***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yea, this is definitely the minority of Am Law 200 firms. And so many of them aren't really "international". Some of these firms are probably actually cash strapped and are using this money to avoid layoffs.

Agreed, every firm is laying folks off and cutting pay (associate, staff and partners) but most Am Law 200 firms didn't accept PPP loans. That's a horrible look IMO for firms that size.
While this is true I don't know every single one of the facts here, but I do know that one of the very classifications is whether or not you rely on the income for you lively hood and you have openly stated in here multiple times that you do not. That's not an assumption I have made, that's a fact that you yourself have presented. A fact that would certainly be looked at unfavorably upon audit. I've dealt with enough hobby versus business audits to know that the IRS is pretty ****ing stringent in what they determine to be a business versus a hobby, especially when people are consistently claiming losses from said business. I have had gig musicians who had their income classified as a hobby for tax purposes because they simply did not maintain adequate records or generate a steady enough profit from said gig and the did this **** full-time for income. Those people also made significantly less than you do as well.

Just because they gave you the grant/loan doesn't mean you are in the free and clear. I could claim a billion dollars worth of deductions but I would still have to support/defend the deductions upon audit. The IRS could still look at it upon audit and determine that the business is a hobby and that you erroneously claimed it as a business. It happens all the time and its frequently a trigger for audit, especially when people are claiming fairly significant losses/expenses from said business soon to be classified as a hobby. Based on what you yourself have said in here I am comfortable enough to know it would be an issue in a IRS audit if you are claiming losses or in this case, claiming a forgivable loan.

So yes, I will continue to stand by my assertion that you are a scumbag and took money from businesses/people who really needed the assistance. The program has a finite amount of money in it and when people take money who don't need it, it leaves the truly needy holding the bag at the end of the day.

Not once did you stop to ask should I do this even though I could do this and how it would affect others. Think about that for a little bit before you come back with some condescending response that will as usual find a way to skew the issue to make it seem less scummy on your part.

This is the goal shifting again.

You stated that my selling was a hobby, period. You didn't simply stop at saying it could be classified as one.

Now you are conceding that you don't know every factor as it relates to my business and it "could" create an issue. Of course it could. That is totally fair to say. But to say that you somehow just know that it is a hobby is highly offensive. And it means that you decided to make assumptions about me.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you made those assumptions based on your professional experience instead of what you thought of me based on my posts, race, etc.

We can agree to disagree on the scumbaggery, but that part is a fair assessment as well. I often think it is "wrong" to make what I make while there are people living on the streets.

But like I said earlier, the fraud implication is simply too far. It is completely fair for you to say that once you make x amount you "shouldn't" do or accept y. I can't really argue your personal ethics.
This is the goal shifting again.

You stated that my selling was a hobby, period. You didn't simply stop at saying it could be classified as one.

Now you are conceding that you don't know every factor as it relates to my business and it "could" create an issue. Of course it could. That is totally fair to say. But to say that you somehow just know that it is a hobby is highly offensive. And it means that you decided to make assumptions about me.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you made those assumptions based on your professional experience instead of what you thought of me based on my posts, race, etc.

We can agree to disagree on the scumbaggery, but that part is a fair assessment as well. I often think it is "wrong" to make what I make while there are people living on the streets.

But like I said earlier, the fraud implication is simply too far. It is completely fair for you to say that once you make x amount you "shouldn't" do or accept y. I can't really argue your personal ethics.

To be clear, I 100% think its a hobby and its completely unethical and you are a scumbag. Unless you are a part-time lawyer I doubt you would meet the hour requirements for it to be classified as a business upon audit either. Most lawyers I know work 40-60 hour weeks and simply do not have the 500+ hours to meet the hours requirement in the time an effort test.

But continue railing on welfare for those who actually need it while taking welfare while not actually needing it yourself. No hypocrisy there at all.
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To be clear, I 100% think its a hobby and its completely unethical and you are a scumbag.

And also to be clear you base the 100% hobby classification on just 1 of 9 factors, and admit you have no idea how the other 8 factors apply to my business. And concede that no one factor is decisive. Cool :lol:

I can't argue your personal ethics and scumbag assessment criteria. We can just agree to disagree on that.
And also to be clear you base the 100% hobby classification on just 1 of 9 factors, and admit you have no idea how the other 8 factors apply to my business. And concede that no one factor is decisive. Cool :lol:

I can't argue your personal ethics and scumbag assessment criteria. We can just agree to disagree on that.

That's fine, go ahead and post your website, business plan, financial records, etc and I'll shut the **** up. Until then you are scumbag taking money you don't need because you can until proven otherwise


The atom was split by a New Zealander, Alexander Graham Bell was Scottish, Tim Berners-Lee was English, both WWs were huge multinational efforts.

I’m not sure I’d be bragging about genocide but the moon thing was impressive (unless you worry about the use of Nazi technology?)
Unless you are a part-time lawyer I doubt you would meet the hour requirements for it to be classified as a business upon audit either. Most lawyers I know work 40-60 hour weeks and simply do not have the 500+ hours to meet the hours requirement in the time an effort test.

But continue railing on welfare for those who actually need it while taking welfare while not actually needing it yourself. No hypocrisy there at all.

I want to respond to your edits since you made them after my initial response. I don't want you, or anyone, to think I intentionally didn't respond.

You are basically backtracking and illustrating all of the assumptions that you had to make to get to your initial determination. But even that doesn't make much sense as I probably spend more than 500 hours just on Niketalk.

I don't rail on people that receive welfare. I have advanced welfare reform, from Congress. I think there are reasonable critiques of this sba program and how it has been administered. But that shouldn't be aimed at the recipients, it should be aimed at Congress and the sba.
It isn't just a hobby because you say so. And I did not brag about it.
No, it isn't a hobby just because I say so. And I did not say so.

If you are operating a resale business at a scale distinct from that of the average Stock X user, your loan could be considered technically appropriate, if unnecessary. I imagine that a simple link to your seller account would relieve any doubt, but that's obviously your choice. For now, the significance of your business is unknown, but the necessity of the loan is not. That, to me, is the greater issue. The rest is between you and the SBA.

For reference, I considered it improper for NikeTalk to request any government aid, even though it does meet the necessary criteria and actually has suffered a substantial reduction in both ad revenue and traffic as a result of the pandemic. We do not require them, so we did not request them.

That type of rhetoric is troubling and I am interested to know what makes you think it applies it me. If someone else made the same type of charged comments about other government programs it would undoubtedly, rightly, be deleted because it traffics in some horrible (often racist) assumptions.
Funny, I thought something could only be racist if it was videotaped using a racial slur.

You'll note that my post was made in response to your spurious comparison of the EIDL program to comparatively frivolous promotional offers by private corporations.
My comments served to underscore the gravity of the program.

Verizon rewards are for individuals. PPP and EIDL loans are for business use only. (And not ALL businesses qualify. Hobby businesses do not.)
Thus, it's not a good comparison.

Taking advantage of a company's rewards program is using that program as intended. If Apple Music subscriptions or $250 account credits are only available while supplies last, claiming these benefits will not lead to anyone's eviction or bankruptcy.

The same cannot be said for unnecessary use of emergency government assistance programs. That is the basis for my comments.

But I won't have a pissing contest on who donates the most, gives the most back, etc.
I can understand why.

Enjoy your new business loan advance.
I couldn't.

The data collection problem
The latest government data available don’t account for many workers who are still on the job but are expected to be let go. For example, Boeing announced plans to cut 16,000 workers, with 12,300 of those job cuts already being identified through buyouts or involuntary permanent layoffs. But virtually all of those affected workers are still on the job as of today.

Similarly, thousands of stores are closing permanently but still have workers in place as retailers hold closing sales.

And deep financial problems at state and local governments, most of which began a new fiscal year last week, are expected to lead to millions of additional permanent job cuts in the coming weeks and months unless Congress agrees to new round of financial assistance.

But Zandi said he’s concerned that the good headline number in last week’s jobs report might make it tougher to get the needed help passed through Congress.

“People might look at the better than anticipated jobs numbers, they say ‘The coast is clear economically,'” he said. “That’s the exact wrong message.”

Everyone should read this story, it’s short and yet the content of the story is even more dreadful than the headline.

We need to abandon the notion that your quality of life be attached to employment then leave the quality and availability to private sector actors who have every incentive to make work that’s not only low paid and lacking in benefits but is also very precarious.

Also because States and cities cannot print money, if the federal government fails to inject those States and cities with cash during emergencies and/or economic downturns, States and cities have to make substantial cuts as the need for State government services is increasing and as unemployment is increasing. This is not a bug but rather a feature from the standpoint of capital.

At this point, I don’t know how a person could not be at least ok with the idea of revolution. The vast majority are being slowly strangled and with each downturn or disaster, the strangulation gets stronger.
I bring this up not because I give a **** about ****er carlson but because it gives us an opportunity to highlight Tammy Duckworth.

Her father, a veteran of WWII and the Vietnam War, is a descendant of other Americans who have fought in every major US war (all the way back to the Revolutionary War). She was working on her PhD when she was deployed to Iraq as a a helicopter pilot in the Army. She was shot down by Iraqis, however, and lost both her legs in 2004. She is now a Senator from Illinois and in consideration to be Biden's VP.

Fast forward to this week, when ****er carlson questions her patriotism and says people like her "actually hate America."

******* awful. But I guess par for the course from the party that is ok with Russia putting bounties on American soldiers. But our troops. **** you.
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