***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This is gold:
“As the day wore on, the day wore on him,” the adviser said. White House and campaign staff whispered among themselves. “ ‘Wow, he’s so down. He knows he’s losing.’ ” But uncertainty crept back by dawn. When he woke, the race still not called, and his mood changed. On a phone call with the adviser, he said, “Why would I lose to Joe Biden? What’s going on?” He launched a demand — “STOP THE COUNT!” — on Twitter, but he didn’t understand that if the vote count were to stop on Wednesday morning, he’d be handing Joe Biden the presidency.

The adviser asked if he was trying to say that votes cast illegally (something that happens rarely, despite Trump’s claims) should not be counted. “He said, ‘Yeah, yeah. That’s what I mean.’ ” People knew that by “stop the count,” he didn’t mean to literally stop the count, Trump said. “No,” the adviser told him, “people think you mean stop counting. If they stopped counting, you’d lose because you’re behind.” Oh. The president asked the adviser what to say instead.
After consulting with the campaign’s lawyers, they settled on a message that claimed if the count was confined to legal votes only, he’d win, which put through the presidential tweet filter came out like this: “ANY VOTE THAT CAME IN AFTER ELECTION DAY WILL NOT BE COUNTED!” and “STOP THE FRAUD!”

I can't believe adults with families and mortgages venerated this man child. I'm worried for their kids. If you see a Trump sign on a lawn, call CPS.
Provisional ballots in PA seem to be the last legit hope Republicans have. Looks like it's a slim one.

They already said on the news most provisional ballots in Nevada are from the Las Vegas area, so that state is done.

Y’all need to break down the math for leads to go away. When someone has a large lead splitting 50/50 on incoming votes doesn’t move the chains. Trump will need a consistent 65-70% haul just to get within a tie
First Rage Against the Machine album is still amazing.

But yeah.....they probably hate Biden/Harris.
There's a tweet out there with Trump dancing with YMCA playing in the background. That is all.
This person clearly does not understand population density.

NYC has more people than most states, especially all them ****s in the middle.
Just from Boston to DC has 20% of the country’s population and controls the whole economy...All this in 5% of total land area in the USA

All the red parts of the map wouldn’t even have enough ppl to last one day fighting just this part of the country :lol:
Laura InGraham asked ' how can trump be racist if blacks and Hispanics voted for him?'

Bro.....I gotta chill watching Fox news, even for laughs. They're lunatics.
It really is just online trolls put onto screen. They know what they’re saying is illogical but it’s what sells
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