***Official Political Discussion Thread***

In 08 Obama told us exactly what he thought of Hillary as far as a presidential candidate. Now he's playing politics with the country by supporting her. Trump was simply putting himself in the best position to conduct his business. That's why he donated to BOTH sides. Big difference.
so Trump will do (donate to campaigns) and say anything ("Hill would make a good POTUS/VPOTUS") for personal gain? 

wait.... isn't that what you're criticizing Obama for

wait.... but you just said that's what Trump did

wait.... I confused.
I didn't pick and choose anything.....  all I did was point out that IN THE SAME ARTICLE you used to show how Obama said Hillary is full of **** also mentions the fact that Trump said "she'd make a great president" 

LOL... listen to yourself fam..... you criticizing and supporting hypocrisy at the same damn time 

never change NT 

In 08 Obama told us exactly what he thought of Hillary as far as a presidential candidate. Now he's playing politics with the country by supporting her. Trump was simply putting himself in the best position to conduct his business. That's why he donated to BOTH sides. Big difference.

So then Rubio's endorsement of Trump means nothing, right?

Since he shaded him before.
so Trump will do (donate to campaigns) and say anything ("Hill would make a good POTUS/VPOTUS") for personal gain? 

wait.... isn't that what you're criticizing Obama for

wait.... but you just said that's what Trump did

wait.... I confused.

Business vs politics. Big difference.

So then Rubio's endorsement of Trump means nothing, right?

Since he shaded him before.

I don't agree with that endorsement at all. But at least he didn't pull a Ted Cruz.
Anyone read the NYT piece on Trump's campaign chief? Dude has even more questionable ties to Russia :rofl:

There's been some damning evidence uncovered that alleges that he used to work with Putins former puppet Yanukovic before he got deposed from power in Ukraine and he's also worked in the past for Filipino dictator Ferdinand Marcos before he also got ousted by popular uprising... :lol:

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Business vs politics. Big difference.
never mind the fact that this is more of your gymnastics to defend a bogus point... but isn't Trump's rep as a business man what's giving him clout as a politician? 

isn't his "success and sacrifice" as a business man what's going to make 'Murica great again?

if we separate the two.... what are we left with from Trump?

Trump ties the two together any chance he gets, it's all he's got..... but here you are trying to distance the two and STILL keep your man's resume in tact 

never change Rico  
What someone does for the betterment of their business is different then what a pol should do for the betterment of there own brand. Obama's now endorsement of Hillary is a detriment to the success of our country. That's all I'm saying, plain and simple. It's based purely on ideology and political expediency. One would think Mr. Transparency or Mr. Above the Gray wouldn't wade into such murky water. And the fact that you all can't see the blatant hypocrisy shows you guys purposeful lack of objectivity.
To the ricky guy from the other thread, I was on my iphone and it was auto correcting some words...you tried though really clever
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The last person that should be calling anyone a hypocrite is you Reaching Rico. That's you've done the last week.
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To the ricky guy from the other thread, I was on my iphone and it was auto correcting some words...you tried though really clever
So your iPhone corrected "cognitively" (a real word) to "cognitally" (not a real word) somehow?

Ugh, I hate when my smartphone autocorrects actual words with non-existent words on its own, too. 

Where dey do dat at

(I didn't try, I succeeded)

Remember that thread you reported where I exposed your hypocrisy about using poll numbers. Well others remember too.

Sit your hypocritical tale down.

You only like polls when they are in your favor

like i said, are we talking polls seriously or not yet? :nerd:
To the ricky guy from the other thread, I was on my iphone and it was auto correcting some words...you tried though really clever
So your iPhone corrected "cognitively" (a real word) to "cognitally" (not a real word) somehow?

Ugh, I hate when my smartphone autocorrects actual words with non-existent words on its own, too. 

Where dey do dat at

(I didn't try, I succeeded)
auto correct is absolutely capable of choosing a word over another happens often to many users

in any case harassing me over a typo is not a measurement of my intelligence I have degrees on my wall for that 
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Remember that thread you reported where I exposed your hypocrisy about using poll numbers. Well others remember too.

Sit your hypocritical tale down.

You only like polls when they are in your favor

like i said, are we talking polls seriously or not yet? :nerd:
Is this sarcasm?
if anyone is interested in a full hour of intellectual dishonesty, here is Drumpf's speech:

trump saying he will shut down the intended. bye bye net neutrality.

Why is there 40 minutes of nothing at the start :lol:

By the way, your guys' boy, Rudy, while at that speech starting praising everybody in the audience about how they knew Pence well because he was from their state of Indiana.... Little did Rudy know, was that he was talking in the state of Ohio :lol: It picks up right after his no terrorism in the Bush presidency statement:

auto correct is absolutely capable of choosing a word over another happens often to many users
No, no. You didn't understand what I wrote.

I (sarcastically) said,
Ugh, I hate when my smartphone autocorrects actual words with non-existent words on its own, too. 

See, I'm not saying that smartphones don't autocorrect words sometimes (e.g. typos). I was mocking you because smartphones don't autocorrect to made-up words like the one you used ("cognitally").

Class dismissed.
thanks for the lesson professor spell check...when you have something of substance to teach me instead of correcting typos let me know 
@ricky robot ninjahood ninjahood rico x hood rico x hood


(Link above is directed at RR, who wanted an example of Trump's questionable behavior toward minorities. It's not just talk. Let's not forget that he also led the birther movement)


Donald Trump declined invitations to speak to high-profile black organizations, according to a New York Times report. Trump has mostly stuck with his strategy of speaking to crowds at various locations around the country, largely dismissing any black outreach efforts—despite blaming Democrats for economic issues in the black community. When he is invited to speak in front of various black groups, his campaign either does not respond or waits “until shortly before the events to say he would not be attending.” The organizations that have asked him to speak include the NAACP, National Urban League, and the National Association of Black Journalists. In some cases, the campaign waited until either the day before or a few days before the planned speaking engagements before declining the offers.


In this article, it's been mentioned that Trump generally doesn't stop in local businesses or places of worship in the cities on his campaign trail. Fair enough, given that his campaign is rather unconventional. Here's what I want NH and RH to address:

But the 70-year-old white self-described billionaire has not just walled himself off from African-American voters where they live. He has also turned down repeated invitations to address gatherings of black leaders, ignored African-American conservatives in states he needs to win and made numerous inflammatory comments about minorities.

Mr. Trump’s mix of provocation and neglect has infuriated black Republicans, who fear that the party’s already dismal standing with African-Americans may sink so low that it barely registers in swing states.

How do you feel about a candidate who feel that he doesn't need the input of a section of his constituency? RH, you keep complaining about the "Democrat plantation," but would you vote for someone who doesn't want to discuss your perspective on the state of the country?
trump's foreign policy speech was an absolute joke as with everything he does. Lost of rhetoric & nothing of substance. It was literally a slew of slogans banded together.

Retired Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling said that trump's "extreme vetting" reminded him of Japanese internment camps during WWII. He was quoted as saying, "That kind of talk just scares me."

His talk about Hilary's stamina & such was really bizarre. He made it sound like fighting isis was a strong man competition & that he was stronger. :lol:

What's even funnier is that some of the broader terms he laid out was stuff that Obama was already doing (cyber warfare against isis, working with nato, partnering with Jordan & Egypt).

When it comes to specifics, all of trump's ideas are so half baked.

I can understand someone not wanting to vote for Hilary for any of the number of reasons, but you can't claim to have any semblance of intelligence &say trump is a viable candidate for president.
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My uncle in law loved Trump's foreign policy speech. What's sad is my uncle in law is Indian. To a lot of Trumpists he's going to look Muslim :lol:
My uncle in law loved Trump's foreign policy speech. What's sad is my uncle in law is Indian. To a lot of Trumpists he's going to look Muslim :lol:

Him, da ninja, and Rico should attend a trump rally together. See who gets called a slur and or forcibly removed first.
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