***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The path forward for the Democratic party is very simple.

1. Play to your base and enact policies that will positively impact people of color. These policies will also help the white working class.

2. The DNC needs to be run by a person like Stacey or someone that will focus on voter registration and engagement year round.

3. Micro Targeting voters of color and putting dollars in the pocket of groups doing this work. You can't roll through a barbershop two weeks before an election and think that will help. Trump to his credit was doing this work which is why he got higher support amongst people of color this time.

4. Stop wasting time courting racists. Bernie tried and it doesn't work. They love democratic policies but hate that the party is diverse.

5. Run the right candidates in the right races. A blue dog like Joe Manchin is better than a scumbag like Mitchell. We can't think a run size fits all model will work.
Congrats to dwalk31 dwalk31 for becoming da butter biscuit elect. He did it. That man sold that soul right on off for piping hot melt in your mouth butter biscuits and a tax cut he wasn’t even eligible for. This one is for you.

Stayed up way too late and I'm just now waking up..This is, legit, one of the top 3 things I've ever woken up to see..I'm so happy that most of my family is so mad that the Rapist-In-Chief isn't president no more..Can't wait til January to see Unky Joe and Momala to take over..
This has been like that South Park “Cartmanland” episode stretched out over 4 years.

Truly good people wondering how a complete POS like Trump can have it all, getting win after win and then reach the peak of the mountain. But dude couldn’t properly handle things, and ultimately ends up more miserable because he had his dream and then got it taken away

And when his orange *** won’t leave the White House:


Can’t wait!
Rusty taking so many L's this year:

-His boy Trump out
-Xbox Series X and Series S. Continue to be TRASH
-The state where he lives Nevada and the city he lives in Las Vegas voted for Joe Biden and not Trump.
- struck out on UNC 3 drop
- Tomi Lahren got cuffed by Jay Cutler

Seeing too much soft talk on CNN. Things aint going back to how they use to be and shouldn't. Too much of that reach across the aisle talk.

Trump aside, Turtle boy and the republicans are still wild uncompromising and aren't really looking to negotiate a middle ground.

Don't look back, keep moving forward.
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