signed by the democrats in a blatant attempt to hold it up and prevent its execution. they'll maintain their obstructionist values in the court system because the lifetime appointed federal judges will outlast congressional terms.
If Portnoy and Barstool ain't destroyed by that time :smh:
tenor (58).gif

started thinking about it and it ain’t tucker or any of trump’s kids who could pull off this type of BS

but those 2 dudes concern me, given their audiences.. and how easy it is for Fox News and OAN to fall in line
My biggest fear is in 10 years joe rogan is going be the trump 2.0

or Dave portnoy

I’m going assume at least 1 of em is running for the GOP within the next 20 years

Joe Rogan just cares about making money and catering to low-info people with his podcast.

Dave Portnoy is Jewish, which means he will never get elected to anything above a House seat.

So we have Covid which has killed 100's of thousands, is crippling the economy & destroying people's mental health.... but it was worth furthering that risk to see Trump rejected.......... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Completely logical
Seeing as trump is the reason it’s this bad and a barrier to getting this under control, it actually is logical.
Joe Rogan just cares about making money and catering to low-info people with his podcast.

Dave Portnoy is Jewish, which means he will never get elected to anything above a House seat.

as we saw with trump, those people don’t actually care about some of the stuff they claim to care about

just gotta be white and male and without a level of shame or self awareness

any once flaw to them, will get weaponized in a heartbeat.. they’ll call dems anti Semitic and then say THAT is the real reason Bernie was robbed
Seeing as trump is the reason it’s this bad and a barrier to getting this under control, it actually is logical.

Okay lets give Trump 100% of the blame for Covid, is going outside to celebrate him leaving office worth potentially exponentially growing the number of cases at the literal height of the Virus :lol:

Is it not complete insanity to condemn people for being selfish & possibly exposing others to Covid.... only to go out & do the same in the name of "celebration".

Logic would tell you this current administration is doing a horrendous job controlling this.... maybe thousands of people gathering isn't a good idea if we really care about Covid stopping. But a lot of peoples "concerns" over the Virus are only high when there's a chance to tie it too conservatives incompetence.
Okay lets give Trump 100% of the blame for Covid, is going outside to celebrate him leaving office worth potentially exponentially growing the number of cases at the literal height of the Virus :lol:

Is it not complete insanity to condemn people for being selfish & possibly exposing others to Covid.... only to go out & do the same in the name of "celebration".

Logic would tell you this current administration is doing a horrendous job controlling this.... maybe thousands of people gathering isn't a good idea if we really care about Covid stopping. But a lot of peoples "concerns" over the Virus are only high when there's a chance to tie it too conservatives incompetence.

so what are you trying to get at exactly?

only 1 of the candidates was AND still is president

only 1 of the candidates made fun of other people for wearing masks

only 1 of the candidates has publicly disagreed and belittled your country’s top scientists

only 1 candidate has had their rallies directly linked to massive outbreaks and deaths

only 1 candidate has had multiple people in their administration and care catch the virus

only 1 candidate has had multiple family members catch the virus

only 1 candidate has caught the virus himself

only 1 candidate has suggested ingesting bleach

maybe if a certain someone wasn’t such an abomination, people wouldn’t take so much joy in his defeat AND the other guy wouldn’t have to remind people of the current state of things
Okay lets give Trump 100% of the blame for Covid, is going outside to celebrate him leaving office worth potentially exponentially growing the number of cases at the literal height of the Virus :lol:

Is it not complete insanity to condemn people for being selfish & possibly exposing others to Covid.... only to go out & do the same in the name of "celebration".

Logic would tell you this current administration is doing a horrendous job controlling this.... maybe thousands of people gathering isn't a good idea if we really care about Covid stopping. But a lot of peoples "concerns" over the Virus are only high when there's a chance to tie it too conservatives incompetence.

It looked like most people were wearing masks TBH. From the limited coverage I saw anyways. And they were outside. Masks + fresh air makes a big difference in limiting transmission from what I've heard.

Personally I wouldn't have done it because I'm OD careful, but I think being outside AND having masks does reduce the risk to some degree.

It was reckless, but nothing like the MAGA rallies where they're crowding thousands of maskless people into a closed arena and they straight up don't even believe in COVID.
so what are you trying to get at exactly?

only 1 of the candidates was AND still is president

only 1 of the candidates made fun of other people for wearing masks

only 1 of the candidates has publicly disagreed and belittled your country’s top scientists

only 1 candidate has had their rallies directly linked to massive outbreaks and deaths

only 1 candidate has had multiple people in their administration and care catch the virus

only 1 candidate has had multiple family members catch the virus

only 1 candidate has caught the virus himself

only 1 candidate has suggested ingesting bleach

maybe if a certain someone wasn’t such an abomination, people wouldn’t take so much joy in his defeat AND the other guy wouldn’t have to remind people of the current state of things

You know what this is pointless man

I have never seen such an idiotic person control the emotions of both supporters & detractors like this.
You know what this is pointless man

I have never seen such an idiotic person control the emotions of both supporters & detractors like this.

I am not America.. I do not live in the US.. and I am not currently in the US

but only 1 of the 2 candidates has even addressed the virus publicly since or people being out publicly and steps that currently can be taken (like wearing masks)

the last thing I remember trump saying on the virus is that on November 4th the media would stop talking about it

actually i lie, trump said phizer was part of the plot against him

Okay lets give Trump 100% of the blame for Covid, is going outside to celebrate him leaving office worth potentially exponentially growing the number of cases at the literal height of the Virus :lol:

Is it not complete insanity to condemn people for being selfish & possibly exposing others to Covid.... only to go out & do the same in the name of "celebration".

Logic would tell you this current administration is doing a horrendous job controlling this.... maybe thousands of people gathering isn't a good idea if we really care about Covid stopping. But a lot of peoples "concerns" over the Virus are only high when there's a chance to tie it too conservatives incompetence.

people acknowledged that, ultimately, going out and celebrating in large mobs was counterproductive to reducing spread of covid. they've also noted that, even though counterproductive to stated goals, they did maintain certain measures to limit spread during celebration i.e. being outdoors and wearing masks. what you're doing is basically what clay travis does: "lebron cares about social justice in america, but doesn't care about social justice china so he must not really care about social justice at all". you showed those liberals that you're onto them not practicing what they preach 100% of the time. that must mean they don't really care about covid right?

the reason you're getting side-eyed like this is because this isn't the first time you've clutched your pearls about "hypocrisy of the left" for seemingly no other reason than to be a contrarian. you're basically delk with more laughing emojis and worse grammar.
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