***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Man, literally anyone else but biden could demolish trump. Like a witty 13 yr old From IS 56 would kill trump in a debate.

but joe is just to stiff, not quick enough, and filled with cliches. He calls trump a liar but doesnt really point out the lies with facts.

best and brightest i guess.

I think that’s intentional - he knows he can’t win a shouting match so is just letting Trump spout his obvious nonsense. Trying to do it with dignity.
Did Biden refuse to answer if he supported Black Lives Matter?
That wasn't what the question was, you're not slick trying to come in with a blatant lie.

Obviously I don't need to tell you what the real question actually was but his answer was along the same lines of what was asked, though perhaps not intended.
You're my guy, but I hate when you do **** like this.

Trump is calling anti-racism training anti-american and implying it is racist against white people. He is not making a salient point about how its implementation doesn't yield the deserved results of making people more tolerant

But the ****ing lead to your comment is "Trump is kinda right". Trump is kinda right is you strawman his argument to put a positive spin on it first.

You are legit becoming Black Matthew Yglesias


you are right trump hasn't actually thought about the issue and is just using it as a schtick to rile up white people.

i just wanted to point out the kernal of truth that some people might not be aware of

racial sensitivty training doesn't work. i figure it's worth pointing out for people who may not know.
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