***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Michele Bachmann: I'm advising Trump on foreign policy http://hill.cm/4FuduoM


The dumpster fire just continues to burn :lol:
One thing we can  agree on: The debates are going to be lit AF 
im not gonna agree with that.. trump is gonna get washed and i like TO see strong conflicting arguments with a lot OF SUBSTANCE.

i just imagine trump cutting hillary off and just throwing accusations at her the whole time...

thats if he shows up lmao

@ bacmann being  trumps advisor....WTF are yall doing over there?
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Common, just pick Sarah Palin next as your potential Secretary of State and the circle is fully complete.
From my understand could be wrong though:

It is not 6.5 trillion in cash, it is 6.5 trillion in transactions. Basically money is being moved around multiple times and it can't be tracked, not that 6.5 trillion was spent and no one knows where it is.

Think of it like a dollar bill at the start of the year, then at the end of the year. The bill is counts as $1 in cash. But the it could have changed hands like 25 times.

The 6.5 trillion is like counting the changing of hands, the transactions, not the physical value of the money.

Still ridiculous. But with military money, this happens. And improper payments do cost the country a lot of money.
That makes more sense than 6.5 trillion dollars in transactions. Either way, 6.5 trillion military transactions that are essentially unaccounted for would still amount to a gigantic amount of money right? I can't imagine there not being some form of embezzlement going on with all those unaccounted transactions.
From my understand could be wrong though:

It is not 6.5 trillion in cash, it is 6.5 trillion in transactions. Basically money is being moved around multiple times and it can't be tracked, not that 6.5 trillion was spent and no one knows where it is.

Think of it like a dollar bill at the start of the year, then at the end of the year. The bill is counts as $1 in cash. But the it could have changed hands like 25 times.

The 6.5 trillion is like counting the changing of hands, the transactions, not the physical value of the money.

Still ridiculous. But with military money, this happens. And improper payments do cost the country a lot of money.
That makes more sense than 6.5 trillion dollars in transactions. Either way, 6.5 trillion military transactions that are essentially unaccounted for would still amount to a gigantic amount of money right? I can't imagine there not being some form of embezzlement going on with all those unaccounted transactions.

In some defense contractors love to game the system. The bid for a contract, they get it, then they suddenly start experiencing "delays" and unforeseen complications. These things inflate the price to ridiculous ranges sometimes. The F-35 is a perfect example of this. 60 mintues even did a story on it.

Then the way we set budgets sometimes makes the problems worst. Sometimes you almost have to waste money to keep your budget the same from year to year.

And with moving large sums, it is always easy to skim off the top. We loss track on billions in Iraq, and bailout money.

If I had to guess though, billions are missing, might even be in the hundreds of billions. And when I say missing it was just spent and not enter probably so we don't know exactly where it went.

That's why I believe that anyone that claims to be fiscally conservative, fiscally responsible, or complain about wasteful spending, but doesn't want a crack down on defense spending is ******* hypocrite.
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"We only tip citizens" :smh: :lol:

If we disregard the obvious assumption that they thought she wasn't a citizen because she looked Hispanic, do they even know immigration rules when it comes to work in the US?

Low information *************.

Belgium Belgium

Wasteful spending is not confined to the US military. It's a feature of every large organization in this country, and - as Rusty said - much of it has to do with departments justifying their budget levels. So you end up in a situation where at the end of the fiscal year, new TVs, computers, office furniture are bought, not because they're needed but because it is imperative not to enter the next year with less money allocated to your projects.
Everyone talks about, "Oh, you’ve got to pivot." I don’t want to pivot. I don’t want to change. You have to be you. If you start pivoting, you’re not being honest with people. No, I am who I am.

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But HIllary is the real liar you guys!

Just wait for the debates!

And don't forget those last minute campaign ads!
I just seen Rusty's post from a few pages back about what Hillary will do.

Not for a second do I believe she will help Labor Unions. I hope she does, but I doubt she will.
^ For US news, I tend to read The Economist & BBC. I watch BBC's nightly program most nights while I'm cooking dinner or cleaning up after dinner. Reuters isn't bad also.

Last week, kellyanne conway said about trump -

I don't like when people hurl personal insults, that will never change, I'm the mother of four small children. That would be a terrible example for me to feel otherwise. He doesn't hurl personal insults...

And today... :lol:


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Da nuclear ad blitz is gonna vaporize da Clinton lead, just watch
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