***Official Political Discussion Thread***

"Increasingly concerned"
Literally nobody with a functioning brain should expect Trump to properly concede any time soon after the result is official, if ever at all.

If that were to happen, Trump's most likely response would be to fire Wray, which he has wanted to do for well over a year but didn't due to the political consequences, and accuse Wray of conspiring in a coup against him. At this point he has little to no constraints so Wray reaffirming the integrity of the election would definitely send Trump in a furious rage.
they got a couple here in trash cities.

a bunch of kids were protesting in front of one here and I blasted my horn in support of them. Trump people assumed I was honking for them in my semi.

Then I screamed **** trump and they were big sad. :emoji_cry:
:lol: some idiots were out on the side of the road with all their trump flags and signs a few weeks ago. I honked to get there attention and they thought the same thing until they saw the middle finger out the sunroof and me yelling **** you. :lol:
Boomers at my job BIG MAD today. :lol:
BIG BIG MAD, again I work (well today was my last day) at Immigration in Oklahoma. Today is not the day to cut any of them ****** off in traffic, for their wives to be late with dinner, kids to be too rowdy, they were legit talking about buying guns and civil war and Repubs are 70% of gun owners and starting a group to go do something about it for America. Legit vein visible in their forehead, blood pressure running up, face turning purple *** mad, literally 100% of the building minus me.

lol them ****** driving down the street still with their China made *** red hats on. I need some JB/KH merch to troll with asap
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