***Official Political Discussion Thread***

You were saying that Biden couldn't win before. We're not really banking on your analysis right now. Trump had also floated that he wouldn't debate this election cycle, citing "unfairness". Desperation may change that, though.

he is for sure going to change his tone on that when he is trailing double digits a couple months before elections. Honestly if that happens Biden should just tell him to **** off and hold his own town halls and rallies

Right now let trump beat trump. He is showing his *** right now proving he doesn’t know **** about science or economics
The Republican Party is the most powerful political Party in the World. They pull off electoral wins all the time, when they don’t win they hamstring the winners of the election, they have disciplined strategy which includes using political capital to change the rules and secure more political capital. That’s the only reason I don’t consider this election as good as over.

That said, COVID is making a wipe out for Trump and other Republicans look inevitable. Trump really could have spun this to his advantage. He could have sent out large and recurring stimulus checks. Paid for PPE and testing, told his followers to wear a mask. He could then make himself into a wartime president the way Bush did. Trump could have been the sort of right populist that we all worry about, an unbeatable combination of harrenvolk socialist and culture warrior.

For Trump and other aspiring right populist, they are so constrained by capital they cannot do that strategy. Moreover, those who divide up the world in worthy and unworthy, along racial or national or gender lines, have trouble not seeing the poor and working class as undeserving of material assistance no matter how great the current crisis may be.

So Trump will keep muddling along with austerity for the masses and he’s going to bank on culture war issues and if that doesn’t work, he’ll declare any loss in any swing state to be fraudulent and hope enough governors and Federal Judges back him up.
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dwalk31 dwalk31 doesnt have the best hot takes. I want to hear ninjahood ninjahood take on this year's election. He dunked on you libs last time around and I want to know who's winning so we can continue this great tradition of dunking on liberal conjecture and innuendo by way of SMASH MOUTH POLITICS. #4MoreTerms! #4MoreTermsUntilWeAllHaveDaHemi

ninjahood ninjahood where you at? :nerd: ninjahood ninjahood ?
Tell us that Daddy Donald will dunk on Joeseph Budden.
he is for sure going to change his tone on that when he is trailing double digits a couple months before elections. Honestly if that happens Biden should just tell him to **** off and hold his own town halls and rallies

Right now let trump beat trump. He is showing his *** right now proving he doesn’t know **** about science or economics

The debates don’t matter. Clinton won all three and it didn’t help her.

Trump is the ultimate bad faith debater and the moderators will only constrain him so much because they fear being seen as bias. Biden would have some omissions and exaggerations which the moderators will ruthlessly attack. So the marginally engaged person will think that Biden was more dishonest compared to Trump.

Biden just needs to ride COVID and Trump’s failed response to a victory. I’ve been seeing some positive ads from the Biden campaign, which is smart. The people who will be mobilized against Trump will self mobilize and positive ads can expand Biden’s coalition.
The Republican Party is the most powerful political Party in the World. They pull off electoral wins all the time, when they don’t win they hamstring the winners of the election, they have disciplined strategy which includes using political capital to change the rules and secure more political capital. That’s the only reason I don’t consider this election as good as over.

That said, COVID is making a wipe out for Trump and other Republicans look inevitable. Trump really could have spun this to his advantage. He could have sent out large and recurring stimulus checks. Paid for PPE and testing, told his followers to wear a mask. He could then make himself into a wartime president the way Bush did. Trump could have been the sort of right populist that we all worry about, an unbeatable combination of harrenvolk socialist and culture warrior.

For Trump and other aspiring right populist, they are so constrained by capital they cannot do that strategy. Moreover, those who divide up the world in worthy and unworthy, along racial or national or gender lines, have trouble not seeing the poor and working class as undeserving of material assistance no matter how great the current crisis may be.

So Trump will muddkexaling with austerity fir the masses and he’s going to bank on culture war issues and if that doesn’t work, he’ll declare any loss in any swing state to be fraudulent and hope enough governors and Federal Judges back him up.

I agree with most of this, but I don't think that this 'covid' advantage is constrained by capital. Perhaps that is the story for Bolsanaro in Brazil, but I think 45 was never interested in ruling as a "wartime president." And I think his authoritarian tendencies extend no further (albeit in a very dangerous directions) than trying to plunder the treasury and protect his gang of thieves from prosecution.

Basically, I think your suggestion that capital explains why Trump and the GOP did not pursue the 'covid' advantage doesn't hold.
I agree with most of this, but I don't think that this 'covid' advantage is constrained by capital. Perhaps that is the story for Bolsanaro in Brazil, but I think 45 was never interested in ruling as a "wartime president." And I think his authoritarian tendencies extend no further (albeit in a very dangerous directions) than trying to plunder the treasury and protect his gang of thieves from prosecution.

Basically, I think your suggestion that capital explains why Trump and the GOP did not pursue the 'covid' advantage doesn't hold.

If he would have tried the wartime president approach, complete with major social spending, capital would have rebuffed him. But you’re probably right that he had no intention of trying that approach in the first place.

Between his desire to just get as much private gain as quickly as possible and the fact that his identity is invested in being the DOW president, he had to just barely acknowledge COVID declare it solved by June and hope that the corporate welfare and forced march back to work will restore the DOW to a level that he feels sufficient for his political goals and self perception.
The Republican Party is the most powerful political Party in the World. They pull off electoral wins all the time, when they don’t win they hamstring the winners of the election, they have disciplined strategy which includes using political capital to change the rules and secure more political capital. That’s the only reason I don’t consider this election as good as over.

That said, COVID is making a wipe out for Trump and other Republicans look inevitable. Trump really could have spun this to his advantage. He could have sent out large and recurring stimulus checks. Paid for PPE and testing, told his followers to wear a mask. He could then make himself into a wartime president the way Bush did. Trump could have been the sort of right populist that we all worry about, an unbeatable combination of harrenvolk socialist and culture warrior.

For Trump and other aspiring right populist, they are so constrained by capital they cannot do that strategy. Moreover, those who divide up the world in worthy and unworthy, along racial or national or gender lines, have trouble not seeing the poor and working class as undeserving of material assistance no matter how great the current crisis may be.

So Trump will keep muddling along with austerity for the masses and he’s going to bank on culture war issues and if that doesn’t work, he’ll declare any loss in any swing state to be fraudulent and hope enough governors and Federal Judges back him up.
It's actually crazy how COVID should have pretty much guaranteed Trump another four years and he managed to **** everything up.

If he would have tried the wartime president approach, complete with major social spending, capital would have rebuffed him. But you’re probably right that he had no intention of trying that approach in the first place.

Between his desire to just get as much private gain as quickly as possible and the fact that his identity is invested in being the DOW president, he had to just barely acknowledge COVID declare it solved by June and hope that the corporate welfare and forced march back to work will restore the DOW to a level that he feels sufficient for his political goals and self perception.

Trump and the GOP not passing an infrastructure program was one of their biggest mistakes.* I was convinced that they'd pursue a deficit-spending slush fund for white workers only to revamp the nation's infrastructure. Basically, take a page out of FDR, wrap it in right wing nationalism, all while delivering most of the spoils to real estate companies, cement and steel providers, and stockholders in manufacturing companies. Arguably it is that mistake which possibly portends a progressive left victory.

Their decision to pursue graft instead of actually materially expanding the 'wages of whiteness' convinced me that political rule for these people is mostly defensive. They need to be in power and to install their lackeys to ensure their literal survival.
The momentum will shift if he does not pick a black running mate.

And if there are any actual debates.
There's a term in tennis for what Trump has been doing over the last 6 months: unforced errors.
From neglecting the coronavirus to giving lip service to the Confederacy to his bunker incident and attempt at justification, all Joe has to do is stay quiet.
White people don't have cookouts, they have potlucks.

She and her insipid casserole are not welcomed at that potluck.

This has been a theme of the Trump era. Whites families fighting and fighting beyond an argument at thanksgiving. White family members have been cancelling and best of all endorsing against their MAGA relatives of those relatives run for office.
Another Bernie Bro speaks from place of upper crust, white male privilege. He defied the CBC PAC which endorsed the blackest man in Congress Elliot Engel.

Seriously though, one thing is very clear. The Professional-Managerial class does not consider educators o be among their ranks. If Bowman has worked on Wall Street it worked for a white shoe law firm, he’d be more palatable to the Democratic establishment. But the man is known as a school principal, a middle school principal, a principal of a public school. Those sort of people are not supposed to be allowed to run for office.
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that's it?

after all the trouble Don has gone through, he's still going to fall 1.8 million short of his goal?

what more do you want from him? he told you to go back to your normal lives, he told you to take a drug that would also kill you, he told you to drink bleach, he told you to stop wearing masks.... what more can we ask of him? he can't make the virus mutate into something more deadly and he can't go around coughing on 300 million people. he's not god, damn it.
that's it?

after all the trouble Don has gone through, he's still going to fall 1.8 million short of his goal?

what more do you want from him? he told you to go back to your normal lives, he told you to take a drug that would also kill you, he told you to drink bleach, he told you to stop wearing masks.... what more can we ask of him? he can't make the virus mutate into something more deadly and he can't go around coughing on 300 million people. he's not god, damn it.

Another lying politician. This is just like when Duterte promised 100,000 extra judicial killings of drug addicts in his first year and he only did like 10,000. This is why so many people are checked out from politics.
It seems as if we are all living in the beginning stages of the movie Idiocracy. Everyone keeps getting dumber and dumber since the idiots can out breed the smart ppl which will eventually leave humanity full of morons lol...
It seems as if we are all living in the beginning stages of the movie Idiocracy. Everyone keeps getting dumber and dumber since the idiots can out breed the smart ppl which will eventually leave humanity full of morons lol...

I totally get where you're coming from, king. We have a president who literally is a reality TV show host who enjoys disregarding expertise, particularly when it is most needed. However, Idiocracy is based on an ideology of neoliberalism as well as general misanthropy and eugenics.

Who is smart? In Idiocracy and in much of our society, smart people are those who enjoy formal academic achievement and who make lots of money. Both are mostly functions of social power. Parental resources divided by number of siblings. If getting good grades and having money is the a barometer of who is smart then Donald Trump is smart.

The degree to which we deviated from a real and imagined mid 20th century defined by dignity and democracy for the average person and descended into dehumanization, crassness and oligarchy is a function of material changes in our society and not a failure of the bourgeoisie to breed and an excess of breeding among the working class.

If we want to avoid a further slide into a world defined by inhumanity and unchecked and arrogant leadership, embrace the inherent worth in your fellow man. Believe that everyone, no matter their profession, station in life or degree of eloquence is just as worthy as the next man. From that belief, develop a praxis that turns those beliefs into public policy. In time, the blessings of plenty and leisure will fall on everyone and we will both reject sophomoric tyrants and we will also see even the humblest and meanest of man enjoy what we now consider to be high culture.

If we decide that some people are good and worthy and some are bad and unworthy, we will live in a world of Idiocracy with the key difference being that we will not last, as a species, for 500 more years. If we divide ourselves up, we will be lucky to make it five more decades.
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